Friday, September 25, 2015

God's Sovereignty In Light of Eternity***

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  Many deep wrestles have come in the hours just before dawn: Things that indicate the depravity of humanity and the evidence as to how evil has blinded some from the very identification with humanity.  The sanctity of life has been over ruled by monetary gain and babies are being butchered with none to stop the carnage.

Despair got a foothold and the Lord watched and waited for me to stop wringing my hands and start folding them.  The Holy Spirit is my faithful Counselor and does lead me into all Truth.   The truth is sometimes so hard to accept that we go into the denial of it.

I am learning that in seeing human depravity, the enemy of my soul tempts me to question the goodness of God's Sovereignty.

Today the Holy One draws me back into right alignment with Himself.  "As hard as it is for you to see right now, My Sovereignty is best understood in light of eternity". 

Rather than withdraw from my Lord, as the evil one wants me  do,  I know that I must press in and ask Him for greater understanding as my Holy Counselor and friend.

From past conversations, and the sign of the times, I believe the day of our redemption draws near.   Patience is required as we get closer to that prophetic day on the calendar and yet live amid the escalating treachery in each temporal day on earth.

In light of eternity I am able to see how patient the Lord is in His dealings with humanity.   Long before I was ever born His Word has been in operation.  My impatience is galling and in need of repentance.  The Lord is about His business calling countless souls to be with Him for all eternity.  Many of them have not yet been born and would I, in my impatience deprive Him and them of such a wondrous eternal community and fellowship?

As hard as the subject of abortion is to my heart, in pressing deep, I find hope in the Heavenly wisdom and thought that these precious souls, while never permitted by depraved humans to see the light of day,  are welcomed into the loving arms of their Creator and have life eternal.

Abortion is an indictment of human depravity not God's good Sovereignty.

Heaven's citizenship is growing in each earth day that passes and for that I do rejoice....and find comfort from the heartache.  Truth softens some hearts and hardens others. Time is given for us to process and yield (soften) or analyze and reject (harden).  

Warnings abound in God's Word as well as promises for the faithful. Today the Holy One takes me to His word and what was spoken through the prophet Joel to reveal His plan that stretches throughout earth life and into eternity. .
Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;  your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions  and also I will pour out My Spirit in those days and I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth;  blood and fire and pillars of smoke."

In order to grasp fully where we are spiritually, we need to see what is spoken before,  that,  the "afterward" comes. The Prophet spoke of the "word of the Lord" that was given to him.  It speaks of "The day of the Lord" and yet without a date on the calendar or clock of earth time.  It can be said that to  every generation these prophetic words can and do apply.

Our nation is reeling from situations coast to coast and in between that are "acts of nature" turned deadly and destructive.  If one does not believe in the God of all creation (and nature)  then these are merely due to global warming or bad luck, or cycles of weather patterns and human expansion into places of risk.

The threats of war are being heard loud and clear.  Any ability to control our own lives and protect our personal comfort zones is not to be found in and of ourselves and especially not in the governments of men.

For those of us who believe: in the Word of God as absolute truth, the Savior Son of God who came to rescue humanity and the day of judgment of our Holy God, then these signs and wonders are significant.  (wonders are things in the sense of conspicuousness)

We would do well to appreciate that the Lord may be trying to get our attention as the verses  speak that "In earth" we will see blood (as in blood that when shed causes death aka "bloodshed") and perhaps through the "fires" and pillars of smoke in Calif (and other places).  Without a doubt, He is after our attention. Not just the attention of citizens of any particular state but the attention of all of us who refuse to come to Him in times of our prosperity or while living a relatively comfortable life.

We know by the Word of God that the Holy Spirit was poured out after Jesus was resurrected and after He ascended to His place of origin AKA Heaven.  The day of the Lord can be interpreted as today...and every day since Pentecost.

These difficulties both here and around the world seem to be getting harder and harder and closer and closer together.

Our circumstances are like birthing pains....getting closer and closer from generation to generation to the return of the King and the birthing of His Kingdom on earth.  .  All the threats of war and rumors of war just help us to understand and long for peace, the peace that only King Jesus as the absolute Sovereign can bring to our hearts, minds, lives and world.

God is reaching out to us.  He has sent His Son and then His Holy Spirit to call us back to Himself before it is too late. The message is repentance and for us to turn from our own rebellious and wicked ways....rejecting God's authority over our lives.

I would add that all the prophets of old, who were told of things to come, walked with the Lord and listened to His voice.  They only spoke what they heard and were given by God with the directive to share.

That precious gift (He, The Holy Spirit) is available to all who believe and many will "prophesy" as in to "speak or sing by inspiration".

The rest of us can hear and know by the same Holy Spirit what is to come. I am reminded today that my eternal life began on the day of my rescue/salvation and with that knowledge comes patience and peace while waiting for the return of my King.

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?   

Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...