The Spirit is calling each one of us to go further in faith. Prayer is our end of the Sacred Romance between us and our Creator God. Prayer is the unbroken communication and fellowship with the One who calls us unto Himself. We are to pray without ceasing; to stay in constant contact and endless conversation with our Beloved.
This is the beginning letter in the acronym God gave us for our women's day retreat outside my home in the forest. PRAYER is the acronym and...
"P" is for preparation
How do we prepare to pray? As we are to pray without ceasing what is our constant frame of mind to be? First and foremost to prepare is to remember who God is.
God is Creator of the Universe and all things in it. We have to get outside ourselves and our little world in order to truly see God.
God is absolute authority...He is Sovereign. There is no one greater, no one more powerful, no one beyond or beside our amazing and Sovereign God. He knows the end from the beginning and is all wisdom.
God is almighty, all powerful, all knowing, ever present.
God is perfect, above reproach, beyond our judgment, flawless and never makes mistakes.
God is eternal, always has been, always will be throughout all the generations of men and beyond.
God is Majestic, high above the common place. He is grand, stately and glorious. Words simply cannot describe His Being.
God is protector and provider. No circumstance is beyond His resolution. No enemy is more terrifying than our fierce protector.
God is Holy. One definition of Holy that I really like is: sound (as in of sound mind), happy, whole.
God is our "Abba" meaning "daddy". He is personal, loving, kind, and the One who knows every cell in our body and every hair on our head.
God is our Savior, having paid the ultimate price for our sin to insure our eternity with Himself.
God is the Holy Spirit of all Truth.
As we "prepare" to pray, let's all just stand in awe of Him and call out to the God of the Universe in our own way, declaring who you see that He is. Prayer is personal and the words that describe Him are personal to each one of us.
Prepare to enter into His presence by declaring your praises to Him for who He is. Forget about who is around you...or what they might think...We are here (in the forest) to meet up with our Glorious God. So stand, reach out to Him, look up, past the trees and just let your voice call out to Him in praise for who He is. Our Abba hears our cry amid the cries of all His children. He knows our individual voices...
Remember that our God is 3 in One....The Trinity...Praise all three...God, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Honor Him with your praise and worship. Let all the cares of the world grow dim, take your are on Holy ground.
Now that we have cried out to our Sovereign and almighty yet personal God, in continuing preparation, we must remember and declare who we are. For this we will kneel before our Maker in humble confession of our desperate need. We are the created, we are the weak, we are the needy, we are desperate. We are "Eve"in the garden who was deceived and we are the one who Christ died to save.
This is not time for repentance but rather to acknowledge our position with respect to our relationship with our Holy God. God gives grace to the humble and here is where there can be no pretense because our Abba father knows every cell, every hair, every thought we have. Here we kneel in humble reality that we are dependent on our Creator God for our next heartbeat and our next breath.
There is nothing wrong with being dependent, in actuality we are designed to be this way. To be proud and independent is to be tweaked out of our original shape. On our knees before our King and our God is how we are designed to be. We come into His presence with gratitude and a thankful heart. If your knees cannot handle this position, put your mind to work and use your imagination...bow your head and mentally kneel before your King.
Let's spend some time at the feet of our Lord in preparation. Talk to Him and declare who you know yourself to be.
The Spirit is calling. can you hear Him?
This is the beginning letter in the acronym God gave us for our women's day retreat outside my home in the forest. PRAYER is the acronym and...
"P" is for preparation
How do we prepare to pray? As we are to pray without ceasing what is our constant frame of mind to be? First and foremost to prepare is to remember who God is.
God is Creator of the Universe and all things in it. We have to get outside ourselves and our little world in order to truly see God.
God is absolute authority...He is Sovereign. There is no one greater, no one more powerful, no one beyond or beside our amazing and Sovereign God. He knows the end from the beginning and is all wisdom.
God is almighty, all powerful, all knowing, ever present.
God is perfect, above reproach, beyond our judgment, flawless and never makes mistakes.
God is eternal, always has been, always will be throughout all the generations of men and beyond.
God is Majestic, high above the common place. He is grand, stately and glorious. Words simply cannot describe His Being.
God is protector and provider. No circumstance is beyond His resolution. No enemy is more terrifying than our fierce protector.
God is Holy. One definition of Holy that I really like is: sound (as in of sound mind), happy, whole.
God is our "Abba" meaning "daddy". He is personal, loving, kind, and the One who knows every cell in our body and every hair on our head.
God is our Savior, having paid the ultimate price for our sin to insure our eternity with Himself.
God is the Holy Spirit of all Truth.
As we "prepare" to pray, let's all just stand in awe of Him and call out to the God of the Universe in our own way, declaring who you see that He is. Prayer is personal and the words that describe Him are personal to each one of us.
Prepare to enter into His presence by declaring your praises to Him for who He is. Forget about who is around you...or what they might think...We are here (in the forest) to meet up with our Glorious God. So stand, reach out to Him, look up, past the trees and just let your voice call out to Him in praise for who He is. Our Abba hears our cry amid the cries of all His children. He knows our individual voices...
Remember that our God is 3 in One....The Trinity...Praise all three...God, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Honor Him with your praise and worship. Let all the cares of the world grow dim, take your are on Holy ground.
Now that we have cried out to our Sovereign and almighty yet personal God, in continuing preparation, we must remember and declare who we are. For this we will kneel before our Maker in humble confession of our desperate need. We are the created, we are the weak, we are the needy, we are desperate. We are "Eve"in the garden who was deceived and we are the one who Christ died to save.
This is not time for repentance but rather to acknowledge our position with respect to our relationship with our Holy God. God gives grace to the humble and here is where there can be no pretense because our Abba father knows every cell, every hair, every thought we have. Here we kneel in humble reality that we are dependent on our Creator God for our next heartbeat and our next breath.
There is nothing wrong with being dependent, in actuality we are designed to be this way. To be proud and independent is to be tweaked out of our original shape. On our knees before our King and our God is how we are designed to be. We come into His presence with gratitude and a thankful heart. If your knees cannot handle this position, put your mind to work and use your imagination...bow your head and mentally kneel before your King.
Let's spend some time at the feet of our Lord in preparation. Talk to Him and declare who you know yourself to be.
The Spirit is calling. can you hear Him?
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