For the last days, the Holy One has allowed me to feel the buildup in my frustration over my personal agendas being thwarted. He calls me this morning to talk about these issues.
Life circumstances have become dicey lately. I am well aware of how my daily life is so affected by the choices and decisions of other people. We talk about "free will" and the personal consequences we suffer at the decisions others make in the course of them exercising their "free will".
My life choices have seemed to boil down to how to deal with the circumstances that occur as others around me choose to go through life. Trials that represent suffering hit hard and fast and they all seem to emanate out of decision's others have made that touch my life.
But is that really true?
The Holy Spirit eases me into the subject of this morning counseling session through His grace and mercy in the acknowledgment that He understands. He points to all the things lately that have frustrated me and I know in my heart that I have audience in His chamber. I can sense He receives my grievance and complaints without judgment as we just relate heart-to-heart. He agrees with the fact that I "feel" like I do, but then He has called me to change my perspective which ultimately changes my emotions.
When the Holy One begins to speak His wisdom to me, I understand that I must move in agreement with truth and come willingly to His side of the issue.
He begins with the "free will" truth. While I might be reeling with the free will of others, He points out that my "free will" to follow Him is the more important factor in my life situations. It is not their free will bringing forth the strain, but rather my free will to walk with my Savior that has emphasized the distance from them and brought forth the pain.
As a Christian and Disciple of Christ I have made a commitment to my Savior. I must follow Him and His Word. As those I know and love choose otherwise, relational strain will occur and even goals and agendas will be different.
The Holy One begins to walk me through the frustration and I see His point of view. Even if the agenda I am pursuing happens to be a plan sent from heaven, I must stop trying to achieve it in my own strength as it will never happen that way.
Even if those I love seem so far removed from the truth, I am not their savior nor do I possess the role or title of "Holy Spirit" in their lives.
I agree with my Lord on both points and I see the wisdom. Now comes the hard part for a controlling person like myself: release control! Funny that He just pointed out very subtly that I have no control anyway. But now He tells me to "release" what I do not have. How easy is that?
Perspective, it's all about perspective!
And, He reminds me that I am a bond slave of my Master, responsible only to do HIS will. I have chosen to be His disciple and my free will should have been completely discharged in that direction from that point forward. My free will is to be His servant and serve in whatever capacity He calls me to serve.
All those frustrating situations will melt away if I surrender each one to the "control" of the One I serve and then live with whatever He chooses to do in each situation I face.
Contentment follows surrender and each situation in life requires the surrender of my will to serve my Beloved, as I promised on the day I accepted Him as my Savior and Lord.
Are you agonizing and frustrated by thwarted personal agendas or other people in your life? Is it time for you to surrender?
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
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