Friday, September 2, 2016

The Failing Church***

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  I have set my mind to inquire of my Holy Counselor.  Sometimes I get answers in the blink of an eye, but other questions seem to get swallowed up by a black hole and when I accept that the answer is no answer then the answer comes.  I guess that is part of the “Be Still and know that I AM God” and waiting means be still but not to give up on the answer coming in God’s time.

The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth.  His role in part is to lead us, Christ followers, into all truth.   The truth is sometimes hard to take and I find I have to press in to convince both of us that I am willing to listen and with His help, respond appropriately, which means I have to be willing to change if the truth calls for it.

I am a member of the big Body of Christ and in a fellowship of spirit filled believers.   Not just a member of an organization but a part (member) of a living organism.  I have been asking the Lord to help me understand why so many fellowships within the Body of Christ are so powerless and in essence failing in our assignment?

The Lord our God is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow, so there is no use in blaming Him for why we are not doing the greater things that Jesus said we would do after He left planet earth.

Today He speaks a convicting word to my heart, “Many are those who seek the power without the Person”. 
Riddles are sometimes the way the Lord calls me to go deep.  Superficial conversations give me a pass and that is not the way He chooses to lead me into all truth.  He begins with a curious statement for personal evaluation.   First question I must ask is “Lord, are you referring to me?”  “Am I among the many?”

First lesson in truth applies, “Take the beam out of our own eye before you dare try to take the splinter out of someone else’s”.

With that ice breaker, conversation starter, I surrender to what He wants to teach me.  The courses in the school of the Holy Spirit are never ending.  I am convinced that there is so much to learn that I will never graduate from that institution of higher education and that is fine by me.  Learning about my Lord and God is an eternal blessing and I will never ever know all there is to know.
Small pieces of His majesty are all I can process but even small pieces are sometimes beyond all my comprehension.    My salvation being one of those things.   I know that at the moment of my salvation I received the Holy Spirit of Christ as my indwelling Comforter, Counselor and “power” over flesh.  The understanding of His nearness takes some getting used to.  The reality that I am “possessed” by another creates a power struggle with my flesh. 

But once I begin to realize and co-operate with the perfect plan and unity with the Trinity provided by the Lord through His death and resurrection, life takes on a whole new perspective.  We come to a sense of power and authority yet are adolescent in the understanding of how it works (or doesn’t).   Training for reigning is life-long since it is a fundamental transformation of our soul AKA our character, our persona. 

Which brings me to the lesson from the Holy One today: “Power without the Person”.   I have been shown that the fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit is actually the character virtues and qualities of Jesus.  I may possess these things by nature but not to the depth and degree of what the Holy Spirit will bear as His fruit once He takes up residency in my heart which is the place and core of my being.

Jesus said, “You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask of My Father in My name, He may give you”.   John 14:16. The supernatural intervention and provision for what we ask of our Heavenly Father is promised but not without conditions.

Jesus chose and appointed us to bear fruit that will remain.  When all else burns or corrupts over time, character remains.  The fruit we are to bear, is the virtue and character qualities of Gal 5:22-23, which we are told is the “fruit of the Spirit”.  Christ’s Spirit, bearing Christ’s character, in and through us is called fruit. 
In the sequence of the promise, we are chosen and appointed to first bear fruit.  First we must allow the Holy One within to manifest the character (identity/name) of Christ in our unique person.  Emulating Jesus’s character as His disciple/representative to the world around us is key. 

While we are in the ongoing process of this transformation, our unity with the Holy Spirit and co-operation in the process, (sanctification and fruit bearing) brings us to the manifestations of His gifts through which miracles are brought from Heaven and the Father’s Hand.

Asking for something in the name of another, to me, means that I am so closely identified with that person in the knowledge of His character, His motives, His desire to act, that I know my petition would be like His.   Asking for something “in Jesus Name” is not just words to be slapped on the end of our own willful agenda. 

I truly believe our Heaven Father is looking deep at the fruit (Character) we are bearing as He sends answers to our petitions. In the delays of the answers, we might need to look at our “fruit bearing” to see if the Holy Spirit is pruning off dead branches on our end even as preparing others for the answers to come.

As this message relates to the church as His Body, I am aware that in many fellowships and denominations the Presence of the Holy Spirit is rarely discussed or sought after.  Yet by the Holy Spirit we are transformed into the likeness of Christ and apart from Christ we are reminded that we can do nothing.
We cannot bear His fruit in and of ourselves.  We cannot draw anyone to Christ in and of ourselves.  We cannot do the greater things Jesus promised in and of ourselves.  There is no Power without the Person of Christ.  Can we do good deeds in our flesh?   Of course.  But the question is: “can we heal the sick, and raise the dead”?

If the church is to reclaim her authority, she must reinstate the Holy Spirit as her head.   He will glorify the Person of Jesus in, to, and through us and then we will be able to wield the power of our Lord.  To neglect this important link between who we are and what we can do makes for a powerless life as a Christian and a powerless Church in the world. 
In the Character and Name of Jesus, authority has been delegated to us, not to the end of our glory but His.  I believe the Church can rebound if we will stop seeking “the power without the Person” and yield authority back to the Holy Spirit of Christ.

The Body of Christ is comprised of many members and many pieces to the puzzle that we individually hold and must lay down collectively if we are to complete the picture.   I will say that this is my piece and you may have another one that relates to the failures within.  But the failures need to be addressed for the health of the whole. 
Unless we share what we are shown that needs prayer, any action that needs repentance and ultimately correction, we will stall in a place of powerlessness and no one will see Jesus in our lives or His Church.       
The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him? 


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