Friday, July 19, 2024

Intercession for Our Nation 7-19-2024

Each morning as I wake up, I hear the Holy Spirit calling me to come and talk the things over that He has planned for my day.  I commit each day with all the events, opportunities, and challenges that I might run into this day to Him; to guide me and teach me His will and His ways. 

Yesterday in a prayer meeting with my sister intercessors, we talked about how the last 3 + years have been quite eye opening for our nation, and how much we have learned about the depths of corruption in our nation and the world. 

After his loss (?) in 2020, Donald Trump made the observation that sometimes you cannot tell people the truth about what is going on, they must see for themselves and with their own eyes come to understand the truth.  

Here we are in 2024 agonizing with the truth that in 2020 we (some of us) were sold a bill of "goods" that was actually a rotten agenda with a flawed and weak President that has harmed our nation: our land and our citizens.    

Many in our nation have cried out of a broken heart, "God where are you?"  For those of us who know Him, we know that He has been right here with us and from His Sovereign throne, He allowed it for a greater purpose.  

The call to intercede whether for our nation, church or individuals, requires me to get God's perspective and to pray accordingly.  That said, part of my early morning private conversation with Holiness is to inquire.  "Lord, how do I process what I see and what do you want me to understand about Your Will and Your ways so I can intercede effectively and align myself with Your plans and purposes.

Corporate and substitionary repentance has gone on for the blood guilt in our nation.  Blood guilt brings a severe consequence to the nation or individual who has engaged in such actions.  History reveals that we as a nation have done horrific things and such must be confessed and repented over, with a heart plea for forgiveness and atonement that only Jesus can provide. 

Intercessors for our One Nation established at our foundation to be under God have had the conviction and provided such an appeal to Heaven. It seems our God has accepted our repentance and we are thankful that His Sovereign control is becoming apparent.

This morning the Lord takes me back to the events that happened on Oct 7, 2023 in Israel. The shock of the carnage was beyond human imagination.  As I inquired as to why His "protection" was removed, the Lord told me 2 things: 1. The land is defiled.  The music festival was pagan and the people have forgotten their Torah.  2. He revealed the abject hatred the enemy of humanity has for Yahweh's imagers and how the evil ones will try to despoil even our physical body beyond mere death, thus the mutilation of their bodies beyond recognition.  NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE HATRED OF THE FALLEN ELOHIM TOWARD US. 

This morning the Lord has me reflect upon His precedents from His Word and that brings me to the ways Yahweh disciplined Israel over history and the way He might be disciplining our Nation today.  

I noticed that in the annals of Israel's history, the Lord has used enemy armies and foreign actors to facilitate His Sovereign Will, not unlike we have seen in our own country.  The GOOD news about God's ways, is that when the "tool" He chose to use to discipline Israel had accomplished His Divine purpose, the "tool" was then dealt with; as in put aside, neutralize from any further destruction against Israel and made aware of His Holy indignation against over-playing their role.  The ongoing destruction of Hamas is confirming evidence of this precedent after the massacre of Oct 7!  

The symbolism is not lost on me today.  In our nation, the foreign governing, the terrorists invasion, and the call to return to our destiny being heard by many across this land, speaks to me of this precedent of His ways with His beloveds. We hear You, Abba Father!  We cry out to You, Yahweh: deal with those beings (both human and supernatural) who, having been a tool You used to open our eyes and convict our hearts of our deep and desperate need for You, to be put aside, and neutralized from any more destruction of our Nation and our people.  Restore and re-set us back on our Biblical foundation and covenant called the Constitution in the ongoing fulfillment of our original destiny. In Jesus Name and for Your glory!  AMEN and AMEN!  

We declare the "JOY", the "Justice of Yahweh" has entered the earth and our One Nation Under Him. His judgment will not be postponed!

Psalm 125:3, The Scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous so that the righteous will not apply their hands to injustice"

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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