Thursday, February 27, 2020

Exercising Our Restored Dominion

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  His message is clear:

"Your dominion has been restored.  Do not permit the evil one to steal it again".

Today as I settle into our early morning on-going conversation, I am aware of the voice that speaks lies and so thankful that the voice of the Holy One is more clear than that of the oppressor.

Life on earth in these seemingly dark days offers up many challenges.  We have been told that nation will rise against nation, there will be earthquakes and other forms of natural disasters, sickness and disease will attack our bodies, we will find division even in our most trusted human relationships, and the faith of some will grow cold. 

God's Word promises that victories are possible even in these dark days if we will grab hold of them.  

One such promise is conveyed in in Matthew Mark 11:23.  As Jesus was walking with His Disciples on His way to Jerusalem, He spotted a fig tree and looked for edible fruit.  Finding nothing but leaves, He cursed the fig tree (Mark 11:14).  

He continued on His journey and then on His return trip passed by the same fig tree and the Disciples noted and said to Him, "Rabbi, look!  The fig tree that you cursed has withered away".   

So Jesus answered and said to them, "Have faith in God.  For assuredly I say to you,  whoever says to this mountain, 'be removed and cast into the sea', and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done.  He will have whatever he says.  Therefore I say to you, whatever you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them."

I heard the testimony of a man defeating cancer and what he said was profound: "When I stopped telling God about my sickness and started telling my sickness about my God, things changed."  In his case, he went into remission and was delivered from the grip of that devastating disease.

As I read the foundational promise for moving mountains in my life found in Mark 11:23, I ask myself, what is the  "fig tree" at the moment that might need to wither?  What mountain am I facing that needs to be remove in order to continue on in my journey?  What obstacles lay in the way of my mission?  This promise given by our Lord has many practical applications and gracious victories to award those who will say and believe.  

The enemy is a thief and comes not but to rob, kill and destroy.  Creating "doubt" is the enemy's most effective strategy.  Re-taking our turf and exercising our dominion as God's Beloved regents is clearly His will as the life, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus empowers us to do.  As regards to this truth we must never enter into or engage with "doubt."  But it takes wisdom, discernment and applied knowledge of the devil's schemes to keep from being deceived by that serial liar and thief, Satan. 

I am reminded that while this life is a battle against a dark enemy of our soul and not just a whimsical passing hope for good things, we are never alone.  God's promises will always be challenged by evil so we can and should count on a white knuckle battle for truth in the trenches.  It's sometimes even under the threat of death that we come to truly know we can speak to the mountain and it will move. 

Exercising our restored dominion is glorifying to the One who made it possible.  Thank you Jesus. To you be all glory, honor and praise and worship.  

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?    



Saturday, February 22, 2020

Simple Evangelism

Many of us who are followers of Jesus live on a subtle guilt trip provided by the enemy of our soul for not going to far away lands to "make disciples of all nations".

While refusing the Lord's  assignment given to us personally is not a wise move, understanding our part or role in the Great Commission might look different than we think.

Luke 8:26-40 is the account of a man with a mental health issue to put it mildly.  In describing the man, it was said that he "had demons".  This man was naked, and homeless when he met up with Jesus.  He suffered with seizures and was considered dangerous.  He had escaped from the chains, shackles, and bonds used to constraint him and from those whose job it was to guard him. 

Jesus met the man when He stepped out of the boat that brought Him to the country of the Gadarenes.  Jesus was well recognized by the demons in possession of the man and in a manner befitting a confrontation with the Son of God, the demons pleaded that He not torment them nor send them out into the abyss.  The legion of demons requested from Jesus His permission to enter a herd of swine instead.  

The account states that great fear came upon the multitude who heard of the incident and the man's deliverance. They asked Jesus to leave them.  The man who was delivered from the demons naturally wanted more of the One who healed and restored his mind.  

Luke 8:39-40 says, "But Jesus sent him away saying, " Return to your own house and tell them what great things God has done for you".  And He went away and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for Him. 

So it was that when Jesus returned, that the multitude welcomed Him for they were all waiting for Him". 

This account is a wonderful explanation and example of simple evangelism: Telling others what great things Jesus has done for us. 

Our testimonies may not be as dramatic as this demon possessed man, but when the love of God through Jesus Christ, His Son, touches our lives things change and miracles happen. The very fact that Jesus died in our place changes our eternal destination and that is something amazing to tell others about.  Even our trials are engineered to provide wonderful testimony when they come to resolution and our "Red Sea" parts. 

As we go about our daily lives sharing with others what great things Jesus has done and is doing for us, others will want meet Jesus themselves. 

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him? 

Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...