Monday, May 23, 2022

Created to Worship

 The Holy One calls to me this morning,  Aches and pains remind me that I am still here in the physical realm with the consequences of the fall so very long ago. 

One day all of us will fall aseep in one realm and wake up in another.  We are unable to control the timing of that event, but life teaches us about death here and our faith teaches us about life hereafter.  

In the meantime we choose how we will live the life we have been given.  The sounds of the early morning forest symphony flow through my open window.  I hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit urging me to get out of bed and join in the chorus of Heaven.  He reminds me of the part of my being that I can control:

"You were created to worship.  Choose wisely the object of your worship". 

"Created to worship", defines a stand-alone purpose we don't often recognize in struggling to accomplish other aspects of our being and God-ordained purpose.  

The thought of that sinks deep.  

The journey with Jesus takes us through some rough and rocky terrain.  Weariness can set in if we don't stop along the way to refresh and remind ourselves of the relationship we have with the One we follow.

Worship provides such a resting place; a time when we can lay down the cares of the world we inevitably pick up and carry along the way.

The exhortation to choose wisely indicates that other things and people may vie for our worship. Worship is our act of devotion and the honoring of what we value.  Any object of our worship will call for our time and forms of obedience to "rituals" that designate honor.

The bigger picture of creation exposes us to other "beings" in another realm, whose great fall began with pride and a desire to have and be worshipped. We read about such celestial beings, not only in the garden of our origins but also challenging a man's worship of Yahweh in the account of Job.

Satan (an adversary) brought horrific trials to Job's life in an effort to destroy Job's understanding of God's (Yahweh's) goodness and try to cause Job to curse and not worship His Creator.  Job's worship was in the form of prayers and burnt offerings given to Adonai Elohim (God Most High): Yahweh. 

Discouraging our worship of the One True God, our Creator, is the first step in shifting our worship to a myraid of lesser (little "g") gods, including ourselves who want worship that belongs to Yahweh alone.

All creation is created to worship our Creator, however, mankind, (the only ones created in His image) along with the other immortal celestial beings, we call angels, are the ones who have a free will to choose the object of our worship. 

Over the course of history of man's days upon the earth, we can read that worship is mankind's response to the mighty acts that Yahweh executes to protect and defend, and provide for His Creation, His people:  

The Song of Moses, The Song Of Miriam, The Song of Deborah and in John's report of his Heavenly vision in Rev 15, upon the defeat of the "Beast", it is wrtten that they (the victors) in the great battle of end times, will besinging the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb.

We were created to worship and today I want to take my place, thus fulfilling my purpose by joining in the symphony of the forest and singing songs of worship to the One who is worthy of all praise and adoration--Yahweh is His Name.

I pray to start each day in celebratory worship of the One who is Creator of all. 

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him? 


Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Culture of Scripture

 The Holy One calls to me this morning. His subject today is a re-occuring one.  His reassuring Presence is felt even in the darkeness of this hour just before dawn.  "Always remain teachable and I will show you more of Who I AM". 

Since early in my walk I have had a love for Israel and a passion to understand the culture of the Jewish people.  My fascination came from a relationship I had with a friend who was a "Messianic Jew"; meaning a Jewish person who has accepted that Jesus is her Messiah, the Savior spoken of throughout the Holy Scriptures.   She was quite unusual since most people of Jewish descent have not.

During the course of our friendship. I sat under her teaching on various subjects.  What always blew my circuits was her references to things described in the parables that were common to Hebrew understanding yet were unknown to me.  

The verse that tells us it is easier for a camel to go through the "eye of a needle" than enter the Kingdom of Heaven describes a known scene in the desert lands long ago when cities had huge protective walls and a gate that was closed and locked at night to keep desert mauraders from entering in and attacking a slumbering people. 

What I didn't know was that caravans that arrived after the gates were closed had to enter by way of the "eye of a needle" which was a small opening in the wall beside the gate.  To enter, a camel laden with supplies, would have their bags of goods removed outside, lower their bodies to go through the opening without them and then have them replaced once inside the city walls.  Thus the eye-of-the needle reference that Hebrew people would automatically relate to. 

The point to the parable has a greater symbolism with deeper understanding when viewed through culture and context. In my western world view the needle would represent a sewing instrument and in my mind, the take away was that having earthy riches would make it IMPOSSIBLE to enter heaven.  As if riches here made salvation impossible.   

Recently I heard a podast that yet again made reference to Hebrew culture and enabled me to gain a better understanding of some of Yeshua's last words from the Cross, as He was dying for humanity in our place. 

The reference is Psalm 22 and His words "Eli! Eli! L'mah sh'vaktani?" translated "My God! My God!  Why have you deserted Me?" 

We see this referenced as Psalm 22.  To the Hebrew, scriptural addresses are not the way they reference Holy Text. Chapters and verses were a mediveal addition to the Hebrew Bible (Their TaNaK, our OT)   Culturally, Hebrews reference the first words of the text and every Jew in Jesus' day would  know to go to the place of the text to gain understanding of the message being taught. 

Memorization was the method of instruction.  Jesus was not just crying out in agony, but was directing His people to go read and remember what Psalm 22 is telling them.  It is a messianic prophecy from King David that He was fulfilling.  BAM! 

Culture and Context is vital to gain the deeper reveations of our Lord and Savior. Jesus, Yeshua was born in Divine purpose as a Jew.  He is and aways will be the Lion of the tribe of Judah, a Jew--the Jewish Messiah that we, "Christians" have the privilege to claim as our Messiah too.

In our western world view, without Jewish culture, what can we  understand about a "Mediteranean" shepherd and his relationship to his sheep? Or the role of a Great High Priest?  Or the symbolism of the "Lamb of God", Or what a "Kinsman Redeemer" actually does? Without a cultural understanding these descriptions of Jesus mean little to us. 

It's worth noting, the only "Bible" that Jesus and the disciples had was the Old Testament scrolls called the TaNaK.  Almost all that we read about Jesus and His incarnate life in the gospels occurred while he was observing the instructions Yahweh gave His people Israel, written in the TaNaK, with the celebration of Holy Days, Temple Sacrifices, and Prophecies of things to come.  Yeshua came to show us the Father, and to model proper and perfect execution of His will.  The New Testament came to us some 100-150 years after Jesus was resurrected and ascended into Heaven.  To understand the New Testament, we must be anchored to the Old Testament and all the historic and cultural mores of the Hebrew people. 

I find it a personal imperative to study the culture and context of Scripture: when, where and to whom it was given according to a Hebrew world view as it was lived out by our Beloved Savior.  I am so thankful to have been given this promise that goes with "teachablility" in pursuit of the much more of my Yeshua.  I am excited to see the Bible come alive as I gain a greater understanding of it's people and our Yahweh. 

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?




Friday, May 20, 2022

An Audience of One

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  Sleep gives way to the sound of His voice and quick assessment of my whereabouts.  At some point in the night, a warning of a pending fierce thunderstorm came across my phone.  

Looking out my window, I see the brilliant moon in a cloudless sky before the sun rises to signal the morning of a new day.  Weather has been fierce and unpredictable lately:  earthquakes in rapid succession, tornadoes, volcanic erruptions and just plain ol strong winds rolling across our forestland, uprooting trees we assume are stongly rooted.

The Holy One speaks into the darkness of my room signaling His Presence.  "What divine purposes lie in today?  Do you know?"   I confess, I have no idea- but then the question was not for me to answer but rather to inquire of the One who does.

The point I get:   Holy Spirit is reminding me that Yahweh HAS a plan and purpose for me (all of us) in each new day. If I can start my day with that in mind and in His Presence, life can have wonderful meaning and I can have direction.  

In the mystery of His question and as I ponder what lies in this day, an important perspective is spoken:  "Whatever you do, you must do is as if for an audience of One.  Therein you will find your joy". 

In all the activities we can undertake in our journey with Jesus, it's easy to press to do things for the greatest impact and that have the most influence in and over our world.  If we look for the accolades of people, or what will bring the greatest "reward" and acknowlegement among our peers or brethren, we might miss the greater purpose and better reward our Lord has that comes from serving Him, His way. 

Holy Spirit nudges me in the direction of Eccesiastes for what He wants me to thoughtfully consider before I begin to meet the "demands" of my day. Weather warnings tend to underscore the message.

Wading through all of King Solomon's "vanity" observations, I come to Ecclesiates 11: 4-7:

"He who keeps watching the wind will never sow;

He who keeps looking at the clouds will never reap. 

Just as you don't know the way of the wind or how bones grow in a pregnant woman's womb, so you dont know the work of Yahweh, the maker of everything.

In the morning sow your seed, and don't slack off until evening for you don't know which sowing will succeed, this or that or if both will do well".........

But Yahweh does.  And He is the One we serve in our sowing and reaping. We will do well and joyfully so, if we execute each "mission" and perform our delegated "assignments" using gifts, strengths and talents He has provided for His glory and exclusively for the pleasure of  our Audience of One.  When others are impacted, by His anointing on our "works", we can rejoice but not in what we have done rather that Yahweh is glorified. 

Looking for His glorious purpose for me in this day, irrespective of the winds of adversity, I am drawn to a worship song I have in my heart and have been leaning into lately.  Keeping to the exhortation of sowing and reaping:   Truly, "Everything" we do or say, we must do it diligently in Yeshua's Name and for our Audience of One. 

The Holy Spirit is calling  Can you hear Him? 




Thursday, May 19, 2022

Remain Faithful in the Hard Things

 The Holy Spirit has been repeatedly showing me a visual and with the message: 

"Remain faithful in the hard things".

The visual is the last moments of Yahshua's flesh life and John standing at the foot of the cross (execution stake). John 19:25-27.   He was the only disciple that is identified in scripture, sharing the horrific suffering scene along with Mary the mother of Jesus and two other women.  It is written that all the other disciples scattered and left in fear.  Each, I am sure, was  handling the shock and heartbreak of the death of the one they respected, loved and hoped would end their bondage under Rome, but John despite his deep personal trauma, remained to the very end.

What happened in those final moments of Yahshua's flesh life was John receiving perhaps the greatest, most important assignment of his life up to that time:  John, the beloved of the Lord, was given the delegated reponsibility for Jesus's earthly mother.  Jesus was tying up all the emotional loose ends and thoughtfully providing for his mother's well being after His departure from physical planet earth. 

Despite the deepest grief and pain they were both experiencing, Jesus and John were deeply connected in John's faithfulness and loyalty, a connection that allowed for Jesus to leave His earth with the last bit of a son's obligation and love for his mother to be passed to His friend.

Our world is imploding on so many levels and heartache and grief are felt by all but the most calloused.  We face deeply troubling situations in our families and among our friends and faith communities.  We are seeing such brutality and abuse of humanity, it is hard to look at it day after day.  Many of us want to run away, and hide from the pain we are feeling at what we are witnessing. Just like the disciples ran from the crucifixion and death of their hope.  

Unike the disciples who fled, however, we know the end of the story which should give us the strength to stand firm in these days in the face of hard things and remain faithful without fear or depression over the evil we see manifesting in our world.

Standing at the foot of the cross, present for the final breath our Lord drew did not destroy John but rather set him up for even greater things that would come.  Can we trust that our Lord will do the same in and through us as we face and remain faithful in the hard things? 

Thankfully the rest of the disciples found their courage and loyalty once they saw their Lord resurrected but then incidentally, what they feared that kept them in hiding, was where they finally stood firm.  All were martyred but John.

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?


Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Battle for Our Own Kind

 The Holy Spirit calls to me today in light of the news that our National Leadership is on the march and with the agenda to surrender yet more of our God-ordained Sovereignty to a global agenda of evil control over all the nations.  Have you heard the news that nations are being called to surrender their Sovereignty over matters of national health policies and protocols over to the WHO (World Health Organization)?  This should send a chill up the spines of all citizens of each nation at risk of such a surrender.

This is not just a matter of politics and governing from wthin our nation but a matter of control over the governed from a global and outside power wielding entity.  

The role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Yeshua (Jesus) follower is to lead us into all truth.  His words to me this morning seem urgent and pull me abruptly into the world of men:

"You must fight for the redemption of humanity.  I have provided the way, now you must fight to have it accepted.".

The truth is that demonic forces (the fallen elohim/angels to some) have infiltrated human government and found willing people with a bend toward evil to do their wicked bidding.

The truth is that the useen realm is teeming with these fallen celestial beings once trusted as "guardians" in Yahweh's plan for mankind, but who have rejected their assignment and are now the source of the evil knowledge on how-to worship other "gods" or destroy itself. 

The truth is that we humans are the only beings created in the immortal image of Yahweh given the role to partner with the Creator to go forth, subdue the earth and reflect His glory in the earth realm to the rest of His creation. 

The book of Job in God's Word gives us a picture of the cruel works of the enemy (Satan).  Other Bible verses reveal Yahweh's indictment of these fallen elohim (little "g" gods). 

Psalm 82 is one such revelation of the indictment. 

With that as a backdrop in the human saga we are living out in this earth realm, we can come to realize and understand that we are in a kingdom battle of good vs evil.   We are either pawns of the enemy or warriors for our Kingdom and our King. 

Battle lines are drawn where evil forces have manipulated human "kings and rulers" to bring chaos and disorder to earth for the destruction not the protection of humanity. These powerful fallen beings are seductive in their lies and through flesh temptations of counterfeit "pleasures" they are teaching humanity how to destroy itself. 

As the "team of the redeemed" we must go into all out war for our own kind.  We must offer the Heavenly life preserver, our Savior Jesus, to those who are drowning in the sea of evil lies, perpetrated by the fallen elohim who due to their rebellion of our Creator have no hope for salvation from their doomed eternal fate.

Ours is a battle for the souls of men; a kingdom battle of good vs evil; a war with and for the Creator and His creation; a battle here on earth for our own kind.  Sitting silently on the sidelines allows for many casualties.

The "Satans" and there are many, have a lot of captives and we, as taught by our fearless leader, Jesus, have the truth that will set these captives free.  Love and Joy are the irresistable qualities of our Lord that will draw them. Our job is to represent the truth of His love and joy to the world around us. 

Our role in this war is a unique one as we are all called personally by our Heavenly Commander into service.  In giving you this information, it can be used to open an intimate conversation with the One who Died for all of us that we might be saved.      

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?   



Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...