In honor of Purim, it's interesting to re-read and re-visit the story of Esther in the Biblical book that bears her name.
This is an amazing and encouraging book and historical account of the over-arching protection by God for His people. I can see some interesting parallels with what was happening to them back in the days of Esther and the King of Persia, and where God's people find themselves today.
The account tells of a time when the Jews were living in exile in the land of Persia. Life was reasonably peaceful but a person with antisemitic hatred had the ear of the King.
The Body of Christ is like a nation within a nation much like the children of Israel were over the course of their history. We are a group of Christ followers living in exile away from our Heavenly Home. We have our "Hamans"; those people in power who lie about us and the "threat" we are to the nation and the world. Their persecution takes various forms from hateful derogatory speech to acts of violence and threats of bodily harm.
The story of Esther is a story of courage and standing firm in the face of incredible odds for her people's right to exist. It is an encouraging story given the social, political and spiritual environment we find ourselves in today.
Esther was a beautiful Jewess who had captured the heart of the King in the land of exile and he made her his Queen. Unwittingly, the King of Persia had been deceived by one of his advisors, a man by the name of Haman, about a contrived threat the Jews (and a man named Mordecai) were to his kingdom and was manipulated into signing a decree calling for their annihilation.
Haman did not know of Queen Esther's genealogy nor the favor she had with the King. Queen Esther was the one person of Jewish descent with standing who could approach the king for favor and she did so with humble grace and great courage.
Since the decree, once sealed could not be revoked, the King out of love for his Queen and her people, permitted anther decree to be sealed whereby it was granted the Jews the ability to fight and defend their lives against any who would come against them. When the devious plot was brought to light, Haman was hanged on the very gallows he erected to dispose of Mordecai.
As I read this historic account, God's Sovereign providence is clear despite the fact that His name is not mentioned in this book reflecting some of the struggles the Jews have had in their lands of exile.
It is clear to me that while the "battle belongs" to the Lord, we must be prepared to do battle as He grants us the right to fight and defeat the enemy who brings charges against us. While I see the battle in spiritual terms, the message is clear that we must fight against the attempted annihilation of the faithful here at home and around the world.
Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the dark rulers in the heavenly realm who manipulate people and fan the flames of hatred toward all who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The weapons of our warfare, we are told, are not carnal but have Divine power unto the bringing down of strongholds (power grips) that exist to challenge and if possible destroy our lives, our faith, and our calling in God's great purpose and will.
The story of Esther reminds me of all that our Lord God controls and provides for our victories in the trials we face in our temporal land of exile.
It is important to note that the "Haman" hatred toward people of faith is the hatred inspired by Satan himself and is not reserved only for the people of faith but rather a hatred of all humanity in general. No one is exempt from being a target of this demonic hatred. The evil one hates all mankind and seeks to destroy even his loyal followers. It's only a matter of time until they too are marked for annihilation.
It's now so important that all who are followers of Christ pray for the lost; even and especially those who self-identify as enemies of our Lord. It's been said that the best way to get rid of an enemy (human and so far as we are able) is to make him a friend.
Who knows and perhaps you were born for such a time as this.
The Spirit is Calling. Can you hear Him?
This is an amazing and encouraging book and historical account of the over-arching protection by God for His people. I can see some interesting parallels with what was happening to them back in the days of Esther and the King of Persia, and where God's people find themselves today.
The account tells of a time when the Jews were living in exile in the land of Persia. Life was reasonably peaceful but a person with antisemitic hatred had the ear of the King.
The Body of Christ is like a nation within a nation much like the children of Israel were over the course of their history. We are a group of Christ followers living in exile away from our Heavenly Home. We have our "Hamans"; those people in power who lie about us and the "threat" we are to the nation and the world. Their persecution takes various forms from hateful derogatory speech to acts of violence and threats of bodily harm.
The story of Esther is a story of courage and standing firm in the face of incredible odds for her people's right to exist. It is an encouraging story given the social, political and spiritual environment we find ourselves in today.
Esther was a beautiful Jewess who had captured the heart of the King in the land of exile and he made her his Queen. Unwittingly, the King of Persia had been deceived by one of his advisors, a man by the name of Haman, about a contrived threat the Jews (and a man named Mordecai) were to his kingdom and was manipulated into signing a decree calling for their annihilation.
Haman did not know of Queen Esther's genealogy nor the favor she had with the King. Queen Esther was the one person of Jewish descent with standing who could approach the king for favor and she did so with humble grace and great courage.
Since the decree, once sealed could not be revoked, the King out of love for his Queen and her people, permitted anther decree to be sealed whereby it was granted the Jews the ability to fight and defend their lives against any who would come against them. When the devious plot was brought to light, Haman was hanged on the very gallows he erected to dispose of Mordecai.
As I read this historic account, God's Sovereign providence is clear despite the fact that His name is not mentioned in this book reflecting some of the struggles the Jews have had in their lands of exile.
It is clear to me that while the "battle belongs" to the Lord, we must be prepared to do battle as He grants us the right to fight and defeat the enemy who brings charges against us. While I see the battle in spiritual terms, the message is clear that we must fight against the attempted annihilation of the faithful here at home and around the world.
Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the dark rulers in the heavenly realm who manipulate people and fan the flames of hatred toward all who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The weapons of our warfare, we are told, are not carnal but have Divine power unto the bringing down of strongholds (power grips) that exist to challenge and if possible destroy our lives, our faith, and our calling in God's great purpose and will.
The story of Esther reminds me of all that our Lord God controls and provides for our victories in the trials we face in our temporal land of exile.
It is important to note that the "Haman" hatred toward people of faith is the hatred inspired by Satan himself and is not reserved only for the people of faith but rather a hatred of all humanity in general. No one is exempt from being a target of this demonic hatred. The evil one hates all mankind and seeks to destroy even his loyal followers. It's only a matter of time until they too are marked for annihilation.
It's now so important that all who are followers of Christ pray for the lost; even and especially those who self-identify as enemies of our Lord. It's been said that the best way to get rid of an enemy (human and so far as we are able) is to make him a friend.
Who knows and perhaps you were born for such a time as this.
The Spirit is Calling. Can you hear Him?
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