The Holy One calls to me this morning, Aches and pains remind me that I am still here in the physical realm with the consequences of the fall so very long ago.
One day all of us will fall aseep in one realm and wake up in another. We are unable to control the timing of that event, but life teaches us about death here and our faith teaches us about life hereafter.
In the meantime we choose how we will live the life we have been given. The sounds of the early morning forest symphony flow through my open window. I hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit urging me to get out of bed and join in the chorus of Heaven. He reminds me of the part of my being that I can control:
"You were created to worship. Choose wisely the object of your worship".
"Created to worship", defines a stand-alone purpose we don't often recognize in struggling to accomplish other aspects of our being and God-ordained purpose.
The thought of that sinks deep.
The journey with Jesus takes us through some rough and rocky terrain. Weariness can set in if we don't stop along the way to refresh and remind ourselves of the relationship we have with the One we follow.
Worship provides such a resting place; a time when we can lay down the cares of the world we inevitably pick up and carry along the way.
The exhortation to choose wisely indicates that other things and people may vie for our worship. Worship is our act of devotion and the honoring of what we value. Any object of our worship will call for our time and forms of obedience to "rituals" that designate honor.
The bigger picture of creation exposes us to other "beings" in another realm, whose great fall began with pride and a desire to have and be worshipped. We read about such celestial beings, not only in the garden of our origins but also challenging a man's worship of Yahweh in the account of Job.
Satan (an adversary) brought horrific trials to Job's life in an effort to destroy Job's understanding of God's (Yahweh's) goodness and try to cause Job to curse and not worship His Creator. Job's worship was in the form of prayers and burnt offerings given to Adonai Elohim (God Most High): Yahweh.
Discouraging our worship of the One True God, our Creator, is the first step in shifting our worship to a myraid of lesser (little "g") gods, including ourselves who want worship that belongs to Yahweh alone.
All creation is created to worship our Creator, however, mankind, (the only ones created in His image) along with the other immortal celestial beings, we call angels, are the ones who have a free will to choose the object of our worship.
Over the course of history of man's days upon the earth, we can read that worship is mankind's response to the mighty acts that Yahweh executes to protect and defend, and provide for His Creation, His people:
The Song of Moses, The Song Of Miriam, The Song of Deborah and in John's report of his Heavenly vision in Rev 15, upon the defeat of the "Beast", it is wrtten that they (the victors) in the great battle of end times, will besinging the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb.
We were created to worship and today I want to take my place, thus fulfilling my purpose by joining in the symphony of the forest and singing songs of worship to the One who is worthy of all praise and adoration--Yahweh is His Name.
I pray to start each day in celebratory worship of the One who is Creator of all.
The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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