The Holy Spirit calls to me this morning. Headline news is all abut the advance of evil and the subtle deceitful messaging says there is nothing we, as believers can do about it.
I understand the "spoken" words don't actually say, "Hey, Believer, you can't do anything about it", but the enemy called "the Prince of the power of the air", plants seeds of discouragement and whispers into our ear that we and our Lord are no match for the wicked actors running things in this realm.
Yeshua told us, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing" (John 15:5), yet He also reminds us "With Yahweh nothing will be impossble". (Luke 1:37)
As I follow the lead of the Holy Spirit and ponder the call to prayer, I wonder "how can I know what to ask? I am reminded of the "model prayer" Yeshua gave His disciples and left the same for us that includes:
They Kingdom come,
Thy will be done.
In earth as it is (being done) in Heaven.
I have discovered in all my early morning thoughts and conversations with The Holy One that He is calling me to intimacy and communications that flow with His wisdom, knowledge, understanding, wise counsel, courage, love for Yahweh, and strength to battle with Him against Heaven's antagonists.
As I ponder the Lord's model prayer that He set before His Disciples then, and for us today, I realize in order for me to know His will, I must enter what I have come to know as "the secret place". Here is where I leave the generic description of prayer, placing what in my human mind I think is a viable resolution to life's challenges and draw close to my Sovereign Creator God in the Person of the Holy Spirit, to see from His perspective the best resolution and His way of bringing it to bear.
So much of the time, I find I am to quick to give my Heavenly Counselor, a fast-fix blueprint of how I think He should answer rather than seek His wisdom, His way in the process where we both agree that the goal is to bring resolution to the threat, confusion, harm or pain we, or others we know are suffering in the world we have been commissioned to subdue.
Heaven's best (Thy Kingdom come), and Yahweh's good will (Thy will be done) is the end game, but in truth we do not know what Yahweh knows, so the need for His perspective outweighs any and all of my human opinions of what's best. Yielding to that requires trust in Yeshua that is primarily found in the secret place especially if His way is delay.
Being with our Heavenly Father via the Holy Spirit in the secret place is where, I believe, Yeshua our Messiah, got His marching orders and directives that resulted in the supernatural interventions in what we see and identify as miracles; Yahweh doing what only Yahweh can, by overruling the natural limitations we, as humans, have to change what is.
Going into "the secret place" enables us to see past the object of our prayer assignments and align with the One who knows all things about that person, or situation, even chaotic world events, from beginning to end, and addressing the most pressing needs our petitions should represent for powerful effective answers.
Your Will, Your way, has become my personal heartfelt prayer in "the secret place" and in the end, I realize answers to prayer always come when I know what to ask.
The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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