The Holy One calls to me this morning. I hear Him say “Watch Me work”.
These are very exciting days on planet earth. And
there is no greater comfort to my heart than these words He has spoken to me
Lately He has given me the directive in Isaiah 26:20-21:
“Come, my people,
enter your chambers and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves, as it were, for a little
moment, until the indignation is past.
For behold the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of
the earth for their iniquity; The earth will also disclose her blood and will no
more cover her slain”.
The reader may say this verse belongs only in the context of
history and applies only to Israel. But
I would respectfully disagree. The Word of God is applicable to every
generation of His people in every nation and in every age.
In this verse, I see the Lord's anger against the abortionist
and the bloodshed of babies in the womb.
I see His anger for the slain and blood shed of the poor and needy from
the hands of the ruthless tyrants who hunt their souls (and demand their vote) for
personal gain and to reinforce the power of their own empire. This draws me to judge politics and
politicians beyond their personalities to the platform upon which they stand.
The Lord God is not a democrat nor a republican but a Savior.
As a follower of the One True God, Jesus the Christ, I
recognize that the principles of our country’s foundation are based on the God-ordained
freedom we have to choose our eternal destination after leaving planet earth.
There is a nefarious and wicked agenda being offered to our
citizens that brings chaos, lawlessness and war to our gates. Under the cloak they call “freedom of speech”,
the call for anarchy is filling the airwaves and since the enemy of our soul is
the “prince of the power of the air” it should come as no surprise to God’s
people that cyber space is dominated by his calls for anarchy and rebellion of
order that destroys our peace. While at the same time we know that the ultimate goal (of God’s enemy) is
to silence our freedom of speech rights by which we share the message of God’s
love for all humanity.
If we are silenced, then the message of the love of God that
Jesus brought is silenced. The battle
then is not a right or left flesh battle but rather a kingdom battle between
good and evil. The battle is to destroy
the foundation of freedom upon which our country was founded. Our history and legacy is God ordained and
freedom to choose Him and Jesus is His idea. God's will is good government.
The freedom to take or leave Christianity is a heart and individual
decision. The freedom to take or leave
Christianity is every citizen’s right and no one by law is required to accept
Jesus as Savior or follow a religious or faith doctrine. But the plot to destroy our legacy and silence
the offering to become a follower of Christ is not a “right” but an undermining
of our equal right to speak.
Add to that the movement to persecute and prosecute those of
us to choose to live out our faith in the world and not participate in
lifestyles we consider to be unethical or ungodly and we must be ready to
battle against such an attack no matter what beings whether spirit or flesh are
To those who are considering "sitting this one (or any time leadership is being decided) out", I would caution you
to consider this: What if the Lord wants
the righteous in the land to defeat the evil in the land? What if this is a test of our loyalty to the
Word and principles of our Lord and our love and understanding of His being? What if, with all that has been revealed of
corruption at the highest levels of government the Lord is willing to send His
warrior angels to come to defend us and fight this battle against the oppressive
forces of evil trying to destroy this nation that bears the title as “One
Nation Under God”?
With the words of Mordecai to his niece Esther, (the chosen Queen
of Persia) who was still a Jewess living in a national situation not unlike our
today: “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and
deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s
house will perish. Yet who knows whether
you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4)
We may not always understand nor completely agree with the
ways of our God and how He might deliver us from evil. I am sure the Jews could not have fathomed
that a Persian King would provide them the freedom to fight against and have
victory over their plotted annihilation.
As a Christian I feel that this is white knuckle fight for
our established freedom to share the gospel to a lost and dying world. If my voice is silenced, things like this
post will not be permitted and while I know we will be taken care of by the
Lord, our ability to help others will be constrained and resources to aid and
assist the helpless will be reduced and even taken out of our hands. The nation of Israel fought many wars to
survive, and I see that we are no different.
To those who point to prophecy to justify inaction, I will
share my thoughts in another post for this is a very active and fluid situation
with events changing each day.
I will end with the reminder that the Lord lived His earth
life with the same challenges we face today:
John the Baptist was beheaded for his message and “religion” not relationship
with God was dictating the life of the people of God.
Much prayer is being sent up to the Throne and God is
sending answers. The Lord is a Warrior for His people. I am excited for his
message to me today, “Watch Me work”. I
am on the edge of my seat, and I don’t want to miss a thing….
The Holy Spirit is calling.
Can you hear Him?