Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just a Servant

The Holy One calls me today with the most gentle reminder that I am not the core of any universe. While that may seem like a put-down, it is really one of the greatest blessings in truth.

God Himself exists outside of any box I might try to place Him in. Consequently His life pre-eminates over all things that touch my life. "What is man that you are mindful of him?" Heb 2:6

The Triune Godhead; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the core of all existance. From the moment of conception and our first cells to our last breath before exiting our human "tent", life here is all about our Creator. Everything about every one of us would have no value were it not for the value placed on us by our loving Creator.

It is from this value that God Himself has placed upon His creation, man, that we run amuck. Created in the "image" of our Sovereign God, we bear His likeness but still cannot exist without His life sustaining essence that we don't even begin to comprehend.

With our implanted creativity, man can build the towers of Babylon, put together the elements that link the world in cyberspace, but no matter what the "genius" mind in man has been able to accomplish, death happens and life as we know it ceases...yet God is still God; timeless, endless, eternal.

When, at last, we come down to the stark reality that we are not "gods" nor capable of any existance outside the permission and allowance of a Majestic and Holy Sovereign Creator, then and only then can we begin to function in the satisfying fulfillment of our life purpose.

We were created for fellowship. We were created for the pleasure of our amazing Creator. We were created to co-govern the planet and bring all glory and honor back to the Creator from whom all blessings flow. However, at some point in the great story, man lost his focus. Man began to think that he is god.....that he is the master of his own destiny, without regard to any Divine origins.

Our "free will" only goes so far in the Creator's sovereign and complete will. In the same way that the muntiny in Heaven by Lucifer was only tolerated for so long, our human rebellion in heart and mind will only be allowed to vent for so long and then we all must stand before our Creator, a Holy, almighty, all powerful, incomparable Being.

How patient is our God, who has allowed each one of us to "test" our independence and self will only to discover that we are nothing without Him. Then to have sent His only Son, Jesus, to save us from ourselves and bring us back into original fellowship.

For my heart and mind, one of the greatest blessings is in the knowledge that I am not the core of the universe but rather a servant of the One who created it.

The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?

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