Thursday, May 23, 2013

Eternity Now

The Holy One calls me this morning with exciting new thoughts of Eternity.  We live at an accelerated pace in the advancement of technology and knowledge.  We live at an accelerated pace in travel and communication.

People are racing toward the next weekend, the next romance, the next promotion, or the next acquisition to make temporal life more comfort.  The world is racing in an accelerated pace toward something and few recognize it as Eternity.

God's Word says that "with the Lord, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day".  II Peter 3:8   The Holy One speaks to remind me that God does not view time as we humans do.

The Lord has provided for my Kingdom education and I am in this season finding the time to to sit and savor rather than strive and stress with things happening that I cannot control.

The most exciting and fascinating thing to come out of His command to "wait, watch and worship", is the grasp of what time may actually be, in light of Eternity. 

Given the description of II Peter 3:9, we sometimes resign ourselves to have to "wait" for God to move in our behalf. 

I understand that God inhabits Eternity and that, (while a mind bending thought) reveals the truth that He is beyond our comprehension of time and space. 

When we follow the directives given to pray, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven", we may fail to take into account the absence of a clock and calendar to Heaven's Will. 

Heaven's Will is bound up in the Great "I AM".  "I  AM" as God describes Himself, is always in the "present" moment.  If I truly believe that, then His will doesn't require time on my calendar and clock to become my reality.

Could it be that this dynamic is how Jesus conferred miraculous, instantaneous healings over people on earth?  And then again, why Jesus said to His followers in John 14:12, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me, will do what I have been doing and will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father".

What does it take to experience the fulfilling of that outrageous promise?

First and foremost is the relationship to the One who made the promise.  Jesus said, "I am the Vine, you are the branches.  Apart from Me you can do nothing".   We must be in that very special relationship with Jesus that He describes as "Vine Life".  John 15

Next is the relationship we have with the Holy Spirit. He is the One, Jesus said would be our enabler and the very One who would teach us all things and remind us of everything He said in His written legacy.  John 14

By and through our relationship with the Savior and the Spirit, we are then invited into relationship with the One who resides in the Holiest of Holies, the Father God and Voice that called all things into existence.  Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through Me."  John 14:6

And then there is the relationship we have with the physical world around us, and this is the place where most fail and why we experience and witness so little of what Jesus did.  Our relationship with the temporal is so strongly connected with our flesh that we speak out flesh fears.  Our flesh is so convinced by what we may see in one moment that we denied what can change about our circumstances in the next. Words have creative power so these words influence our life and what happens.

Believing God, Who is Spirit and resides in a realm beyond our senses, makes it necessary for us to trust Him to be outside the human reasoning, and above and beyond our comprehension or what we "see" with our human eyes.

If we can push to that place of Truth, then we can push a little further to the place where all things are possible and what we dream about is already a "done did deal".

The Spirit is calling me to that place and I am excited to see what will happen in the next season of my life. The idea of time in light of Eternity is a thought still a little "ethereal" to me. When I am being taken in an unfamiliar direction by the Holy Spirit, He will pose questions to stimulate my thinking and extend my grasp or understanding of His ways. Today begins the "what-ifs" and"why-nots" that open up a whole new arena of thought.

I find myself looking at things like the "compression of time".  When a person falls victim to sickness and disease, not unlike some of Jesus' patients, the natural world tells us that time for healing would be days, weeks,  months, years or never to be expected on earth.  Yet Jesus brought instant relief to the afflicted, and defied the natural "law" by operating in God's Eternal Law of the "Present".

If time does not exist in the Spirit realm, then answers to our prayers and petitions can come instantaneously, just like Jesus modelled. 

What if delayed answers are nothing more than the time it takes for us to wrap our brain around God's willingness to provide them?

What if we accept the fact that the Spirit realm is the real realm and the natural world is just a shadow?

What if, as soon as we petition from our right relationship with the Promise giver, we believe and declare the answer is granted?

I have to admit the revelation of possibilities is causing my Spirit to soar against the caution of the flesh to slow my roll.  But I have lived long enough in places of deferred hope and resigned delays in the answers to life's challenges that I am ready to learn more and live in light of Eternity Present.

How about you?

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?


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