The Holy One calls to me this morning. Yesterday's battle was brutal and brought some deep wounds to my heart. The mystery of my God creates so many questions in my mind. But the one that always seems to crop up is simply, "why?"
Why does this happen and that not happen? Why does evil seem to gain a foothold and claim the day? The rocks on my road have been many and sharp lately and my feet are feeling the pain. My agony comes not from my personal suffering but from all that I see my loved ones and others going through.
As one who confers with Holiness, in my human attempts to find God's will for myself and others, today is no exception. The Holy One calls me earlier than usual. I am thankful to know the fitful night is over and He is here in the darkness with me.
I understand the strategy of evil is to tempt me to question my Heavenly Father's goodness and wisdom. I refuse the enemy's lies and surrender my heart to understand the events of yesterday from my Lord's perspective.
He takes me to HIS Word and reminds me of MY words. Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) says, "The tongue has the power of life and death". Proverbs 13:3 (NIV) says, "He who guards his lips guards his life."
The lessons from the Holy One never cease and His wisdom continues to flow if only I will sit myself down to listen. Wringing my hands is never an option better than folding them and so I pray.
Today my "why?" question seems to find an answer. I ask, "Why, did the situation turn away from the righteous end I was praying to find?" The Holy One tells me to "Check the declarations made in fear and anger!"
Just as in the days of Job's trial, I see human culpability, and a Divine Principle of Holiness therein. Back in the day, Job said, "What I feared has come upon me, what I dreaded has happened to me". (Job 3:25 NIV) Evil brought to Job what he feared and what he dreaded, and then came the test.
The spoken word carries great power in life. If we fail to recognize the power of God's spoken word in creation and understand how it applies to those of us created in His image, we can miss out on so much of our personal authority to create good situations in our lives and avert the evil that seeks to devour us.
The Holy One has been teaching me this principle as to the power of my words spoken, not in fear, but in positive declaration, of what I desire to see come to pass in my life. There have come wonderful manifestations of the truth of this principle as I learn to discipline my tongue and speak no evil.
"Evil " speech includes agreeing with all the threats of harm that I may see, feel or even hear in my ears coming against me from the dark forces around me in the unseen realm. We are given to speaking negative words and then blame God for the outcome.
Declaring what I fear, as if it is impossible to change, empowers the enemy to deliver exactly what I have feared and then spoken. Conversely, and with reverence for God His Word, and that great principle at work, I realize that my heart desires, declared out loud, come to pass as well.
Usually what I fear is the opposite of what God promises in His Word to me. Reality on the ground becomes what we have declared and if it's not Heaven's best since every good and perfect gift comes from there, then evil is having it's way.
The Holy One gives me the truthful sequence of events and our human accountability in what actually takes place. Fear represents an alternative agenda than the one faith represents. What I speak out loud: what or with whom I voice my agreement, it is those words that begin to dictate my reality.
Most believe that the sequence of doom begins at the circumstantial situations we find around us, rather than the articulated fears within the heart. As I agree in despair with what might happen or even what I see beginning to set up, then darkness descends to overpower the Light.
We are cautioned, warned and exhorted to guard our tongue. We are to think upon what is good, noble, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy (Phil 4:8 NIV) If we think right thoughts, we can express right words and we will see good things in the land of the living. Then we are enabled to confirm God's Word as true.
In the sweet sovereignty of our Creator, as we are all on a learning curve, God can, will and does deliver us from those dank prisons of our doomish declarations, but not before He makes His point.
I am so thankful today to understand the "why", even as I see this lesson in the negative. I purpose to co-operate with my Lord and guard what passes over my lips acknowledging the truth that the power of life IS in the tongue.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
Why does this happen and that not happen? Why does evil seem to gain a foothold and claim the day? The rocks on my road have been many and sharp lately and my feet are feeling the pain. My agony comes not from my personal suffering but from all that I see my loved ones and others going through.
As one who confers with Holiness, in my human attempts to find God's will for myself and others, today is no exception. The Holy One calls me earlier than usual. I am thankful to know the fitful night is over and He is here in the darkness with me.
I understand the strategy of evil is to tempt me to question my Heavenly Father's goodness and wisdom. I refuse the enemy's lies and surrender my heart to understand the events of yesterday from my Lord's perspective.
He takes me to HIS Word and reminds me of MY words. Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) says, "The tongue has the power of life and death". Proverbs 13:3 (NIV) says, "He who guards his lips guards his life."
The lessons from the Holy One never cease and His wisdom continues to flow if only I will sit myself down to listen. Wringing my hands is never an option better than folding them and so I pray.
Today my "why?" question seems to find an answer. I ask, "Why, did the situation turn away from the righteous end I was praying to find?" The Holy One tells me to "Check the declarations made in fear and anger!"
Just as in the days of Job's trial, I see human culpability, and a Divine Principle of Holiness therein. Back in the day, Job said, "What I feared has come upon me, what I dreaded has happened to me". (Job 3:25 NIV) Evil brought to Job what he feared and what he dreaded, and then came the test.
The spoken word carries great power in life. If we fail to recognize the power of God's spoken word in creation and understand how it applies to those of us created in His image, we can miss out on so much of our personal authority to create good situations in our lives and avert the evil that seeks to devour us.
The Holy One has been teaching me this principle as to the power of my words spoken, not in fear, but in positive declaration, of what I desire to see come to pass in my life. There have come wonderful manifestations of the truth of this principle as I learn to discipline my tongue and speak no evil.
"Evil " speech includes agreeing with all the threats of harm that I may see, feel or even hear in my ears coming against me from the dark forces around me in the unseen realm. We are given to speaking negative words and then blame God for the outcome.
Declaring what I fear, as if it is impossible to change, empowers the enemy to deliver exactly what I have feared and then spoken. Conversely, and with reverence for God His Word, and that great principle at work, I realize that my heart desires, declared out loud, come to pass as well.
Usually what I fear is the opposite of what God promises in His Word to me. Reality on the ground becomes what we have declared and if it's not Heaven's best since every good and perfect gift comes from there, then evil is having it's way.
The Holy One gives me the truthful sequence of events and our human accountability in what actually takes place. Fear represents an alternative agenda than the one faith represents. What I speak out loud: what or with whom I voice my agreement, it is those words that begin to dictate my reality.
Most believe that the sequence of doom begins at the circumstantial situations we find around us, rather than the articulated fears within the heart. As I agree in despair with what might happen or even what I see beginning to set up, then darkness descends to overpower the Light.
We are cautioned, warned and exhorted to guard our tongue. We are to think upon what is good, noble, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy (Phil 4:8 NIV) If we think right thoughts, we can express right words and we will see good things in the land of the living. Then we are enabled to confirm God's Word as true.
In the sweet sovereignty of our Creator, as we are all on a learning curve, God can, will and does deliver us from those dank prisons of our doomish declarations, but not before He makes His point.
I am so thankful today to understand the "why", even as I see this lesson in the negative. I purpose to co-operate with my Lord and guard what passes over my lips acknowledging the truth that the power of life IS in the tongue.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?