The Holy Spirit calls to me as I ponder a very strategic verse out of the Old Testament that He has used in my instruction and subsequent application for a long time. In certain seasons we are given wisdom that is in advance of the season to which it applies. Such is the wisdom for Isaiah 26:20-21 through 27:1-5.
Day by day the Holy Spirit draws me to His counsel as I seek to understand the Mystery of Yehoveh God and His ways.
Yehoveh is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (now know as Israel)
Yehoveh is the Father of Jesus/Yeshua who is.....
The Messiah/Savor of Humanity.
Names matter, titles matter when we have a wide range of "gods" competing for our worship, so I purpose to be specific as I share my thoughts and Yehoveh God's Word.
Each day as I ponder and meditate on these verses, I see more and more relevance to our circumstances and how they very much apply to our current events.
While the world seems to be spiraling out of control, Adonai's (translated Lord/Master) words are an anchor point for those of us who trust in Him.
Isaiah 26:20-21 says, "Come my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you. Hide yourselves for a little while..."
A national lock down unlike anything most of us have ever seen has been executed whereby we all have a reason to isolate and we can wonder if the Lord is facilitating an excuse to follow His directive.
Isolation of this sort also requires us to "wait upon the Lord" and "be still and know that He is God". Directives we find elsewhere in His Word.
"Until His wrath is past". This speaks of Adonai's protection as He is prepared to execute a penalty much like the day of the Pass Over in Egypt when the death angel struck the land and the Hebrews were kept safe in their houses with the Blood of the Lamb on their doorposts.
"For see! Adonai emerges from His place to punish those on earth for their sin".
Adonai's punishment may be executed publicly or personally. It doesn't take the courts of men or human laws for Adonai to hold the wicked accountable and therefore become the objects of His wrath. The Spirit of Holiness can send a wasting disease or even a meteor to execute His justice. "For see!" indicates we will see His designated punishment on the wicked.
"Then the earth will reveal the blood shed on it and no longer conceal it's slain".
As we "see" the punishment fall upon the wicked among humanity, we will also see the blood shed they are guilty of as more of what lies hidden gets exposed.
We are now being made aware of horrific stories of abuse enacted against children and all who have been victimized in the trafficking of humans for money and power.
Much evidence is mounting that the issues regarding the 2020 election are more than merely a difference in politics and point to a sinister subculture of depravity and such evil beyond the average citizen's comprehension, thus the activation of Yehoveh's Divine intervention.
Isaiah 27:1-5, "On that day, Adonai with His great strong, relentless sword will punish Leviathan, the fleeing serpent, the twisting serpent Leviathan. He will slay the sea monster."
The spirit of leviathan is a truth twisting spirit like a crocodile that grabs hold of its prey and twists it until it (truth) dies. The reality of our times is that deception, lies, half-truth and fake news, has filled the airwaves. This verse reminds me that Adonai is the punish-er of such a dominant evil as it is such a powerful force that we, the people, have little defense or discernment with which to judge and reject the lies.
Interesting to me is that it is referred to as a "fleeing serpent". This is after Adonai executes judgement on wicked humanity. "On that day", He then goes for the spirit whose lies have covered up the evil.
After having executed His punishment on the depraved, and the evil dark spirit behind them, the verses turn toward:
"A pleasant vineyard
sing about it. I, Adonai guard it
Moment by moment I water it
so that no harm will come to it
I guard it night and day."
I see this as a picture of our Nation. America the beautiful. The nation Adonai has blessed above all others, even though wicked people have infiltrated and compromised our land with an anti-American, anti-God agenda, Adonai still upholds us.
I have no anger in Me.
If it gives me briars and thorns
As in war I will trample it down
And burn it up at once.
UNLESS it takes hold of my strength
In order to make peace with Me
Yes, to make peace with Me."
It is clear that, as Adonai delivers America from the corrupt and depraved people and their despotic anti-god agenda, we must then choose to restore our land by taking hold of Adonai's strength in order to return to our delightful destiny as One Nation Under God.
As we live and begin to experience our rescue in these dark days of our nation, there is much work to be done and it's up to God's people to share the truth about THE One True God who saves us from the enemy of our soul and is delivering us from the evil that has almost destroyed our God-ordained republic. Are we as God's people ready to take up that challenge?
The Holy Spirit is calling Can you hear Him?
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