Sunday, February 6, 2022

Death Where Is Your Sting?

 I Corinthians 15:55

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  The 3rd anniversary of the sudden death of one of my Beloved sons has arrived. 

Since his departure from my sight, I have suffered in the agony of separation anxiety.  The loss of a child is the deepest grief that a parent can experience.  I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death with father, mother, brother, husband and child and losing one that I loved from the moment of conception until he drew his last breath here on earth is like no other loss.

My Lord speaks truth to my wounded heart.  "I know your pain and I have planned for your comfort".

What can comfort the grief of such a loss?  And how can you know my pain?  Questions flood my mind with the honesty I have with my Lord.  But then He reminds me of the cross. 

It's on the cross where Jesus and the Father endured the greatest pain of separation in their eternal relationship.  I cannot imagine the grief of our Heavenly Father to look upon the brokenness of His magnificent creation heaped upon His only Son.  To see the brutality of humanity's heart of hatred vented on Yeshua's body when He was sent to show us the Love of God toward men.

To hear the ancient words of King David flow from the dying Son's lips, "My God, My God why have you forsaken Me?"  And to observe the fullness of the law and penalty for sin vented on the sinless Son is something I truly cannot fathom.

To think that all His suffering came about by mistake or strictly by the hands of evil men or demons, is to discredit our Creator and His complete Sovereignty in and over all things.

What then is the "comfort" for the separation anxiety we feel at the death of our Beloveds here on earth?

Understanding that both Jesus and our Heavenly Father know and have felt that horrific pain of separation, to an even greater degree, because it was perhaps the first time in eternity that their unity was broken, helps me to cope with the pain of mine. 

Why did Jesus choose suffer the emotional separation and physical death especially since He is God and could have avoided that pain?  The answer is His LOVE! His love for you and me bound Him to the Holy and irrevocable penalty for sin: both relational death and separation from our Heavenly Father and physical death of our carnal body that houses our immortal soul. 

His love sacrificed so much, so that we can be together for all eternity. Simply put, in love, He didn't want eternity to continue on without us. Jesus was not content that any should perish but rather that we might all be with Him forever where He is. Through His death and resurrection, we have the incredible blessed goodness and hope of eternal life.  And just like He said, He has planned for our comfort even before we felt our pain.

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?  




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