The Holy One calls me today. The life of Job is the subject of our early morning conference. I have asked the Holy One to help me understand the purpose behind the heat of my life circumstances. He has already spoken that it's not ever about "why me?", but rather "what am I to learn and how will it glorify my Heavenly Father and my Lord?"
Ask the right questions and answers abound.
Today the Holy One leads me through Job's seemingly disastrous life. Passing through the understanding that Satan is the perpetrator of every evil thing, Job's venting his agony and his friends offering merciless counsel, I come to Job chapters 32-38 and the words of Elihu. While not "perfect" in wisdom, Elihu seems to come closer to the understanding of the Almighty than Job's other friends.
Elihu became angry in listening to the men. He was angry with Job for justifying himself rather than God. He was angry with Job's friends because they found no way to refute Job yet condemned him.
After patiently listening to the older men, Elihu speaks through the next chapters and upholds the integrity and Righteous Sovereignty of our Holy God. He seem to cut through the "self-righteous" arguments of self-pity and victimization at the hands of an indifferent Creator.
His discourse sets the stage for Holiness Himself to speak, beginning in Chapter 38. But back to the wisdom brought through Elihu's counsel, I glean important points to ponder and apply to my life circumstances today.
Once again, the words of the ancients speak to our issues and problems of today. The Lord's indictment has been to me and those who are in despair over apparent victories being afforded the darkness. Like Job, it has been so tempting to shout "but I'm the good-guy here. Why have You allowed this sorrow to come to the good guys?" "Why are the hands that desire to do good things tied and being put subject to those of evil intent?"
Job 34:33, "Should God then reward you on your own terms when you refuse to repent?"
Repent? Am I guilty and in need of repentance? The heat of every situation reveals something wrong in the heart. The Holy One has scrutinized me and found something amiss.
Peter had need for the Lord to wash his feet. The Lord told him he didn't need a bath but only to have his feet washed. The feet walk the fallen earth and become dusty and dirty in the process. To wash the feet of the dirt we pick up along the path is somewhat like our need for daily repentance. The symbolism of this act is not lost on me.
As Christians, even Disciples, we are subject to wrong thoughts which if allowed to remain unchecked can take us deeper onto muddy pathways. (dirty feet) To allow the Holy Spirit to scrutinize and correct us is imperative to our journey with Jesus unto our eternal destination along the highway of Holiness.
The Holy One points me to Job 35:9, "Men cry out under a load of oppression, they plead for relief from the arms of the powerful, but no one says, "Where is God my Maker, who gives me songs in the night?" He goes on to say, "God doesn't answer nor listen to their empty pleas when men cry out, because of the arrogance of the wicked."
How much less should we expect answers, when we, who claim to "know Him" say, "it looks like evil doers prosper, the arrogant are blessed, even those who challenge God escape or that God does not take the least notice of wickedness" without the thought of God's Righteous and Sovereign timing for justice, His supreme authority and His control over all the issues of men and nations. It is the utmost arrogance to cry the blues on one hand and yet refuse to Honor His Supremacy when we do not understand His ways.
How dare we question the ways of our Holy God and Judge the Judge of all things as being indifferent, apathetic, care-less or any one of a myriad of adjectives that are an affront to His majesty and His mercy and especially His love.
God comes in awesome Majesty
The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power.
In His justice and great righteousness, He does not oppress.
In the presence of men and unseen witnesses, we are called to testify. Our lives bear witness to what we believe about our God. Has the awe and wonder of our Sovereign Creator given way to dark depression over the temporary circumstances of life.
Has our testimony of His love been jaded by the lies of Satan working through difficult times? (dirty feet) Have we gotten into the sinful habit of saying or thinking that God is not just or that His arm is too short to save us? (dirty feet) If so, we are agreeing with the dark and despicable traitor of our King.
I must shift my focus off circumstances and dwell upon His Majesty. Having been indicted for self-righteousness, (dirty feet) I come to cry out for mercy not justice. I must be willing to wait patiently and watch for what will reveal His Glory in my life circumstances. It is His righteousness that is beyond reproach and I will do well to remember this next time I question His ways.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
Ask the right questions and answers abound.
Today the Holy One leads me through Job's seemingly disastrous life. Passing through the understanding that Satan is the perpetrator of every evil thing, Job's venting his agony and his friends offering merciless counsel, I come to Job chapters 32-38 and the words of Elihu. While not "perfect" in wisdom, Elihu seems to come closer to the understanding of the Almighty than Job's other friends.
Elihu became angry in listening to the men. He was angry with Job for justifying himself rather than God. He was angry with Job's friends because they found no way to refute Job yet condemned him.
After patiently listening to the older men, Elihu speaks through the next chapters and upholds the integrity and Righteous Sovereignty of our Holy God. He seem to cut through the "self-righteous" arguments of self-pity and victimization at the hands of an indifferent Creator.
His discourse sets the stage for Holiness Himself to speak, beginning in Chapter 38. But back to the wisdom brought through Elihu's counsel, I glean important points to ponder and apply to my life circumstances today.
Once again, the words of the ancients speak to our issues and problems of today. The Lord's indictment has been to me and those who are in despair over apparent victories being afforded the darkness. Like Job, it has been so tempting to shout "but I'm the good-guy here. Why have You allowed this sorrow to come to the good guys?" "Why are the hands that desire to do good things tied and being put subject to those of evil intent?"
Job 34:33, "Should God then reward you on your own terms when you refuse to repent?"
Repent? Am I guilty and in need of repentance? The heat of every situation reveals something wrong in the heart. The Holy One has scrutinized me and found something amiss.
Peter had need for the Lord to wash his feet. The Lord told him he didn't need a bath but only to have his feet washed. The feet walk the fallen earth and become dusty and dirty in the process. To wash the feet of the dirt we pick up along the path is somewhat like our need for daily repentance. The symbolism of this act is not lost on me.
As Christians, even Disciples, we are subject to wrong thoughts which if allowed to remain unchecked can take us deeper onto muddy pathways. (dirty feet) To allow the Holy Spirit to scrutinize and correct us is imperative to our journey with Jesus unto our eternal destination along the highway of Holiness.
The Holy One points me to Job 35:9, "Men cry out under a load of oppression, they plead for relief from the arms of the powerful, but no one says, "Where is God my Maker, who gives me songs in the night?" He goes on to say, "God doesn't answer nor listen to their empty pleas when men cry out, because of the arrogance of the wicked."
How much less should we expect answers, when we, who claim to "know Him" say, "it looks like evil doers prosper, the arrogant are blessed, even those who challenge God escape or that God does not take the least notice of wickedness" without the thought of God's Righteous and Sovereign timing for justice, His supreme authority and His control over all the issues of men and nations. It is the utmost arrogance to cry the blues on one hand and yet refuse to Honor His Supremacy when we do not understand His ways.
How dare we question the ways of our Holy God and Judge the Judge of all things as being indifferent, apathetic, care-less or any one of a myriad of adjectives that are an affront to His majesty and His mercy and especially His love.
God comes in awesome Majesty
The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power.
In His justice and great righteousness, He does not oppress.
In the presence of men and unseen witnesses, we are called to testify. Our lives bear witness to what we believe about our God. Has the awe and wonder of our Sovereign Creator given way to dark depression over the temporary circumstances of life.
Has our testimony of His love been jaded by the lies of Satan working through difficult times? (dirty feet) Have we gotten into the sinful habit of saying or thinking that God is not just or that His arm is too short to save us? (dirty feet) If so, we are agreeing with the dark and despicable traitor of our King.
I must shift my focus off circumstances and dwell upon His Majesty. Having been indicted for self-righteousness, (dirty feet) I come to cry out for mercy not justice. I must be willing to wait patiently and watch for what will reveal His Glory in my life circumstances. It is His righteousness that is beyond reproach and I will do well to remember this next time I question His ways.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?