The Holy One calls to me this morning. It's been a while since our early morning conference has been expressible in words for the blog. A new year is unfolding and has involved visions, dreams and words not really clear on the surface of things.
The time to go deep stretches out and the words to express the lessons being taught come slowly, haltingly. Clearly the world is in utter chaos and I find the words of Malachi to be so applicable to those of us watching and waiting for the return of our King.
The Lord minces no words when He is driving a point home with me. "Pruning is painful but necessary"
Malachi 3:13, "You have said harsh things against me says the Lord, yet you ask. "What have we said against You?" You have said it is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out His requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly evil does prosper and even those who challenge God escape."
The Holy One cuts through the chaff to the heart of a matter and exposes the hidden secrets we hold but refuse to share. He knows all things, so, reluctantly, I confess, "yes, I do wonder. Yes, I do think about those who seem to prosper in sin, while the faithful seem to languish and wait in what seems to be futile faith."
It is a blessing to be able to be transparent with my Lord, even through it comes hard and unnatural to my flesh. The voice of Holiness cradles my mind, "Does it ever occur to you that the delays have a purpose and it is not to frustrate you? How do you handle postponed gratification?"
Penetrating questioning by the voice of Holiness is always gentle but demands answers. Conviction comes, repentance follows.
My Counselor leads me to His Word and the life of one who buckled in the "wait". King Saul, called by God, anointed by Samuel, lived on the edge of great power and authority. God was good to him and brought many victories. But with the delays in life and any slow answer from the Lord, King Saul's heart of rebellion began to surface.
King Saul forgot his place, exalted himself, sought his own answers, and did his own "thing" rather than wait for God or His spokesman, Samuel. Depravity inched it's way into his soul and he slid deeper and deeper into the forbidden until he ended up at the door of the "witch of Endor".
I Sam 28
While it should be shocking to us what Saul did in his frantic quest for answers, I am aware of how quick I am to prioritize relief rather than repentance. Repentance brings relief but the walk is not always a fast pass to resolution.
The question Holiness poses to me is, "Are you so focused on the resolution that you will accept compromise of Holiness to gain it? Is relief so desired that you will accept it from the enemy's hand?" The sin of Saul is the sin of all.
Mal 3:16, "Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His Presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored His Name. They will be Mine, says the Lord Almighty, in the day when I make up My treasured possession, I will spare them just as in compassion a man spares the son who serves him..."
And then, here it is....the promise for those who wait....."And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not."
The purpose of Holiness stands, even in the waiting. I can rejoice in the Lord my God, knowing and trusting the day of the distinction is coming, and as I trust, God's purpose in the wait is being fulfilled.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
The time to go deep stretches out and the words to express the lessons being taught come slowly, haltingly. Clearly the world is in utter chaos and I find the words of Malachi to be so applicable to those of us watching and waiting for the return of our King.
The Lord minces no words when He is driving a point home with me. "Pruning is painful but necessary"
Malachi 3:13, "You have said harsh things against me says the Lord, yet you ask. "What have we said against You?" You have said it is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out His requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly evil does prosper and even those who challenge God escape."
The Holy One cuts through the chaff to the heart of a matter and exposes the hidden secrets we hold but refuse to share. He knows all things, so, reluctantly, I confess, "yes, I do wonder. Yes, I do think about those who seem to prosper in sin, while the faithful seem to languish and wait in what seems to be futile faith."
It is a blessing to be able to be transparent with my Lord, even through it comes hard and unnatural to my flesh. The voice of Holiness cradles my mind, "Does it ever occur to you that the delays have a purpose and it is not to frustrate you? How do you handle postponed gratification?"
Penetrating questioning by the voice of Holiness is always gentle but demands answers. Conviction comes, repentance follows.
My Counselor leads me to His Word and the life of one who buckled in the "wait". King Saul, called by God, anointed by Samuel, lived on the edge of great power and authority. God was good to him and brought many victories. But with the delays in life and any slow answer from the Lord, King Saul's heart of rebellion began to surface.
King Saul forgot his place, exalted himself, sought his own answers, and did his own "thing" rather than wait for God or His spokesman, Samuel. Depravity inched it's way into his soul and he slid deeper and deeper into the forbidden until he ended up at the door of the "witch of Endor".
I Sam 28
While it should be shocking to us what Saul did in his frantic quest for answers, I am aware of how quick I am to prioritize relief rather than repentance. Repentance brings relief but the walk is not always a fast pass to resolution.
The question Holiness poses to me is, "Are you so focused on the resolution that you will accept compromise of Holiness to gain it? Is relief so desired that you will accept it from the enemy's hand?" The sin of Saul is the sin of all.
Mal 3:16, "Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His Presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored His Name. They will be Mine, says the Lord Almighty, in the day when I make up My treasured possession, I will spare them just as in compassion a man spares the son who serves him..."
And then, here it is....the promise for those who wait....."And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not."
The purpose of Holiness stands, even in the waiting. I can rejoice in the Lord my God, knowing and trusting the day of the distinction is coming, and as I trust, God's purpose in the wait is being fulfilled.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?