Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Worthy or Worthless Words?***

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  Yet again He reminds me to be mindful of the words I speak.  His voice is gentle but insistent.
“It’s time for you to revoke some of the careless words you have uttered and that are causing you pain even if they were uttered in jest”
Sometimes in my feeble attempts to be entertaining I have said some things that have eerily and in ways I did not plan or calculate brought uncomfortable circumstances to bear.   God knows each one.
What is exciting to me is to know that the worthless words can be revoked and renounced to reclaim the blessings that I may have denied myself and self-inflicted curses can be broken that I might have inadvertently placed upon my life in opposition to His plans over my role, my calling and the work of my hands.
Remember Peter who 3 times denied that he was a "Disciple" of Christ's.  Mark's account says that Peter denied and then, "began to curse and swear". We do not know exactly what these worthless words might have been but Jesus did.
We know that he denied being a disciple or even knowing Jesus. God, despite His grief, honors our words. In the Mark 16 account of the resurrection, of Jesus, it was said to the women who had come to prepare His body for final entombment, by “a young man clothed in a long white robe” in vs 6-7, “Do not be alarmed.  You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.  He is risen! He is not here! See the place where they laid Him?  But go tell His Disciples-and Peter -that He is going before you into Galilee.  There you will see Him as He said to you.”
Peter had denied being a Disciple and here the angel of the Lord made that distinction. I suppose there are differing interpretations of this directive, but given his denial, it seems to me that Peter was at this moment was no longer identified as a “disciple”.  Scary thought until we read about the sweet forgiveness and restoration process of our Lord.
If three times, Peter called down a curse and denial of the Lord, three times he was given the opportunity to proclaim his love.  Each of 3 worthless words and curses were revoked and his love and faith and loyalty proclaimed.  Such is the move of Holiness toward all of us who have uttered worthless words we have lived to regret.
God honors words; His and ours.  No one will be forced to accept Jesus as the Savior that He is.  What we proclaim in and over our lives has a bearing on our lives.  Why allow the worthless self-cursing words to stand when the ginormous blessings of Heaven are ours to claim and proclaim while we journey here on earth?
Moving on in the thoughts of worthy vs worthless words and believing that we were created in the very image of the Sovereign Creator Himself, I trust we were therefore created to create.  But in the corruption power of the enemy of our souls, we are tempted to make destructive proclamations over ourselves and others thereby becoming an agent of the very darkness that we despise or fear.
We have a great legacy provided by Jesus to bring the Good Will of Heaven into our daily lives.  Praying and proclaiming OUT LOUD His promises as opposed to agreeing with the evil of the enemy’s sick agenda over us and the fallen earth, re-enforces our restored dominion. 
The Lord God's Divine Enabler (the Holy Spirit) lives within us to bring forth what our worthy words declare.  If I am to be a “creator” of good things in the image bearing likeness to my Creator God and Heavenly Father and Savior,  and words truly do have the power of creating, then I must follow His Divine directives to focus on the good, lovely, praiseworthy, admirable, true, noble, and excellent things possible in this life. 
Since I am being prepared for everlasting life, my self-question is, “why am I not not even practicing for what I will be doing for all of eternity????? Like using my words to create and not destroy. I believe that my worthless destructive words can and must be revoked through repentance and then good proclamations be made that reverse the curse the worthless words bring.  The story of Peter drives this home to my heart.
Another thought that crosses my mind is the bondage we may be held in when we continue to make declarations that others have spoken over our lives and ones that we repeat such as a child being told they are anything less than the magnificent workmanship of God Himself.  Even as we discipline and correct our children, they ultimately belong to another and respect for His ownership must be observed.
If we trust and believe in the healing power of the Great Physician, and have been diagnosed with some infirmity or affliction, can we not say, “I am in the process of being healed from said sickness (creative) rather than repeating the diagnosis or condition as if a permanent (and destructive) health issue? 
Many thoughts come as I ponder the principle behind the directive to guard my tongue and utter worthy not worthless words. 
What worthy words can I declared today that the Holy One will make manifest in my life and into the extended world that my life touches? .... hmmmmmm.
The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...