To all the faithful intercessors called to pray for our One Nation Under God (Yahweh):
Sharing intercessory downloads we get from Yahweh is an important part of networking to see and facilitate the fulfillment of Yeshua's prayer: Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be done. None of us have the complete picture but we all have a piece and a part to play in the bigger storyline of Yahweh's will for His creation.
For those who are new to intercession, we wanted to share a commission found and born out of Ezekiel 22:30 hearing the grieving heart of Yahweh for His land and His people.
Today as I am reading the book of Ezekiel, the Lord has taken me to a very powerful verse and conviction I want to share with my fellow intercessors.
The Book of Ezekiel deals with the conditions in Israel's religious life, and the idolatry they were practicing even while knowing they were a chosen nation with the command by Yahweh that they "shall have NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME".
I see America as One Nation Under God (Yahweh Elohim) according to the founding principles of our Constitution, yet as a nation based upon Biblical freedoms and rights with responsibilities, we have drifted away from our guiding principle of good godly government of, by and for the people.
That said, with all the chaos and ungodly rulings and orders eminating out from this administration (and other previous ones), I find symbollic similarities in our nation's behavior toward the One True God of our Divinely inspired origins.
Whether through appeasement or capitulation, to ungodly authorities, the little "g" god of government finds Yahweh's people bowing at that altar and refusing to recognize it as the idolatry that it is. I even heard a previous first Lady say, "Government takes care of us"! WHAT? and further that a certain political candidate for the Presidency will destroy the "government" that takes good care of us". Lies, all in an attempt to lead us astray from the One from whom all blessings for life and liberty flow. Yahweh, God over our One Nation under Him. To believe otherwise is "idolatry".
For those who see America as One Nation Under THE ONE TRUE God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we have much work to do as intercessors for the land and the people who call our nation home.
I read the indictment against Israel in Ezekiel's Book of Prophecy. I hear the grief to Yahweh's heart in Ezekiel 6, and the fact that He left a "remnant" to escape the judgement about to fall on a rebellious nation.
We learn through the study of the OT that Yahweh Elohim is a precedent setting Sovereign. What He has done or allowed in the past serves as a model for what He can do or what will be repeated in any and all generations.
I pay attention to how Yahweh interacted with Israel through history and find guidance for offering up Divinely enforceable prayers for our nation today.
In Ezekiel 6:9 we read of Adonai's heartbreak. For all the many sins of our nation deserving severe penalty, the mercy of Yahweh is always available, for those who like Moses have the ear of our gracious Sovereign Creator God.
We, even more so, have His ear because the Holy Spirit of Yeshua now dwells within us. He came, gave His life for our rescue, then resurrected to affirm His power over death and captivity by the enemy of our human souls.
We now have the privilege (and responsibility) to fight the battle with Him for our own kind (humanity) against the power of the demonic (supernatural) beings and their evil agenda to destroy those whom our Creator loves.
Reading the Book of Ezekiel, I find an interesting revelation Yahweh spoke through His Prophet to the people. After the word of indictment was handed down and reasons for what was about to become the penalty for Israel's violation and betrayal of Yahweh in Ezekiel 22:23-29 comes this "word" in Ezekiel 22:30:
"I sought for a man (woman) among them who could stand in the gap on behalf of the land (and people)" This passage reminds me that in the merciful gracious character of our God, He seeks for those who will stand in the gap for a nation called by His name, yet one that betrays His commands. Sadly, in the days of Ezekiel we read that "He found none". Let not that happen in America!
His love looks for intercessors to plead for what His heart desires to give us: MERCY
His ways are mysterious and although He remains as The Judge of all nations and peoples, with every right to execute penalty with or without intercessors, He desires and requires our participation in the execution of His will or the staying of His hand against a people or nation that has betrayed Him.
How about we who understand His love for humanity stand together in the gap for our nation, it's land and it's people.
How about we come to confess all that we see and know grieves His heart and plead for His return to all the places in our culture and society that we (or others) have evicted Him from with depraved agendas?
How about we encourage each other to turn from any wicked ways where we have acted in appeasement or capitulation to ungodly participation with the worship of foreign gods as we Stand in the Gap for America? For truly His mercies ARE new every morning, for those who ask.
The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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