In these difficult days comes an evil remedy for all the hurt and pain being inflicted on God's imagers. We are under assault by a wicked "spirit" whose goal it is to convince humanity that all is hopeless, and we have no value or purpose in this one life we have been given.
The "spirit" of suicide has flowed into our culture and is taking victims by the minute. Drugs open the mind to thoughts of self-harm and that is where the battle is fought and won. For Christians we must be conduits of God's unconditional and everlasting love for those of our own kind. We must destroy the works of the devil and work hard to set the captives free.
The battle rages and was brought to this realm when Jesus came, invaded planet earth and set about destroying the works of the devil and commissioned His followers to do the same. We are His army now. We have His Holy Spirit within us, His authority behind us and His delegated dominion ahead of us to flow in our destiny to say and pray: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done here on earth as it is (being) done in Heaven!
We begin the journey as followers of Jesus, by accepting His invitation to be reconciled to our Father in Heaven, Who created humanity for that very purpose: A Relationship of love, honor and mutual respect, living as a community forever, as in eternal, never ending.
As we accept that invitation, we acknowledge we have sinned and fallen short of the requirement to be Holy as God is Holy. What can take away our sin? In God's economy, only the Blood of Jesus can atone (pay the price established), wash away and cleanse us, due to the fact that we are born with a sin "nature" that has no other remedy. It's not just this sin or that sin that exempts us from a relationship with Creator God, but it is a DNA component we cannot shed that came with the fall of humanity way back in the beginning.
The core of humanity (our heart) is despitefully wicked, and each of us are a rebel against the standard of Holiness and only a change of heart can enable us to draw near to God and He to draw near to us.
Enter Jesus, whose Holy Blood, atones for that sin nature, provides a heart change, and allows all who are willing to accept the gracious gift of Redemption, to be reconciled back into our love relationship with our Creator. Words matter and must be defined to bring understanding: To atone: to pay the established price for forgiveness. Atonement is a term that means reparation, repayment for an offense or injury. Redemption: The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. Reconciliation: The restoration of friendly terms (most importantly in relationships).
Jesus has accomplished all three through His sacrificial death on the Cross. It is not for us to judge the Judge of all Creation nor debate the terms of our salvation. It is for us to gratefully accept that terms do indeed exist, and we can choose to accept or reject them.
Jesus came to destroy the "works of the devil". Suicide is an evil work or agenda to destroy God's beloved imagers through self-destruction. Murderous rage is a means by which we destroy one another but suicide is self-inflicted, and in many ways silent and unseen before it's too late. It is for us to be vigilant and on our "game" to recognize the subtle signs of hopelessness and speak life over those in despair.
It is also important to understand the evil motive behind the spirit of self-destruction.
The enemy of our Kingdom and our King fears the King's imagers who understand the battle and are enabled to defeat him here on earth. The devils don't care how many of us die and go to Heaven, they don't care how many die and go to hell. What they care about is the number of us who are fighting their wicked agenda here on earth.
The fallen angels (elohim, gods) have no opportunity for redemption and their power in this realm is all they have to hang onto before being thrown into the eternal abyss. We who know the Kingdom battle we are in and understand our delegated authority here to conquer and prevail against all forms of the evil one's agenda, are his target. Suicide prevents the victim from becoming a kingdom warrior.
The similar tactic is used when through flesh temptation, we are self-obsessed and in bondage to ungodly thoughts, and actions.
It's time for all of us to wake up to the kingdom battle we are in and fight for our own kind who are struggling with lies of the enemy devaluing us as God's (Yahweh's) imagers with a Divine commission and the tools to accomplish it in Jesus's (Yeshua's) Name.
The Holy Spirit is calling. Can you Hear Him?