In the dark early morning hour just before dawn, the Lord conveys one word: COURAGE.
This is like a banner in my dream state. As I come into the place of meeting with my Lord, the first thing I register is the account of Caleb in Numbers 13-14 and again in Joshua 14.
The backdrop to this is a study in what has been called the "7 mountains" or spheres of influence in our Nation through which we are to impact our world. The 7 mountains stand as places in our culture whereby we as followers of Yeshua, are to exercise authority in this, our One Nation Under Yahweh, God of all Creation.
These spheres of influence have been invaded and dominated by the "giants" of pagan ideology, have corrupted our Godly heritage and all but decimated our once cherished values which are the foundational rights and responsibilities of our original covenant called the Constitution of our United States.
There are only 2 nations in all of history chosen by Yahweh to represent His order in society: Israel and America. Our constitution is based on Biblical values of freedom with law and order as the fundamental tenant of social order that brings such freedom to all our citizens.
Globalists have found their way into the fabric of all these spheres of influence and pushed an agenda to "fundamentally change" America. Most of us have been asleep at the switch and failed until recently to realize the depths of corruption and manipulation being executed against us, by enemies both foreign and domestic.
That said, The Lord has given a strategy whereby His people can once again operate and have victory in our One Nation under His ruling authority. We can once again be THE UNITED STATES of America.
The weapons that we fight with are not carnal but Divine (mighty through God) to the bringing down of "strongholds". 2 Corinthians 10:4-6. "We demolish arguments and every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ."
Since Yeshua came, lived among us, died our death, was resurrected to life and ascended to His Heavenly Throne of power and authority we have been given back our original assignment and with the Power (via His Holy Spirit unleashed at Pentecost) to subdue the earth. Title deed of the earth has been re-issued (as it were) to Yahweh's imagers. We are His regents with the delegated authority to manage and care for His created world.
Our Divine dominion is exercised in the same way Creation began:
In the beginning, Genesis 1 tells us that the Spirit of Yahweh hovered over the darkness and said, "Let there be Light". The original word "Light" is not the illumination light of the sun, created on the 4th day, but more specifically, OHR. OHR is the word used and means: to bring order out of chaos. Darkness is chaos. Light is Order, and God's order was brought out from the chaos of the darkness. Darkness is the absence of light. Light pierces the darkness and brings order to the chaos.
Interesting that in Ephesians 6:12, where we are given a clue about our earthly struggles, we are told, "for we are not struggling against human beings, but against rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers GOVERNING THIS DARKNESS, against spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms". (CJB) Then Paul tells us to take up every piece of our war equipment that Yahweh provides.
Notice that these evil powers govern the darkness NOT THE LIGHT. Who governs the Light? The Light of the World! Jesus IS the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. When He left earth, He gave to us His power and authority to accomplish His will. To operate in our delegated Dominion as His "regents" here on earth takes confidence and courage. BTW, Regent: a person appointed to govern a state temporarily because the Monarch is absent. Such is our assignment to govern and bring the gospel (Light) to all nations.
The Creation account reveals the source of our power to overcome the darkness: The spoken Word. LET THERE BE LIGHT! Bringing order to the chaos of evil is accomplished through the spoken word. We have been restored to Our Creator's original plan to co-labor with His Created in the government of His/our world.
This is the Word of our Testimony, and it is the Blood of the Lamb shed in our behalf that provides for our restored relationship with our Heavenly Father and Creator God with the restored assignment: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth, rule over (take dominion) over the fish in the sea, birds in the air, and every creature that crawls on the earth. I.E ruling authority over all His created world.
Jesus, before leaving Planet earth, restated our assignment: Matthew 28:18-20,
And Jesus came and said to them, "all authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...." The goal of our delegated dominion is to bring all nations to and under the ruling authority of Jesus. With this commission comes the power: Luke 10:19, "I have given you the power to tread serpents, and scorpions under foot and to TRAMPLE ON ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY, AND IN NO CASE SHALL ANYTHING DO YOU HARM.
We are living with "Kingdom" authority, but not without opposition by evil enemies of our Kingdom and our King.
Back to the message of Caleb. Caleb was one of 12 scouts sent into the promised land and only 1 of 2 who came back with the en-couraging word that while the giants in the land were big, the God of Israel's army was bigger. 10 of the team sent to scout out the land came back with a dis-couraging word that created fear, and a refusal to move forward in battle to take the promised land. Ultimately it caused the entire nation to wander for 40 years in the wilderness which should have been a 2-week journey into the promised land.
Sadly, the worse penalty for this lack of courage and faithlessness in Yahweh's power was the inability for the older generation to even enter the promised land. The giants in the land of promise were physically giants. In our world today the "giants" can refer to the size of the opposition and the corrupt teaching of their ideology that so many have taken up and either capitulated to or fearfully chosen to appease and not resist.
The message of today rings loudly in my ears as a prayer warrior with and for my Kingdom and my King. Words have power and the enemy knows this principle better that we do but uses the knowledge to speak destruction, corruption and chaos over our nation thru cooperative humans.
Our responsibility and privilege is to speak Divine Creative words over all the darkness we find, but it takes courage to use our voices and declare: Let there be Light (OHR) as our Creator did and then He proceeded to speak His ordered universe into existence.
The Last words of Jesus before returning to His Heavenly Throne of all power, enforce the command, "In the world you will have tribulation, but take COURAGE, for I HAVE OVERCOME (defeated, gained victory over) THE WORLD (of darkness).
As the Lord spoke the word "courage" to me this morning, He told me: "If you will exhibit the courage of Caleb, I will give you all you need to take the high country and defeat the giants in the land!" What a promise, but it begins with "IF".......
Courage is contagious! When we who trust in the promises of our Lord, continue to exercise the authority delegated to us when Jesus left planet earth, speak worthy words and reject the lies of an enemy, changes happen, and productivity occurs to the benefit of humanity.
The battle for America is raging. This is our "promised" land and we can see the giants with their pagan ideology in opposition to our Constitutional covenant with Yahweh and each other. Will we find the courage in trusting that: with Yahweh, God of America, we can take (back) our land, restore the good life under His ruling authority and fulfill the destiny our founders envisioned and He ordained at our foundation?
The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?