Friday, August 26, 2016

Our Strength In Weakness*** 2

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  There are days when I feel like more than a conqueror, but today is not one of those days.  Today is a day when I look around at all that seems to be falling apart in the world and I cannot find my sling or a stone.
Thankfully the Holy Spirit knows my every thought before I find it.  “I AM your strength in weakness.  Be still and know that I am God”.
Much ado is made about being valiant, courageous and strong.  Weakness is not a pleasant nor desirable self-assessment.  Weakness does not fit with a warrior mentality yet where else can we truly know the power of God separate from our own?
I have learned that over our lifetime and circumstances, our prayers are heard and answered but not always in the ways we expect.  I have for many years prayed that hard circumstances and difficult people would be removed from my life.  Lately my Counselor has helped me to realize that I need those weights to grow stronger in faith and dependency upon Him.  He has told me that to ask for their removal is like going to a gym and asking the coach too remove the weights from the bar I am about to lift; a totally pointless workout time at the gym.
Paul, who was among the greatest of Apostles and gave us most of the New Testament, when dealing with his “thorn” in the flesh wrote this as the Lord’s answer:    
2 Corinthian 12:9-10, “And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness”.  Therefore, most gladly I will boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me….”  And in the issues of life, he went on to say, “Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions for Christ’s sake, for when I am weak then I am strong.”
Here is here the rubber meets the road in my faith.  My pride and great temptation is to win…my way.  Even as I relate life trials to the unseen enemy’s opposition, the battle provokes me to independent flesh maneuvers and failure is defined as losing a skirmish where I see the evil one temporarily gaining ground. I try to take him out in my own strength and even my own “power” (strength) in prayer. 
Prayer is not the power.  God is the power.  Prayer is my way of connecting with God’s power.  If I think that “power” is in the prayer and not in the One who calls me to pray, then it is my strength at issue. 
Prayer power is not enough to defeat he opposition.  Grace is God's power in our weakness and we fail to recognize it until we can get a breather and look back at where we came from.  Grace is seen in the rear view mirror and from that perspective we know that it was not our great power or slick moves that got us through the swamp land when we were overwhelmed and broken.
It is the role and desire of the Holy Spirit who dwells within the heart of every believer and Christ follower to Glorify Jesus, the Son of God.  This should be our desire as well.  His glory through us depends on the ruling authority of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 
When we overcome our flesh reactions by the virtues of Christ which is His fruit to bear when we face the challenges of people and life, then Jesus is glorified to the world around us.  Love instead of hate, joy instead of despair, peace instead of war, and all the fruit of the Spirit instead of the sins of the flesh. 
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is in such contrast to a natural flesh reaction, people see that something is different about us.  That contrast between flesh and spirit, when the Spirit controls us and peace prevails is the attraction that draws others to Christ through us.
This life is hard and designed to be that way.  Flesh cannot handle life with grace.  Only the Holy Spirit can handle life with grace.  But that grace (defined as God’s ability and power) is provided to Christians and is our strength in weakness. 
We are told, “Do not be surprised at the fiery trials you are facing”.  It is in the midst of these fiery trials that God’s grace is found to be sufficient and as we rely on the Holy Spirit within to be our strength in weakness His grace brings great glory to Jesus, our Savior, our Lord and our King.
In these days of feeling personal weakness in the trials of life, may I remember Paul’s words, follow his example and maybe even take pleasure in the hard things, “for Christ’s sake” when He says, ‘My strength is made perfect in weakness”.
The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him? 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear***

 The Holy One calls to me this morning.  With all the stress of the days and times we are in, fear and anger flood the streets and the atmosphere.  The Holy Spirit speaks to calm my racing heartbeat;
 “My perfect love casts out all fear”.
I know this is a passage out of Scripture, so I pick up my Bible, along with my pen, my notebook and my coffee and head into our early morning conference.
I John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.  We love Him because He first loved us.”
In this life long crazy “journey with Jesus”, He leads me along some unfamiliar pathways. When the Holy Spirit enters a life, one can be sure that changes are about to take place.  Habits will be changed and the old ways will be ditched, but not always as we might expect or in ways that are easy to manage.
The Lord operates on a whole different plain than we do.  His thoughts and ways are so much higher.  I think about the raising of Lazarus and how Jesus turned a funeral into a party and a celebration of resurrection life.  All Mary and Martha wanted was a healing for their beloved brother.  But instead they got a firsthand outrageous lesson on the Deity of their good “friend” Jesus and His power over death.
Perfect love casts out fear.
For years, I have thought about that “perfect" love as being the love of God for us.  His perfect love for His created and in Christ we need not fear.  Today as I ponder His words, a different perspective begins to emerge. 
The Holy Spirit reminds me that His fruit is love; unconditional love, perfect love.  When I stop the usual thought stream, and application of His love for me or my love to my temporal world of people, I can pick up on another place of application and that is my love relationship with my Lord. 
I confess that just like Jesus said, “Apart from Me you can do nothing”, when it comes to operating in love, there is never a greater truth told.  Human love is selfish and conditional, self-exalting and self-centered in what and how it tries to bring the benefit to self.
Unconditional love is the ultimate virtue for man.  Unconditional love held Jesus on the Cross.
Unconditional love for each other is not the only place of necessary operation.  Unconditional love for our Lord and Savior, our Heavenly Father and indwelling Holy Spirit is a place where many of us may not be operating at that depth of love. 
Perfect love casts out fear.
If I feel a perfect love from God, all the fear of judgment and punishment goes away.  But if I do not have the confidence in the Lord’s perfect love for me, I might live in constant fear of impending disaster.  But then to switch out a perfect love FROM the Lord to a perfect love FOR the Lord and  the picture changes somewhat.
Love is the fruit of the Holy Spirit and apart from Him I cannot love as Christ loves.
Jesus, the Son, loves the Father unconditionally.  His life and obedience unto that brutal death on the Cross is the evidence of His unconditional love for the Father.  Likewise, His unconditional love for humanity was evidenced by that same brutal Cross. 
Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will obey my commands”.    How many are the times when His commands cross our human will and put unconditional love for Him to the test?
The Holy Spirit lives inside us to bear His fruit through our lives. His fruit is nothing less than the virtues of Jesus AKA His character qualities.  Over our lifetime, His role is to bring us into the conforming image (character) of Jesus.
Today I realize my human conditional love for my Lord where fear dictates, is less than the perfect unconditional love that dwells (in potential) inside me. Today I need to cast off the imperfect conditional love that fear exposes and challenges obedience and in repentance ask the Holy One to work out and bring out His unconditional love for My Lord as well as for all the humans in my life.
Today, I pray I can begin to bear the fruit of His unconditional, perfect love for each one of the Trinity in obedient surrender and live where perfect love casts out fear.  
The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

For more of the Role and benefit of the indwelling Holy Spirit visit my website:

Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...