Saturday, March 12, 2022

Hide and Go Seek With Jesus

Life is never dull when your Best Friend is the Creator of the Universe. I am one who thrives on word pictures and my Lord has always revealed things He wants me to think about through mental pictures that I can convert to principles of His wisdom and will.  

Living in a forest has enabled me to visualize the original Garden of Eden and the place where Adonai walked among His Creation.  On my personal journey with Jesus, I am always learning delightful new things about His will and His ways. Sometimes there is even a game involved and it's very much like the childhood game of 'Hide and Go Seek' in the forest.

The will of Adonai can be very mysterious and not easy to find without a deep search. One day I was pondering how His wisdom is like finding a treasure hidden in a vast forest.  Life has been for me like treasure hunt of discovery, unearthing all that our Creator has buried for us to find on our earthbound journey.  A visual appeared in my mind.  I "saw" Jesus and me, together enjoying sweet fellowship when suddenly He disappeared.  This was my clue that it's "Game-On" and time for me to begin the search to find Him and the treasure He wants to share with me. 

Some parts of the forest are deep and dark.  Not scary but hard to see through. The search gets intense.  When I feel I am lost among the trees, I cry out to Him, "Lord, where are you?" My Beloved will call to me to follow the sound of His voice. As I near the place where He is hiding, I hear the familiar laugh and I know I'm close. Then I "see" it, the golden nugget of truth He wants to share with me. The smile on His face and in His eyes assures me He is pleased with my perseverance.

As I am enjoying the pleasure of His company, thinking about how He leads me to all the great hidden treasures of wisdom He has buried for me to search for and with Him to find, I am suddenly sad at how many of His disciples will not or do not play the game with Him.  So many do not understand that when Jesus hides, He wants us to seek for and find Him and the treasure He is holding for us that remains hidden. 

The visual itself has become a lesson for me in sensing His heart of sadness if or when I walk away having lost interest in the pursuit of holiness for the prize He has waiting, just as a child playing hide and seek with friends gets left all alone when the seekers leave the game.  I know full well, I don't ever want to leave Him alone when intimate fellowship is what we both desire. 

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?



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