Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Blood of Yeshua (Jesus) Breaks the Power of the Demonic

Since getting more and more engaged in Intercession Yahweh's Way, His symbolic statements have led to some very interesting battle strategies and instructions for victory.

Years ago, as my prayer partner and I were interceding for the nation, we got an image of an octopus type entity that had tentacles wrapped around this nation and was attempting to hold this nation in its grip and the tentacles were symbolic of the power the occult system of the fallen Elohim uses to enforce its control.

We heard the Lord telling us:   

"Target the head and the tentacles will wither".  Even if you are able to cut off a tentacle, it will only grow back.  It's the head you must target!"  The next question and inquiry of Yahweh was, "what and where is the head?" 

As we continue our prayers of inquiry and intercession, we receive intel from the Holy Spirit to use in the battle of our Kingdom. I have already shared the "word" I got from the Holy One on the morning after the DNC convention. I saw snippets of that convention that was IMO like watching a satanic convention and demonic celebration.  

This coronation of a woman who had not received any votes from the party she was positioned to represent as their presidential candidate smacked of a dark agenda and a manipulation move by non-human entities.  When we consider that we are in a kingdom battle against powers and principalities in the spirit realm, it's apparent that this coronation represented the plan to position an Ishtar "surrogate" into our election to take the victory by interference or fraud with the ultimate goal to destroy or dominate our nation.  

All the players and past leaders of the democratic party were present celebrating the ouster of Biden and the introduction of their "candidate" as one of the first women (after Hillary) to run for President and with their powerful machine and money behind her, they reasoned there was no way for her to lose. They were giddy with the acceptance by the "party" despite the clear violation of democratic rules of choosing their candidate via a primary campaign in which citizens, (the democratic party members), get to choose.

They even had the audacity to bring and position a mobile abortion truck and provide free abortions where it was reported that 25 babies were aborted during that "convention".

All that said, the next morning I woke up to the word from the Lord, "The last night of the democratic convention is the end of the democratic party."  He confirmed the vision and the word in Habakkuk 2 and gave that directive for me to share it. 

The very next day RFK Jr. endorsed Trump and there were rumblings of a unity government and collaboration for things that are in the corporate best interests of our nation.  Joe Manchin and Tulsi Gabbard also endorsed Trump and many of the democratic party jumped ship.  

"Target the Head and the tentacles will wither" continued to be a mysterious and elusive principle and directive.  THEN came this revelation:  The DNC convention WAS a demonic ritual celebration and the formation of a covenant "agreement" between the satanic cult of and high-ranking humans in the DNC who committed all their power, influence and money to the election and elevation of the chosen human woman through whom the demonic "Queen of Heaven" would rule over America.  This would be the ultimate end of our Republic if that plan were to be victorious.  In the structure of satanic power, a covenant would have to be ratified by a blood sacrifice.....thus the abortion truck outside their convention.

It is vital to understand what we have been suffering in our nation are the tentacles of that Ishtar (who goes by the title "Queen of Heaven") spirit.  From gender dysphoria and LGBT, trans sexual identities, sexual deviancies and all that goes with such immorality is connected to the worship of and idolatry of that ancient demon and the temptations that our flesh is seduced by.  If she were to gain power in government over our nation, all our biblical values would be over-ruled, and her dark agenda would extinguish our light.  Yahweh will not let that happen, but He enlisted His intercessors to stand in the gap before and during the 2024 election.    

During the DNC convention, their agenda was set into motion, and a covenant was made by those who understand and operate in demonic rituals.  The Holy One showed me that this cabal imbedded in the DNC IS the head of the Octopus.  This blood guilt on the land enables the activation of all the corruption of demonic power that had enslaved us for all the years and especially since the abortion law was passed in the original ROE V WADE decision.  UNTIL the reverse of it by SCOTUS. 

That evil law (allowing for human genocide) and satanic covenant of globalists was ratified by the blood of the innocent.  According to the Levitical law on purging the land of bloodguilt, Yahweh provided that a sacrifice would/could atone for the guilt that follows the shedding of innocent blood (as in murder).  Bloodguilt that would otherwise harm the land and the people. The bloodshed of the "murderer" would be one atoning source for purging, or the blood of an animal could be shed as atonement, if the murderer was unknown. Deuteronomy 21 deals with the issue.  As intercessors, we have and take claim to the Blood of Yeshua (the final sacrifice that the innocent "animal" sacrifices in the OT symbolically represented) that purges our flesh and the land, in the case of all the bloodguilt that abortion or wars have made us liable to suffer under Divine penalties.

We, as intercessors, have pleaded the blood of Yeshua over our nation after the Roe V Wade reversal, and now in a symbolic sense we can declare that we are the "Redeemed" United States of America.  

Knowing this demonic cabal ratified their covenant with innocent blood and initiated the plot to take-over our nation, we took up our authority, to break and nullify the covenant 's power from ritual sacrifice of blood made that night in the mobile abortion facility.   We purged the land of the bloodguilt it represented, by the cleansing atoning Blood of Yeshua. 

In essence we sent a Divine Holy Blood bullet thru the head of the octopus. Now that the head is dead, the tentacles will begin to wither.  Consider the "tentacles" symbolize the suffocating and controlling power of the ideologies of the anti-American, anti-constitutional, anti-Yahweh, anti-Christ agenda that has terrorized us for decades.  

One other point to understand is that the satanic kingdom is (tries to be) a copy-cat of our Heavenly Kingdom.  The blood rituals to ratify a covenant is their copy of the innocent Blood shed by Yeshua that ratified the covenant Yahweh made with us.  In God's economy, only "Innocent" Holy blood 🩸 represents the power to atone for sin and blood guilt but the satanists invoke the "power" of innocent human blood to ratify their satanic covenants. 

They will never duplicate our covenant with Yahweh, but they use the principle to evoke loyalty and fear of breaking the demonic covenants they make with each other.  We must keep declaring the Holy Blood of Yeshua as it breaks the power of their counterfeit covenants.  

Now, to connect the dots to what other things I have been getting in my understanding of our times, and how the Book of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ connects to the way the enemy has operated and what the Cross of Yeshua has done for humanity.  Here's the overview and my perspective of where we are. 

Yeshua's first coming was a kingdom invasion and when He died on the cross, the rules governing this world were forever changed.  His death was the end of the reign of the fallen beings who were given power over the nations when the tower of babel was destroyed, and the people were divided.  

The book of revelation and what we read about and interpret as the "future" have actually been cycles of human history and repeated in different generations and times. The spirit of the anti-christ has been and is still in this earth realm.  A "new world leader" can appear and may be part of a future cycle to be completed when the physical return and final war of our conquering King comes to pass, but for now the current kingdom battle has my full attention.

John records that in his heavenly vision, he wept because he thought there was no one who could break the seals that kept what was in the scroll from being read.  In Rev 6, we are told what identified and kept the sacred scroll from being read. 

As the seals were broken, we read about 4 horsemen (riders) of what we call the apocalypse, a word meaning "revelation or disclosure."   We have symbols of the authority these "riders" possessed and used as power over humanity until the arrival of Yeshua, Who came to take back what is His. 

We now understand these "seals" are what powers the enemy possessed that Yeshua destroyed, broke, dissolved when He died on the Cross and was resurrected in His Glorified eternal body and role. The seals are the power of the demonic that before Yeshua came and died, prevent the reading and thereby the proclamation and fulfillment of our original human destiny (Yahweh's plan) that was surrendered at the fall.   

When Yeshua came, and paid the price for humanity's fallen nature, and then sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within us, the game changed forever. Yeshua broke the power of evil and restored us to our original assignment and in essence re-issued title deed to the earth to us: to go forth into the world, subdue, rule over and multiply His imagers with and under His delegated authority.   Only by His Blood🩸do we see their (demonic)power neutralized and the "seals" dissolved, broken, and the scroll of our delegated authority read and enforced.  Hallelujah our God reigns and reigns.  

As Intercessors, we take up our Divine dominion and operate in His delegated authority, and we continue in the legacy He died to provide.  This is what advances the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. 

By defeating this wicked satanic cabal, with the strategies we are given from Yahweh, according to His Word and promises, we will see His Kingdom (continue) to come and His will (continue) to be done here on earth as it is being done in heaven.    The spoken words in our declarations and proclamations are power and a testimony.  Knowing and drawing from the precedents of His past acts of Divine intervention give us total confidence to see manifestations of victory every day.  

To tie it all up in a bow, we declare how the Holy Blood and sacrifice of Jesus personally saved us and to Him belongs all the glory!             

Rev 12:11, The accuser of the brethren has been hurled down.  They (We) defeated him by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB. and the word of their (our) testimony.  AMEN and AMEN!

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him? 




Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...