You were born with something……..
That has been called, “Free Will”…….
It’s part of who you are…….
Freedom is such a wonderful feeling……
There are so many choices to make……
And you want each one to count……
But you have been told about a garden……
Way back in the beginning of time…...
A choice made……
That didn’t end so well.
You have personal knowledge…..
The story must have been real…..
Because you, too, have made choices…..
That didn’t end so well.
You fight guilt and condemnation……
Always feeling the distance…..
From the “One” you realize you must have offended…..
By your awful choice…..
That wrong road taken…..
That wrong turn made.....
But just……
What if…..
The “One” you know you have offended…..
Already knew every bad choice you would ever make…..
And loves you anyway?
What if…..
The “One” who resides…..
Outside the box of our world and our humanity….
The “One” who knows the end of everything…..
From the beginning of anything…….
The “One” who created every cell in your body….
And knows every hair on your head…..
Has a higher purpose in the bad choice that you made?
What if….
Beyond the guilt and condemnation that you feel….
Lies a truth that the bad choice was, in reality…..
Just a way to capture your attention?
What if….
That guilt you feel……
Activates God’s Sovereign “Homing Devise” …..
Embedded in your DNA……
Calling you to Himself?
And it really doesn‘t matter….
What the awful choice was back then…..
So long as it gets you home.
The “One” who created you for a love relationship with Himself….
Has proven His love…..His Forgiveness…..
He died on a Cross…..for you…...His name is Jesus…..
He is calling you… Himself…..
And now another choice must be made.
His voice tells you it really can end well…..
Can you imagine that?
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