Monday, August 26, 2024

If My People.....

 What’s Up with America???  Ready for my rant?  

Are we ready for some raw un-watered-down truth?  

As we look at the way this nation has been humiliated around the world with all that is happening and is being revealed day by day, is it any wonder?  Holy Conviction is a sword to my heart💔

We know that this is not a matter of a weak military nor an inability to protect the borders of our Sovereign nation.  It’s not any weakness in our laws that cannot protect our citizens from criminals in the streets.

It’s time we turn our attention to the reality that it is an ungodly ideology that has crept in, been tolerated, then celebrated and inaccurately defined as “compassion” for all the human “victims” of inequality. 

This once great nation has had its share of wars from within as well as from without. But from a heavenly perspective we should take the time to see ourselves as Adonai sees us.

Patriots who love our Republic and fight for our restoration as a constitutional republic, we appreciate the commitment and energy you have demonstrated, but the Church of the Living God must do our part for victory to be achieved against the foreign invaders who have infiltrated and imposed their wicked agenda over us.  

We who understand the commands and ways of Holiness should be able to acknowledge that we as a nation are the source of profaning God’s Name, His being to the world.  We as a nation “called by His name, are the conduit of gross immorality, defaming the great name of the One who has given us all the blessings we enjoy.  

We have been accepting of and then exported licentious behavior (via Hollywood and other venues) that is clearly forbidden if we want to be in a vital relationship with our Creator who holds the keys to our happy place. 

This is not a deep secret as God’s Word is readily available to all here who want to read it.   His instruction for living in His protection and blessing is readily available and not too difficult to comprehend. 

As a follower of Yeshua, I have searched out the precedents in His Word so as to pray for our rescue and a personal directive as to how to personally align with His Will.  His promises are personal, and He will make a distinction between those who serve Him and those who do not.

That said, there are those among us who will say “Where is your God now?”   In humility we must understand that as we have humiliated Him before the world, we are now experiencing humiliation.  

This nation has been weakened by our apathy, compromise and refusal to stand against the things that materialism brings to silence our integrity.  

We have enjoyed the pornography, the immorality, even aberrant relationships forbidden by Holiness.  We have exported all the funds needed to kill off the next generation of precious humanity so other nations can reduce their population like we have so skillfully done with ours.   We fail to stop the wicked indoctrination of our kids thru “education” to the point that they question their own gender and value as human beings.  We have gullibly allowed corrupt leaders to be placed in powerful positions enacting laws while sitting on the sidelines refusing to vote our godly conscience as our freedoms are being legislated away.  

The list goes on and then we wonder why we are being humiliated knowing we could in and of ourselves squash any nation we see as a threat.

All this should break our hearts and show us clearly how we have broken His.  Our founders were given a blueprint for greatness but along the way, we lost our courage and our vision as One nation under God embracing and modeling His Principles for peaceful victorious living.  

Biblical history tells us how Israel profaned Adonai’s Name among the nations through compromising and worshipping at the altar of foreign gods.  They too engaged in immorality, offered up their children to foreign gods, betrayed their covenant with Adonai and lost their protection for times and seasons.  BUT GOD……

Still gave them hope.   Repentance was the way back to their restoration as His people and to again take up their privilege and responsibility to represent His Sovereign Being to the nations that surrounded them.  

This ongoing struggle can end but not without correction.  It is written “If MY people who are called by MY Name” turn from THEIR wicked ways.  Clearly Adonai sees things in our hearts that perhaps others don’t see.  Do we justify sin and refuse to take a stand or even privately pray for an end to it?  

I read and remember that in each time of the rescue of His people, Adonai heard the cry of the remnant and responded by raising up leaders whom He could anoint with His great power to show the World that His name will not be defiled by the “uncircumcised” (of the heart not the body/I.E. unbelievers).

Are we there yet?   Have we gotten to the bottom of our pride and mistaken sense that the Blood of our Messiah will protect us here on earth from the consequences of our violations of the Holiness of our Heavenly Father? 

Have we apologized to each other for the hidden sin including acceptance of values not aligned with Adonai’s Holiness that might be causing corporate liability and asked for prayer to overcome it?  

Having been through a season of inexcusable back sliding, I know how humiliating it is to share our private weaknesses, ask for private prayer and plead for divine wisdom to see ourselves clearly, but national disgrace is a far worse consequence for all who are in bondage to the sin that brings it.  

It is sobering to realize these are “those” days we have read, about that try men’s souls and test our godly character.  

However, Adonai is Present and He is real offering us the way out of this mess. TODAY……….

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

Monday, August 12, 2024

Intercessors United 8-12-24: Binding and Loosing in Cultural Context


Greetings faithful intercessors.  Be encouraged in your assignment to advance the Kingdom of our God and King Jesus.

This morning as I meet with the Holy One, my "emotions" press me to inquire about many things I see in our world and how each factors into the battle I am called to fight. Perspective is one vitally important key to victory.  Jesus told Peter, "I will give you the keys OF the kingdom; Whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven."  Matthew 16:19-20

In doing this, I am given to understand that Jesus was giving Peter the authority to bind and loose (prohibit and permit) the activities of His newly formed community of followers.  This was going to be a departure from what the Rabbis of that day required of Torah observant Jews that Jesus called "misunderstanding" of the spirit of the law (Torah) or worse, outright defiance or even manipulation of the known principles Torah taught.

When we take claim to that verse, it's important to understand the fullness of what that meant to Peter and the Messianic Jews of that day.  Jesus was giving him and by extension, us, an understanding of our authority to permit or prohibit activities of the followers of Jesus and how we are to influence the world.  For Peter it was Jesus authorizing him to permit things the religious rulers had or were prohibiting, like the controversy of Levitical laws of circumcision as a necessary requirement for Gentiles to join the Messianic community.  Or to permit the activities on the Sabbath that had been and were prohibited like deliverance from the power of Satan or physical healing like the "works" of the Kingdom as Jesus Himself modelled. 

Points to Ponder:

  1. Since our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the darkness and the governors OF the darkness in the world that touches our lives. (Ephesian 6:10) we can take our authority to permit and prohibit the "works of darkness" that we see.  I John 3:8b, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil."
  2.  How do we "destroy the works of the devil?  As we come against the devil's works and know that "the gates of hell will NOT prevail against us", by and through our powerful words and proclamations of God's truth (His power, His Sovereignty, His authority delegated to us), we pierce the darkness and set captives free.  In order to defeat the darkness we must declare the LIGHT!  We must never give up nor give in. Those who are victims of Satan's lies and cooperate with the evil agenda to enslave the whole world, can be brought into the Kingdom of light by our discerning declarations and worthy words of truth spoken over them, leading to a Divine encounter with God's only Son, our Savior, Jesus.

  3. Always remember it is the SPOKEN word of God that is the true power. Our thoughts are the beginning but it's the spoken word in declarations and proclamations that move the Kingdom of Heaven forward and destroy all the illusions of the devil's power.  

Prayer for Today:

Abba Father, thank you for Your word and instructions to Your people. Thank You that Your Word is Your will for us and the "how-to" align with Your ways of co-governing the world that touches our personal and corporate lives.  It is no doubt that we have an enemy and that this "enemy" was permitted,  not to destroy us but to challenge us to become strong as Your imagers and well-trained in our future role to rule and reign with Jesus in the age to come. 

We humble ourselves before You, with thanksgiving that we are not the victims of evil but have, by Your design, the weapons to defeat all that comes against us.  Grant us, Abba, the wisdom and understanding to be victorious in the battles brought on by this enemy of Your Kingdom, and righteously apply the principles of binding and loosing, permitting and prohibiting all that You have provided in Your Word.   We appeal to Your mercy for justice to become righteous again and people to be held accountable for sin unto their redemption not destruction. In Jesus Name and for Your glory.

Scriptural references:

  1. Matthew 16:19-20
  2. Ephesians 6:10
  3. 1 John 3:8b
  4. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 


We declare:  2 Corinthians 10:4-5 "The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world, on the contrary, they have Divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. 

We declare: this is the authority we have been given and we now speak against the lies and illusions of the enemy that have brought a blanket of confusion and chaos over our world at large, our nation, our states, our communities, our churches, our families and our own minds.


We declare: we, your people have the mind of Christ and His delegated authority that we purpose to use to bring The Kingdom of Heaven's good will, that offsets the evil of the kingdom of darkness.


We declare: the power of evil acts done by the wicked leveled against the innocent and the weaker vessels in our society is broken and their power overruled.


We declare:  Those guilty of such abuses will be speedily brought to accountability: exposed and penalized according to the Vengeance that is our Sovereign Lord's right to exercise and we commit them into Your Hands, Adonai.


We declare: freedom this day, for the captives caught behind enemy lines like Rahab back in the day of Joshua at Jericho, that they be brought into the camp of the saved.  All in Jesus Name and for His glory! 


Have an awesome day on this Journey with Jesus and lead-up to the celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord. 



Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...