The Holy One calls to me this morning. The Holy Spirit
was sent by our Lord to lead us into all Truth.
I came to the realization only recently that I have not, over the course
of my life with the Lord, asked Him to do what He was sent to do. I have not specifically prayed that the Holy
One lead me into all truth.
I now have a standing prayer that the Holy Spirit lead
me into all truth. It is different than
asking for specific wisdom in given situations that the Lord has said if we ask
for it, we have it. To be led into all
truth has been like a major overhaul of the mind. The thoughts of God are so much higher than
ours and yet He is willing to share what He knows we can and are willing to
To be led into all truth, we must be willing to go
there. Many actually fear truth. Truth may hurt. Truth may be hard to swallow. Truth may crack our precious self-image or contradict
our long-held beliefs. But once we get past all that resistance, truth does set
us free.
Today the message of the Holy Spirit comes to me loud
and clear: “The truth must be spoken
regardless of who chooses to believe it”.
The truth and issue of Eternity is pressed on my heart
and has been swirling in my mind. The
Lord directed me to pray that His people will have a greater sense of eternity
in this age than ever before. I
responded with my usual “curious George” OK but WHY? Why is it more urgent in these days?
His answer comforts my mind and confirms his promise. “For
all the generations since the beginning of earth time, man has lived between
the boundaries of birth and temporal death.
Only 2 escaped the death experience: Enoch and Elijah. But this generation of my people will not all
face temporal death nor have time to process what death and facing their own mortality
does provide. In the blink of an eye,
they will translate as they are: people of eternity; children of the Eternal
Father and they need to be ready.” (Enoch: Gen 5:21-22 Elijah:
2 Kings 2:11)
The Kingdom of Heaven is the Eternal Kingdom of our
Sovereign Creator God.
Whether you believe in the Kingdom of Heaven or not
you are part of its vast expanse.
Whether you believe in the Creator God or not you are
part of His creation.
Whether you believe in His word (the Bible) or not, it
applies to everyone ever born.
And whether you believe that God sent His one and only
Son, Jesus to reconcile the relationship between the Creator and His created or
not, the provision for our reconciliation has been given for all mankind to
accept or reject.
In every issue, what we choose to believe does not
alter what is: Truth IS Truth.
Even if a lie is believed by most, a lie will always
be a lie. Even if truth is denied by
some, truth will always be truth.
In these days we will be presented with lies by the
one Jesus said is the “father of lies”: Satan the adversary of Truth. This is
why Jesus sent His Holy Spirit of Truth to indwell His people. Jesus does not want us to be deceived. We, God’s people, have no excuse for being
deceived because Truth dwells in us and He is here to lead us into all truth.
Lies destroy trust…We have an enemy who hates the
Creator and knows the Kingdom of Heaven.
The way for the enemy to assault
the Creator is to destroy His crowning achievement: Humans made in the very
image of God Himself.
How better to hurt the heart of the Creator than to
destroy the object of His affection. To
sever the relationship, Satan attacks us with lies about our Creator. Satan is the “Prince of the power of the air”
and operates from the spirit realm. He
plants lies in our ears that misrepresent God and are designed to cause suspicion
of God’s good intentions toward us.
If a person is of the “intellectual” type the enemy
will bring fine sounding arguments to debate even the existence of God. Emotionally vulnerable types will be challenged
with lies about God’s love and their worth.
Many who fear rejection will reject Him first to defend against the potential
pain. Power people will hear how
surrender to God will interrupt their control over life and circumstances that
they can manipulate. Satan is an ancient
and supernatural enemy but a created being none the less and will never be
equal in power to the Creator.
Truth sabotages the Saboteur and sets the captives
free to live in a loving and trusted relationship with our amazing Creator God.
Humanity’s understanding of the Truth about our Creator
God impacts where we will spend eternity.
Our job as Christians is to share the truth about our God, His Son
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. And to
correct any and all misrepresentations of Him and His love. It is imperative for His people to know Him
so we can share what we know.
It is also an imperative that we live our lives in
such honor of our Lord that He can and will make a distinction between those
who serve Him and those who do not since the testimonies are the real deal in
most people’s lives.
Living as if the
rapture of the Body of Christ could happen at any moment keeps us focused on
eternity and if we are focused there, we might be better servants here.
The Holy Spirit is calling.
Can you hear Him?
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