Friday, July 27, 2012

Delegated Authority

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  I am in need of His perspective, always, but today the presence of evil in the world seems suffocating and it's hard to see from my earthbound position.  The World Olympics are underway. Security issues everywhere are surfacing and we all seem so vulnerable in this life.

These times are nothing more than have been prophesied and promised by the One who ultimately controls all things.  So are we just victims of evil while our merciful God and Redeemer just looks on?

God's Word tells us that the Savior, Jesus Christ, came to destroy the devil's work,  I John 3:8.  And Jesus said that because He was going to the Father and going to send the Spirit, we would do greater things than He did while on earth, John 14:12-14.  We were given permission to ask with the promise of answers.

Today the Holy One calls me to our meeting with great news.  He points out to my finite mind a deep and profound truth:  In the Spirit realm every being acknowledges and yields to the pre-eminence of Christ Jesus, the Sovereign King of Kings.  Only in the earth realm does the kind of ignorance and blatant rebellion exist that resists the power of His authority.  And it is because of our ignorance in wielding the scepter of His delegated authority that we, as His servants, live in defeat.

The kingdom of Heaven as well as the kingdom of darkness operates under the structure of authority from least to greatest and all (both kingdom's beings) end up at the Throne of ou God and our King Jesus.

Holiness has a word for me today.  "Take up your authority as delegated to you by the King of all Creation and the darkness must yield.  Stand firm on the Living Word of God and the flaming arrows of the evil one will be extinguished by faith..and extinguished means "can cause you no harm".

I have just passed through the valley of the shadow of death and found I could look into that darkness and fear no evil.  The Lord is my Shepherd.

The Holy One speaks, "now that you know that you know, firsthand, how Jesus conquered death and rendered it impotent in light of eternity, you can better grasp the power and authority of the Heavenly realm."

I now see that the "death spirit" had no power over me.  Even as that physical death touched my life, and I sensed the dark foreboding power that was hoovering, it was unable to claim a victim.  I learned how to wield the scepter of my King against those dark demons set against me and found, to my great relief, that they had to retreat.  The Lord never left my side in those dark days and gave understanding to His promise that He would never leave me nor forsake me.

Today the Holy Spirit brings more light and revelation to the principles that govern Eternity.  Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  That is the legacy of our King, and granted to those of who believe on His Name is the duty and privilege to bind evil to that truth.  At the name of Jesus, evil everywhere must bow and yield it's turf.  Wisdom accompanies Truth, and as we search for one we will find the other.

We are called to enforce Christ's Kingdom authority over the darkness we encounter .

Just to make sure that we keep a righteous mindset in the authority we wield, John 10 has been recorded to guide us, and protect us from pride and arrogance in the victories we will experience.  John 10:18,  Jesus replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightening from Heaven, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy.  Nothing will harm you.  HOWEVER, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven."

I do absolutely rejoice that my name is written in heaven, but I admit to delight in knowing that I have been given authority to overcome all the power of the enemy.  To God be all the Glory forever and ever, Amen.

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

IT IS FINISHED! Jesus Lives!

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  It's been a long time since I had the ability to journal about our quiet but profound early morning meetings.  The battle has been raging and I had a sacred duty to perform and a position to maintain that took every ounce of strength I could find and then yield, to His ruling authority.

The last leg of the journey with my earthly husband was the hardest for reasons beyond just having to watch the cancer destroy his physical body.  The human created in the Glorious Image of our God is not wired to handle death.  The issues of such finality over an "eternal being" are just not ones we can process without the greatest conflict in our soul.

Physical death and the termination of life here on earth, as we know it, is where the rubber meets the road as a believer in the Life, Death and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.   Past all the thoughts of right, wrong, good and bad, lies the core Truth about our Sovereign God:  God designed His beloved Creation to live eternally in blessed unity and peace with Himself.

In the Garden of Eden stood two trees among the many.  The two trees represented the choice for man's "free will" to be fully exercised and his choice to be honored.  The choice was there:  the tree of life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil;  The one whose fruit insured eternal life and the one whose fruit provided the death of the soul.  Man was warned and then left with the choice, and we are painfully aware of the rest of that part of the story.

But God......had a plan.....To redeem his Beloved and bring man back into the eternal relationship between the Creator and His Creation.   His plan was daring and unique: To become like His created in flesh form and then in a deep and personal way, give each one of us the ability and responsibility to personally choose a relationship  with our Creator God.

The choice was made by Adam and Eve that caused the fall of all, but the choice to be restored to our Creator God is given and made by each one of us personally and individually.  I cannot make that decision and choice for any one else nor can anyone else make that decision and choice for me.  In the final day, there will be no blame shifting or finger pointing to anyone else, not even the original pair in the garden.

Jesus came.  God in flesh form came to pay the price on every head since Adam and Eve.  Romans 3:23 and Romans 5:12.  The wages of sin is death, eternal separation from the Source of all life, and the death of the soul.

The choice and decision to come to God on His terms stands before each life.  God sent His Son, Jesus, and His Son, Jesus died for the sin that caused the original fall and led to the separation between the Creator and each one of us. 

The Cross was the place chosen by our God God,  to pour out all His wrath and judgment for and against the rebellion and disregard of the governing order of His Creation.  Jesus, the Son of God, the Chosen Sacrifice, went willingly to the Cross.  He was Crucified for you and for me.

As it so happened on that historic day in the history of man, Jesus was crucified between two thieves.
Two people both guilty of similar offenses, two people who, on that day faced, the same fate for their offenses. Two people who, in that eleventh hour of their temporal lives were presented with a sobering choice affecting their eternity.  Only in the person of the human does the devil have a vessel to use to challenge God's Rule. Only in the heart and mind of the creature God created in His own image is there an opportunity to deny, reject, or ignore His Sovereignty and love.

The account in scripture of that day presents two different people with the same fate and the same ability choose their eternal destination.  The one "thief "hurled insults and mocked and refused to grasp the significance of the drama he was a part of. 

But the other "thief" because of his reaction and hope that Jesus was who He claimed to be, became for us, the symbol of an 11th hour salvation experience.  This was recorded for all of us to see and understand  the  majestic Truth of God's abounding love and mercy for each and every one of us "sinners". 

Jesus is and always has been Savior, even in his darkest hour on Earth.  The thief hanging next to Him is a symbol of each one of us who cries out to be "remembered" as we face the cross over from this life to what lies beyond our sight and senses. 

Both men represent a reaction to the Holy One. Some reject but then some find their hope in His love.   It is the evidence of God's amazing love that Jesus takes the smallest surrender and gives back the greatest reward, which is the salvation of our souls.   "Today, you will be with Me in Paradise."

For my husband, as for each one of us, the price has been paid and all we have to do is accept the One who paid it.  Jesus said, "It is finished".  Eternal death has been overruled.  The way now stands open, back into relationship with our Creator God.  The choice is yours.  The question to be answered by each one of us is, "Where will you spend eternity?"

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...