Wednesday, September 18, 2024

(Only) One Way to Heaven

The Holy Spirit calls to me this morning.  I have been so troubled by the news about the genocide taking place in far off lands.  I judge those people executing the genocide and rightfully so. They need to be stopped and sent to hell for all they are doing and have done.

The Holy One invades my thoughts with the truth about the unsaved and the One who will ultimately judge us all.  He speaks Truth.  Hell has no compartments that grade and penalize sin according to human values.  

It is hard for the human mind to grasp that concept because we have, in our own hearts, given value to our sin actions or, opposite that, we have given value to our good deeds.

What we think is "fair" are grades of sin as assessed within the human mind.  There is a bar of good, gooder, goodest, or bad, badder, baddest.  We rate our sin and the sin of others by an internal standard.  I guess if we are gods then we can rest with this standard and rating system and be assured of our entry into Heaven at the end of this earthly life.

But God........   Does the Creator God who formed us and gave us His Spirit through His Son, use the same standard and measuring rod for our life and eternity?  

The Word of God given to man and the appearance on earth of God incarnate, (I.E. God in the flesh), who is Jesus Christ, reveals the truth.

Many are caught up with their own self-generated image of God.  Whether we see God as a kindly white haired ancient person who is desperately fair minded, beholding to men for their loyalty, or see Him as a tyrant, angry, wrathful, control freak, waiting for the human to cross Him, most conjure up an image and work our way out from there.

But our image of our Creator must can and must come from TRUTH.  God is who He is.  We didn't create Him, He created us.  While we were created in His image, He remains high and above the weak "flesh" image that we tend to judge Him according to.

God has made His Word available and, in our history, has even wrapped Himself in flesh to show us Who He is.  JESUS IS GOD.  His Presence, His Person. His Life, His Death, His Resurrection all point us to the TRUTH about our Creator.

The question for each one of us is whether we will accept God for Who He is.  If we do, we are promised to live forever in His Presence.  If we do not, then we will live forever not in His Presence.  It's a simple choice, really, except for those who would choose to be their own god.

The drive to be our own god, takes us down any road that pleases self.  We justify our human mind and thinking, saying, "I just can't believe in a God who would: send a good person to hell or,  save an evil man, or__________________ you can fill in the blank, never really grasping the truth that it's all about a choice that each human can, must and does make before the final judgment is rendered by a Holy God.

In truth, all the wrath of our Holy God was poured out on Jesus at the cross.  The only judgement that remains is over whether you accept His atonement (bloodshed in your behalf) or not.  If you do and accept Jesus as you personal savior who has redeemed, you from death you will be rewarded with eternal life from and with our Creator in a renovated New earth. If you reject the One God sent to redeem you from death, you will forfeit eternal life in paradise and spend it in torment. 

The incredible kindness, mercy and generosity of our Majestic Creator is that salvation depends on a choice that every person can, must and does make.  

Our Sovereign God leveled the playing field, taking off the table any condition of birth, goodness of deeds, talents we may have, or any relative comparison of our personalities, appearance or innate character.

The only thing that God uses in His assessment for salvation is the question, "What have you done with the truth that Jesus Christ was sent from Heaven to earth by Me to save you?"   

We are to believe and trust in the name (character) of His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Savior of mankind and the One sent by God to pay the price for God's wrath against sin, wickedness, and evil.  These actions make every one of us is guilty and liable for justifiable punishment when using the standard of God's Holiness as opposed to the standard of our human goodness.

To those who say the way is too narrow, especially those who follow counterfeit gods, the TRUTH that Jesus gave us is clear when He said, "Small is the way and narrow is the gate that leads to life, broad is the road that leads to destruction"  Matt 7:14

It is not the rigid requirements of the law that lead to life, but rather the One, the ONLY ONE, who represents the gate.  JESUS IS THE GATE and THE ONLY WAY to access Heaven.

For those who deny the truth, reject the One and only provision God has provided for our salvation and eternal life in the Presence and company of our Creator, the end will come as a shock to all those theories about Heaven and hell.  For hell is isolation and separation from all that we know as life and light.  

A miss of the one (only) way to Heaven will translate to the same hell for all regardless of the goodest or baddest actions we accomplish on earth.

Either we are or are not saved, and Jesus, alone, knows who are His. Do you belong to Jesus?  Have you entered into a relationship with the Son of God? Or will you get to the gate and be turned away?

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

Monday, September 16, 2024

Our Privilege and Our Assignment

Shalom my faithful Kingdom Warriors.

Let us take a minute to remind ourselves:  At the Cross, and due to the sacrifice of Yeshua, the rules governing this earth realm changed forever.  Before the Cross, the fallen Elohim ruled by default since humanity surrendered the role first assigned to co-labor with Yahweh over His created world.  And, as history unfolded and humanity rebelled even further in the building of the tower of Babel, they (we) lost favor and to the point of Yahweh turning His imagers over to the ruling authority of the elohim (little “g” gods) in the unseen realm.  Psalm 82 gives a glimpse and picture of the spirit realm and Yahweh’s indictment over His other created beings who betrayed their role and task, which was, to bring Humanity back under His rule. 

Psalm 82:6-7 is Yahweh’s pronounced indictment and final judgement over the rebels in the unseen realm: 

“My decree is:  You are elohim (gods, judges) sons of the Most High, all of you.  NEVERTHELESS, you will die like mortals and fall like any prince.” 

Yeshua’s arrival was an invasion by the Creator of all and He came at a strategic time (when all roads led to Rome and facilitated the spread of the Gospel world-wide) and to take back what belongs to Him.

Since the Cross, Humanity has been re-issued title deed to this earth and on the occasion of His death and resurrection we were bestowed inheritance rights and authority over EVERYTHING THAT BELONGS TO HIM.  He signed His last will and testament in blood so there can be NO forgery.  When He left planet earth, we became his heir(s) apparent and have been placed in charge of all that is His. He is not dead and will return one day but until He returns, we must battle against the evil ones who have occupied the land that belongs to Him.   

Pentecost provided the glorious day promised when Yahweh Himself would come to tabernacle (dwell) with His people.  With the Spirit of the Holy God of all creation living inside us, there is no power greater than the one we wield as His representative.  Eviction of illegal principalities is accomplished by His power as we serve the verbal eviction notices in His Name!    

Standing upon this truth, it is our right and privilege to re-possess the land that belongs to Yahweh.

All the nations belong to Him.  Psalm 82:8, Psalm 86:8-10, Psalm 22:28 

We are told that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (swords and spears, bombs and bullets) but have Divine power to bring down "strongholds" (power grips by evil forces) whether in our mind or in the atmosphere due to the propaganda and false narrative evil claims to have.  We know from the beginning and origins of "creation", words have power.  The Words of Yahweh have Sovereign power to create and uphold His Will, His way.  As we know His will (as revealed in His Word), we can be confident that as we declare His Word, it will be fulfilled.  Isaiah 55:11.

All our declarations, based on His word will materialize here on earth is we persevere and do not doubt.  

Here are declarations I am making today and encourage you to stand in agreement with and even add mighty declarations bringing His Sovereign rule and order to circumstances you know are out of alignment with His will. 

We declare this nation has been redeemed by the Holy Blood of Yeshua and purged of the bloodguilt of past generations.  We are the Redeemed United States of America under the ruling authority of Yahweh.  We declare our Sovereignty as One Nation Under Yahweh, and our Constitution is a Sacred Covenant established at our foundation, with Him and one another (United States citizens).   

We declare, this nation, The Redeemed United States of America stands for and upholds the Sanctity of Life and that our Creator God is the source and breath of all life as He oversees that sacred moment of conception. 

Furthermore, we declare this issue of "abortion" as a "right" protected by the federal government was settle by SCOTUS and returned to each state for laws governing its restrictions and permissions.  We declare the issue of abortion and the propaganda that supports the ungodly depravity: is renounced as a top issue to we, the people, and is exposed as the illusion that is and cancelled.  

We break the power of media manipulation as only the "Satanist's agenda " favors infanticide as it is their blood ritual, and the rest of humanity is heartbroken over death of the innocent.  We declare that from here on "radio silence" is required by nefarious media and proponents of that depraved agenda. 

We declare only US citizens will be allowed to vote in the 2024 election and laws governing election fraud will be enforced and those engaging in any election fraud, will be exposed and penalized. 

Remember that we are and most likely will always be a remnant force of Kingdom Warriors.  Yahweh always uses a remnant so no one can boast as an individual or a vast army that victory comes from anywhere or from anyone but Yahweh.  We glorify His Name.  

That said, He asked me one morning, "Why are you not fighting harder for your own kind?  This is human genocide you are witnessing".  What a stark reminder that as a remnant we are not fighting for our own comfort or personal life, but we are fighting for His Name and Glory and for others of our own "kind" (the whole nation) who cannot or do not know how to fight for themselves.    

I am reminded of Moses' intercession when He was receiving the "instructions" for Holy living back on Mt Sinai and Israel was making the golden calf and practicing idolatry with the most depraved acts of immorality and pagan forms of worship.  What a disappointment and offense to God's nature and His powerful deliverance from 400 years of their enslavement. Yet Moses made His appeal to Yahweh that His reputation and Name was at stake among all the nations on earth if Israel was abandoned or destroyed.  Much the same argument for intercession can be made over our Nation.  Once recognized as a "Christian Nation", we have been invaded and corrupted by pagan ideologies and foreign actors who come not but to rob, kill and destroy just like their demonic handlers.  Somehow, we have been a nation of appeasement not only acting rebellion here at home but also exporting it to other nations.

Prayer for our Nation

Oh Abba Father, how we repent for all the evil this nation has done and plead as Moses did, for the sake of Your great Name and Honor among the nations, please intervene and re-set this, Your/our nation back on the trajectory of Your ordained destiny for us.  As you cleanse and purify the land and Your people, and as You lead us out of bondage to the evil globalists, grant us the wisdom to recalibrate our Nation back on our foundation under Your ruling authority.  Enable us, the remnant the Divine strategy to handle our victory and our freedom from cabal, cartel and foreign corp. control.    In Yeshua's Name!

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?           


Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...