Friday, May 24, 2024

Prayer of Intercession for Our Land

Calling all intercessors to stand in agreement, since we are promised by Yeshua that "if 2 of you agree about anything on earth, it shall be done for them by My Heavenly Father."     Matt 18:19-20.

 Abba Father, as intercessors of this great land called America, we are facing uncommon threats to our republic from without and now from within.  We know there is great blood guilt on the land and that according to Your Word, the murder of the innocents brings liability for a hard judgment and severe penalty to be paid.  

We confess the sins of past generations and even current ones and plead for Your mercy.  Your Ecclesia has been, in ways, neutralized by our self-centered “religious” agendas while the war rages against humanity and those we were assigned to represent You and our Kingdom to, we have allowed to languish for lack of the knowledge we possess about Your Son Yeshua (Jesus the Christ).  Forgive us Abba, we plead for Your Holy Spirit to fill us and flood the land with Your Presence.  

We plead that the Holy Blood of Yeshua cleanse this land and bring atonement for all the blood guilt that has polluted and fertilized the corruption we see all around us.  

You sent Your Son to defeat the evil that lies within the human heart and the devil who manipulates humanity to rebel Your wonderful Good and pleasant ruling authority.  Open the eyes and hearts of the blind Abba and let them see the One You sent to save us. 

On the matters of the enemies within our nation, planted here by those whose agenda it is to destroy the land and enslave us, thereby silencing our message, Your message, about the eternal future of a world without evil and a paradise beyond our imagination, we plead for Divine intervention and exposure of the plot and plan of this tyranny within along with righteous judgement and penalty for such wicked nefarious oppression.  



Ultimate Justice is Yours to implement and according to our constitution, we acknowledge that You alone know the heart and motive of every one of us.  Therefore, we plead you enforce and bring accountability (save who can be saved) to any who violate the laws that lie at the very foundation of our Republic’s code drafted to protect our Sovereignty, represent the social order and provide the peace for all the people who form the legal citizenry of our nation in Yeshua’s (Jesus) name and for Your gloryπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™☝️✝️πŸ’₯. 

According to the law of the land it is written: 

‘Whoever, Owing Allegiance To The United States, Levies War Against Them Or Adheres To Their Enemies, Giving Them Aid And Comfort Within The United States Or Elsewhere, Is Guilty Of Treason And Shall Suffer Death.' 

18 U.S.C. § 2381 - Treason

The Holy Spirit is calling.   Can you hear Him?

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Intercessors United 5-21-24

Being on a mission is the matter of the heart.  We as intercessors are on a heart mission for Yahweh to advance His Kingdom and follow in the footsteps of Yeshua who came to destroy the works of the devil and take back what belongs to Him.

I wanted to share with you the foundational authority that the Lord has shown me that we have and need to draw from to fulfill our mission as intercessors. 

Today He takes me to Rev 5 in the book of the Revelation of Jesus the Messiah.  John is weeping at the thought that there is/ was no one worthy to open the scroll and break the seals that kept it from being read.  But then it is revealed that Yeshua, the Lion of the tribe of Judah "won" the right to open the scroll and its seven seals.  

"You are worthy to take the scroll and break (dissolve) it's seals
because you were slaughtered; at the cost of blood, You ransomed for God 
persons from every tribe, language, people and nation.
You made them into a kingdom (that's us) for God to rule,
a Priesthood to serve Him
and they (that's us) will rule over the earth".

Here's our authority and our role.  We advance God's Kingdom with a divinely commissioned dominion and delegated authority to bring others into His kingdom and under His ruling authority.  When you know your authority (at its source) you will never doubt its power. The seals (IMO) represent the power Satan has used against and over humanity since the fall.   

History is cyclic and we have experienced the devil's attacks over and over .  At the Cross, Yeshua defeated the devil, broke his power over humanity and we now operate from the place of victory and not victimization.  The fallen elohim (celestial beings) have had their rulership taken away but their lives were prolonged for a time and a season. (Daniel 7:11).  

Exercising our dominion over these other-realm beings and their opposition of our Kingdom is our training for reigning here on earth. 

We do not war in the flesh, rather:  
2 Corinthians 10:4, "The weapons that we war with are mighty in God to the bringing down of strongholds, casting down arguments and everything that exalts itself against the "knowledge" of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...."

Our words have power.  Thoughts become spoken words and spoken words create, just as God brought all things into existence through His spoken word.  As His imagers, we have similar power in our words to create good as we declare His love, His beauty, and His structure, His will over everything we see that is out of His Order.  Evil is chaos.  As we proclaim His Kingdom here on earth, order and peace overtakes chaos and confusion and darkness, thereby replacing it.  As we declare, like Yahweh did back in the beginning: "Let there be Light" over the darkness, the Hebrew word is OHR and that word for light translates to bring order out of chaos.  Where we declare His light, darkness recedes. Jesus IS the LIGHT of the world and so are we!   

The important point is that WE GET IT.  We have been restored to our rightful role as Yahweh's priests, to co-labor with Him in the government of His Created world.  "Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, subdue, and rule over all He created". (Gen 1:28) Now, it's up to us to take up the mantle of this authority and be the conduit for His Kingdom to come here on earth and His will to be done here, as in Heaven. 

This understanding lays the foundation we have as our justification, and is the baseline for our ordained assignment to make the proclamations, decree, and declarations of Yahweh's promises, precedents, and commands from His Word that we now speak out and over the world that touches our lives.

Remember we must stand in agreement for what we desire to see happen in our world (according to the Word) and proclaim it OUT LOUD.  That's the point and power of our declarations.  By the spoken word of Yahweh everything came into existence and we have that capability to create good works through our spoken words. We take claim to the word and promise Jesus spoke in Matt 18. 

I encourage you to grab a prayer partner and start with things that touch your heart and represent a burden to see the Kingdom of Heaven manifest in circumstances here on earth.  

Have a blessed day and remember:

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?   



Thursday, May 2, 2024

Defeating the Darkness: Let there be Light!

Back in the very beginning of the recorded History of Man's days upon the earth, in the Bible, it is written in Genesis 1, that God created the Heavens and the earth.  we are told that at the time, earth was unformed, void and darkness was on the face of the deep. His Spirit hoovered over the surface of the water (like a hen brooding over her eggs). 

But then it says, God SAID, "Let there be light!".  

God saw that the light was GOOD and God divided the Light from the Darkness!  As the creation story continues, we read where the sun and moon were not created until the 4th day. So, what is this "Light" that came when He said Let there be Light?  

Looking back to the Hebrew word for this "Light", I find the word in Hebrew to be "OHR", and that word translates to mean, "to bring order out of chaos".  By inference then, "darkness' is chaos and 'light' is order. 

Jesus is described as "The LIGHT of the world".  He is the OHR and the one who brought and brings order out of chaos.  This is an amazing clue regarding how to intercede for what we see as chaos and evil controlling our world and where trust, belief, and faith enter the equation and lead to our victory. 

Given that we are to co-labor with Yahweh our Creator in the government of His created world and understanding that while the "battle belongs to the Lord", 2 Chronicles 20:15, we have a part to play.  What is our part and what are the weapons that we fight with that are not carnal but Divine? 2 Corinthians 10:4

Reading about Creation, God "said", and it was. In the earthly discussion of war and peace, it has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword.  The pen is used to write down "words" so in agreement with the God of all creation, we can agree "words" have power to create or destroy. "Life and death are in the power of the tongue".  Proverbs 18:21.

Jesus said in Luke 10:19, "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you!"  "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal (worldly) but mighty through God to the bringing down of strongholds."  2 Corinthians 10:4 Our weapons are the truth of God's Word (the sword of the Spirit) against the lies of the enemy.  

Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us that our battle is not against flesh and blood humans, but rather against the rulers and authorities that govern the darkness in the world.  Darkness is, in reality, the absence of light.    

Given this expose of the true enemy and the truth that we have a part to play in the battle between the Kingdom of our God and the kingdom of the enemy, we can and must employ our powerful weapons:  our WORDS, declarations, proclamations that serve notice to the enemy that he and his wicked agenda are subject to our authority, as delegated to us by Jesus.  

Today and from here on we need to declare over our nation and our world:


Abba Father, Let the Light of Your Holiness PIERCE the darkness that the evil fallen Elohim governs, exposing what wickedness lies within so necessary accountability and correction can take place.  May we take up the sword of the Spirit and use it powerfully for Your glory and our victory here on earth.  Please enforce the delegated authority you have given us as we declare our dominion over the power of the enemy and thereby enjoy the peaceful order Your ways and ruling authority brings to our lives.  In Yeshua's Name. 

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?



Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...