The Holy Spirit calls to me today in light of the news that our National Leadership is on the march and with the agenda to surrender yet more of our God-ordained Sovereignty to a global agenda of evil control over all the nations. Have you heard the news that nations are being called to surrender their Sovereignty over matters of national health policies and protocols over to the WHO (World Health Organization)? This should send a chill up the spines of all citizens of each nation at risk of such a surrender.
This is not just a matter of politics and governing from wthin our nation but a matter of control over the governed from a global and outside power wielding entity.
The role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Yeshua (Jesus) follower is to lead us into all truth. His words to me this morning seem urgent and pull me abruptly into the world of men:
"You must fight for the redemption of humanity. I have provided the way, now you must fight to have it accepted.".
The truth is that demonic forces (the fallen elohim/angels to some) have infiltrated human government and found willing people with a bend toward evil to do their wicked bidding.
The truth is that the useen realm is teeming with these fallen celestial beings once trusted as "guardians" in Yahweh's plan for mankind, but who have rejected their assignment and are now the source of the evil knowledge on how-to worship other "gods" or destroy itself.
The truth is that we humans are the only beings created in the immortal image of Yahweh given the role to partner with the Creator to go forth, subdue the earth and reflect His glory in the earth realm to the rest of His creation.
The book of Job in God's Word gives us a picture of the cruel works of the enemy (Satan). Other Bible verses reveal Yahweh's indictment of these fallen elohim (little "g" gods).
Psalm 82 is one such revelation of the indictment.
With that as a backdrop in the human saga we are living out in this earth realm, we can come to realize and understand that we are in a kingdom battle of good vs evil. We are either pawns of the enemy or warriors for our Kingdom and our King.
Battle lines are drawn where evil forces have manipulated human "kings and rulers" to bring chaos and disorder to earth for the destruction not the protection of humanity. These powerful fallen beings are seductive in their lies and through flesh temptations of counterfeit "pleasures" they are teaching humanity how to destroy itself.
As the "team of the redeemed" we must go into all out war for our own kind. We must offer the Heavenly life preserver, our Savior Jesus, to those who are drowning in the sea of evil lies, perpetrated by the fallen elohim who due to their rebellion of our Creator have no hope for salvation from their doomed eternal fate.
Ours is a battle for the souls of men; a kingdom battle of good vs evil; a war with and for the Creator and His creation; a battle here on earth for our own kind. Sitting silently on the sidelines allows for many casualties.
The "Satans" and there are many, have a lot of captives and we, as taught by our fearless leader, Jesus, have the truth that will set these captives free. Love and Joy are the irresistable qualities of our Lord that will draw them. Our job is to represent the truth of His love and joy to the world around us.
Our role in this war is a unique one as we are all called personally by our Heavenly Commander into service. In giving you this information, it can be used to open an intimate conversation with the One who Died for all of us that we might be saved.
The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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