Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Training for Reigning

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  He wakes me up with words that challenge me to higher levels of critical thinking.  Thinking that I know is Godly wisdom.

My carnal mind is constantly tempted to process events according to the wisdom of man, yet God's Word says, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."  I Corinthians 1:19 NIV.

Living in a flesh body with the Holy Spirit of Christ as my Divine Counselor, causes some intense internal struggles that make me feel like a crazy person until I surrender to His Lordship.  In this season of my life and "training for reigning", the learning curve has been off the charts.

I have found that the conditions on the ground and the trials of just trying to get through each day can cause us to forget that this life is temporal and we are being groomed here to reign with Christ throughout eternity.

Today the Holy One speaks to the need to utilize the discernment that comes out of the wisdom that only He can provide.  I confess that I cherish my early morning conference calls from the one who possesses and gives all I need to navigate this place called the earth realm.

The Holy One knows exactly what it takes to calm His child and provides the manna for my curious mind to feed upon.  God is not against wisdom nor knowledge as He created our inquisitive minds and the genius we are capable of rising to the level thereof.

In fact, I believe the Lord is well pleased with His Creation when man operates in Godly wisdom to subdue the earth and represent Him in the world that touches our lives.

The great danger to the world and our own destiny is when, in rebellion, we use our God given intellect to find ways to build up our own tower of Babel in defiance of the Creator and exaltation of the created.

I understand that the original fall was not the end of man or his destiny but rather an important component in God's eternal plan for His Beloved.  God has given all of us free will so that in our free will, we will choose God. 

The original fall, as recorded in the book of Genesis, was not a surprise to the Creator and, in fact, was necessary to the bigger plan and ultimate eternal destiny of every human born. 

Relationship with our Creator God is a personal choice and individual decision.  No one makes that decision for us.  All come on equal and level ground to the Throne of Sovereignty.

God sent His Son,  Jesus into the world as the doorway back to Himself.  Call Him a bridge, call Him a doorway, call Him a linkup,  Call him by anything that makes the point to your heart and mind.  Jesus is God and our salvation comes through Him alone.

Salvation is our rescue, it is our life preserver, since true life is found in relationship.  Salvation is for the purpose of a life restored and reconciled back to the One Who gives life and the One who IS life. 

Hell is just a state or place of isolation.  To say we are saved from Hell, is to simply say we are put back into relationship and spared from the dark abyss of isolation and separation away from our Creator.

Humans were created to be in relationship.  Solitary confinement is the ultimate punishment before death and most would choose death over a lifetime of solitary confinement.  The fact that Jesus came to show us the Father and called God by the name, Father, emphasizes that important relationship He came to model.

Realizing the human need for relationship in creation, helps to grasp the truth about the Trinity.  We were created in God's Glorious image and by design,  relational from birth.  God Himself is a unique community in form and relationship as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

We are given free will and must choose to join in community with the Holy Trinity.  God is who He is regardless of my opinion.  I must accept that He is who He is even if I do not fully understand Him. 

The first step in the God-me relationship is to accept by faith the truth that Jesus is the only doorway to that relationship.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me." 
John 14:6 NIV

Once we pass through that Doorway, we enter into relationship with God Himself and we receive the first important Gift in our new relationship:  He is the 3rd Person of the Trinity and is called, The Holy Spirit.  This is where our eternal life actually begins along with our "training for reigning". 

Important to note, the earth realm is the only place where we are permitted to choose our eternal destiny and to decide whether to enter into a relationship with our Creator God or not, but the earth realm is also a place of grooming for what lies ahead.  Our obedience to God's Word and the Lord's commands, promises rewards beyond our wildest imagination.

The Holy One gently reminds me, "The disciples were privileged to know Jesus as God in the flesh and they called Him, Lord.  History tells you they were put into trials of all kinds and their loyalty was tested.  Your trials on earth are testing His Lordship in your life as well." 

To emphasize His point to me today, the Spirit takes me back to God's Word:

II Timothy 2:10-12 NIV, "Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.  Here is a trustworthy saying,;  If we die with Him we will live with Him, if we endure, we will also reign with Him."

Today, the Holy One has brought reinforcement to my heart whereby I can be strong and full of good courage. 

Knowing and trusting that these hard times somehow have an eternal purpose in my training for reigning, I find my peace and sanity again.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?  


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