Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blog update

Good morning and God bless you all who have been my cheerleaders and faithful readers along my Journey with Jesus  I have been busy working on writing books and sharing my thoughts in different places and I wanted to give you the links so we can stay connected and you can see the other cyber places my journey is taking me.

I look forward to the day I might meet you face to face or hug on those I already know but until then, here's some website where you can walk with me as we walk with our King.

FB group:

Goodreads Author page:

My author website:

My website dedicated to the role of the Holy Spirit:

My new blog:

Current book promotion:

Thanks so much for all the encouragement you have given me along the way.  Hope to hear from you in comments or shout-outs on one or more of these sites.

Have a blessed day! 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Heaven Bound by Connie D'Alessandro

God is always on the move and He fulfills dreams at unexpected times. Today is one of those times and I am happy to announce the release of my new book "Heaven Bound", a devotional that is drawn out of this blog series, "The Spirit is Calling".

The book is now available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  Search their sites for "Heaven Bound"  by Connie D'Alessandro. 

I am thankful to all who have encouraged me to keep writing and I am indebted to all my wonderful cheerleaders and fellow travelers on this epic Journey with Jesus. "Heaven Bound" was written to share with others, some of the lessons I have learned along the way. What a blessing it is to have y'all as a network of wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ across the street and around the world.

Participating in the fruit of any ministry is sometimes simply sharing the message with friends and family who make up your personal world. I would be honored to have you share this video and message from "Heaven Bound" with those you meet along the way.

Please take a few seconds to check out and then share this YOUTUBE video.

May the Lord's Love and Blessings shower over you today and always,

Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...