Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Power of the Blood of Jesus: God's Antidote for Guilt ***

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  "Be still and know that I am God"  has been the message from Holiness to me for several weeks.  Lessons have come from various studies and sources.  Even the weather has been a situational hindrance from any outside busyness.

The quiet down time has allowed more opportunity to see the outside world turning while my inside world seems to be standing still.  The Holy One speaks with the soft insistent rain falling on my window.  "The rain is cleansing the atmosphere just like the Blood of Jesus cleanses your mind.  Remember and declare that truth"

True to form, the Holy One speaks into my deepest wrestles.  I know that since Salvation I have been forgiven for all sin in my life and through repentance for any misconduct since that day keeps my chart of accountability free and clear.  The nagging question is, "if I have been forgiven and I believe that, why do I still feel guilty?"

This has created many wrestles over the years and most end with the cloud still hanging over and no real relief.  I know that I have an enemy who is the accuser and he drags out things that I  have been forgiven for just to torment my righteous soul.  Understanding his MO explained some things but the question changed to "am I the only one who feels this way?"

Honest friends have confessed they wonder about that too.  Today I am so ready to hear what the Holy One has to say about the cleansing of my mind.  He draws me to His Word.

Hebrews 10:19-22, "Therefore Brethren, having boldness to enter Holiest (The very presence of God) by the Blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil that is His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart sprinkled (with the Blood) from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water." 
I have been doing a study on the Blood of Jesus and its Power to cleanse my carnal mind because I came to realize that the catacombs of my mind hide the flesh mis-information that evil uses to defeat me. That probably runs counter to the argument that I have the mind of Christ (which I do), however diving deeper into the Power of the Blood of the is the word of our testimony often so neglected that is the true power over the enemy.   Rev 12 confirms that truth, "And they (true believers) overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony."  The word of my testimony is a verbalization of my belief and faith in what the Blood of Jesus has done for me.
To take from the symbolism of Passover and the Blood of the Lamb applied to the doorpost with a bunch of hyssop, I see that the Blood of the Passover  Lamb was drained into a basin....but in faith it was applied to the doorpost to activate it's powerful protection from the angel of death sent out over the entire land of Egypt. If the blood remained in the basin, not applied to the doorpost, the children of Israel would have died within just like the Egyptians. They would have suffered in a sense like the unsaved...

As Christians we have lost our understanding or never been deeply taught of the power that is available through the Blood of Jesus applied consciously and by faith to our lives. It has been left in the basin so to speak. We understand that it is important to our eternal destination but fail to grasp how it is to be applied to our lives here today. 

Consequently we suffer like those around us, who are going through life without a clue and without the personal knowledge of so great a rescue and protection from out of the grip of the evil one. That is after all what we have been redeemed from. Death is Satan’s signature of possession and bondage to his evil control can continue after our Salvation unless we enforce our freedom in redemption.

The Blood of Jesus has a Power that is undefeatable. That power is ours to apply but as scripture says, “my people die from lack of knowledge”, so here is the Truth about the Blood of Jesus in case you have forgotten or have never been taught.

Through the Holy Blood of Jesus:

We are forgiven of all sin.
We are redeemed (bought back, delivered from sin) and out of the hands of the Devil.
We walk in the light and we are cleansed now and continually being cleansed from all unrighteousness and a guilty conscience.
We are justified and can know that God sees me just-as-if-I’d never sinned
We are sanctified…made Holy and set apart for God.
The enemy has no place in me, no power over me and no unsettled claims against me (even as he tries to use accusation and guilt to hold me in emotional bondage, there is no legitimate claim he can use)
All claims against us have been settled by the Blood of Jesus. There is no condemnation (adverse sentence) against us in Christ Jesus.

Jesus came to set the captives free. It is the shed Blood of the Holy One that sets us free. Many of the “captives” are among the Lord’s very own people inside the Church of the living God.  The enemy is called the "accuser"   He accuses us of all sorts of things and mental guilt holds us in chains. 

I think it is the time to “resurrect” all the reminders and lessons of what the Power of the Blood is and provides as we take it out of the basin and apply it to our lives.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

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