Thursday, June 23, 2022

Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to push the boundaries of His delegated dominion given us, and take up authority over the influence of the evil fallen ones (human or creatures of another kind) who corrupt our world and the people we love. 

Going back to study the Garden of our origins, I find interesting things about the fall.  Along with Genesis, I'm re-reading an older book in my library called "King & Country", the story that changes everything, by Brendan Beale.

In his discussion of "the origins of evil", he writes:

"There's something else important to see here in the story of humanity's downfall.  By the time Satan shows up in the garden he's obviously already twisted and evil.  This means sin has already sprung into existence before Adam and Eve fell. And yet even as rebellion has apparently wracked Heaven, the harmony of the universe remains unbroken, reality untroubled by the demon's disobedience.  But the moment Eve's mouth touches the fruit, everything breaks.  The collateral damage of Adam and Eve's sin was nothing less than the ruin of the entire unverse.  Angellic disobdience broke nothing, human disobedience broke everything.  This shows us something profound:  the fate of the cosmos hung not on angellic authority, but rather on human authority.  Thus we see the crucial role of human dominion---far superior to the angels---in the fabric of the universe."

We are alive on this fallen earth at a time when Yahweh has redeemed His humanity through His Son Yeshua, and we see that the earth is groaning and the animal kingdom is rebelling awaiting for the day when all creation will be completely restored back to it's original form and function.  Until that day, we who have come to trust Yahweh and His plan, have an ordained dominion to exercise WITH Yahweh, not by our own power or indiviual authority.

The key to this co-laboring mandate given and still required of us humans, is to come into a love relationship with our Creator that He has invited us to through the life, death and resurrection of the ONLY One He sent to save us: Jesus/ Yeshua, whose Name means "Salvation".  Believing this and trusting His love, we have been restored with a "type" and limited dominion and extension of His power here on earth.

For me, understanding the events of the fall from His grace back in the day, acknowledging that we have adversaries both flesh and supernatural, and with great thanksgiving that we can now call Yaweh, Our Father in Heaven, gives me joy and energy to subdue the earth and go forth in confidence of our shared authority over the evil I see.  I can and purpose to share this understanding with others so they can also, with Yahweh, subdue the "world"  that touches their lives.  

This is not "Dominion" theology where people think we, humans,  can correct the fall and somehow make this a perfect earth without Yahweh.  All depends on our sacred personal relationship with our Creator and we must do all we can to restore His ruling authority in our lives, through our submission to obey and follow His instructions and commands. We look forward and with anticipation to His return and beyond that to the redemption of all He created that is languishing after the fall of His regents, who were and in the future are to rule over all He created by and in His Holy Name.  

With this understanding, I am gaining the energy to tackle each new day with the internal strength and courage of a victor, until He calls us out to meet Him in the air. These are vital lessons as we are in training for reigning, and in preparation for all that awaits us as His regents in the New Heaven and New Earth that we have been promised. 

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him? 




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Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...