The Holy One calls to me this morning. Sleep gives way to the sound of His voice and quick assessment of my whereabouts. At some point in the night, a warning of a pending fierce thunderstorm came across my phone.
Looking out my window, I see the brilliant moon in a cloudless sky before the sun rises to signal the morning of a new day. Weather has been fierce and unpredictable lately: earthquakes in rapid succession, tornadoes, volcanic erruptions and just plain ol strong winds rolling across our forestland, uprooting trees we assume are stongly rooted.
The Holy One speaks into the darkness of my room signaling His Presence. "What divine purposes lie in today? Do you know?" I confess, I have no idea- but then the question was not for me to answer but rather to inquire of the One who does.
The point I get: Holy Spirit is reminding me that Yahweh HAS a plan and purpose for me (all of us) in each new day. If I can start my day with that in mind and in His Presence, life can have wonderful meaning and I can have direction.
In the mystery of His question and as I ponder what lies in this day, an important perspective is spoken: "Whatever you do, you must do is as if for an audience of One. Therein you will find your joy".
In all the activities we can undertake in our journey with Jesus, it's easy to press to do things for the greatest impact and that have the most influence in and over our world. If we look for the accolades of people, or what will bring the greatest "reward" and acknowlegement among our peers or brethren, we might miss the greater purpose and better reward our Lord has that comes from serving Him, His way.
Holy Spirit nudges me in the direction of Eccesiastes for what He wants me to thoughtfully consider before I begin to meet the "demands" of my day. Weather warnings tend to underscore the message.
Wading through all of King Solomon's "vanity" observations, I come to Ecclesiates 11: 4-7:
"He who keeps watching the wind will never sow;
He who keeps looking at the clouds will never reap.
Just as you don't know the way of the wind or how bones grow in a pregnant woman's womb, so you dont know the work of Yahweh, the maker of everything.
In the morning sow your seed, and don't slack off until evening for you don't know which sowing will succeed, this or that or if both will do well".........
But Yahweh does. And He is the One we serve in our sowing and reaping. We will do well and joyfully so, if we execute each "mission" and perform our delegated "assignments" using gifts, strengths and talents He has provided for His glory and exclusively for the pleasure of our Audience of One. When others are impacted, by His anointing on our "works", we can rejoice but not in what we have done rather that Yahweh is glorified.
Looking for His glorious purpose for me in this day, irrespective of the winds of adversity, I am drawn to a worship song I have in my heart and have been leaning into lately. Keeping to the exhortation of sowing and reaping: Truly, "Everything" we do or say, we must do it diligently in Yeshua's Name and for our Audience of One.
The Holy Spirit is calling Can you hear Him?
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