Friday, April 8, 2016

The Importance Of Marriage***

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  The mystery of our God is deeper than any of us can begin to fathom.  We have been given symbols and models of His Sovereign Being like His Divine order in the universe that humans have a hard time explaining.  There is the uniqueness of every human being so that there is no one like us in the world. There is attention to detail in the smallest of God’s creatures to the most massive and formidable animals that ever walked His earth.
In the Divine order of things, the Lord has provided structure and accountability, provision and peace.  He reminds me this morning of the importance of the institution of Marriage in this chaotic world we find ourselves trying to manage.
“Temporal Marriage is an eternal symbol and must be viewed in light of eternity”.
The Holy Spirit speaks to a great issue in our lives today.  Marriage is more than just a temporary contract to legitimize a flesh relationship between 2 people regardless of gender.  Marriage was ordained and given to us as a covenant commitment between a man and woman until death separates the flesh bond.  Marriage is a flesh union that makes two people one.   But even more than that, Marriage is a symbol that represents the unity between us and the Lord through the Holy Spirit. 
We need to take careful consideration as to how we honor and respect or dishonor and disrespect the institution of Marriage since it is a God ordained unit. Few are the messages we hear about the Sacred Romance we ought to be in with our Lord and lover, Jesus.  Few are the messages that remind us that Marriage is a Holy covenant and we are expected to uphold our vows to one another since it is symbolic of our love unity with God Himself.
At the end of time, Revelation 19:7 says, “Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him (God) glory for the marriage of the Lamb (Jesus) and His wife (the church) has come and His wife has made herself ready.
Biblical marriage is the place much like a rock tumbler where the rough edges of our character and personality are made smooth but in our “world” today we have a different perspective where marriage is a social contract that can be easily dissolved and re-entered with others for any and all excuses.  Marriage for many has become just a shell covering any and all lustful relationships and stands only until the pleasure is extracted and the relationship emptied of any self-edifying usefulness.
This may seem like a harsh indictment but the point of Holiness today is to stand against the compromised definition of marriage and hold to the undefiled definition and eternal symbolism of the marriage covenant.  
When two individuals get married and consummate that marriage, the two become one and that is physical unity.  Humans have been designed physically to facilitate that union.  That is the mystery of the marriage relationship.  It is mystical in that there is also a spiritual bond that is created and death is the only legitimate way to break that bond without excruciating heart pain.  Separation by death is another form of pain different than “divorce” or infidelity.
Our God is a covenant God and as His people, He expects us to live by our covenant with Him and with one another.  Love is a decision and marriage is a covenant so it is no wonder that God is grieved when we betray both. 
I wonder if we were asked to think more about the eternal aspects and symbolism of the marriage unit, would we be so OK with divorce?  Marriage is of tremendous significance to God’s people but only as we see it as the symbolism and in light of our eternal unity with Him.
The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?     

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