The Spirit calls me this morning. The significance of this time and season is acknowledged by all of us who call Jesus our Savior. The house is quiet this year. One of many since all the kids moved on and into their own personal Journey with Jesus. We will get together later, but for now the heart longs for those who have left and a return to the days gone by.
As a parent it is so hard to watch my children leave home and the sorrow can be overwhelming.
I wonder what it was like for the Father to watch the Son leave home?
I often wonder what it must have been for the God of all Creation to leave His Glory and wrap Himself in flesh? But today, the Holy One has me focus on the the heart of the Father who sent His Son into the world to pay sin's debt to Holiness.
What must it have been like for the Father to watch the Son leave home?
His birth on earth was not the beginning of the plan for redemption of His fallen Creation. But it was the pivot point in the history of man upon which our eternity depends. God so loved the world that He sent His only Son that whoever believes in Him (that He died in our place for sin) will not perish but have eternal life.
The plan was crazy, from the human point of view. Unbelievable for most. That God, the Son would descend from His Heavenly Throne and come to us in the form of a human baby, small, frail, and vulnerable. Crazy, that God, the Father would send His Son to watch him die on a human constructed Cross to pay the sin debt of the world. Crazy that God, the Spirit would raise Him up in a transformed body to the Glory that was His before the creation of the world. Crazy, the love that devised the plan. Crazy, that it was all for us, His beloved creation.
Satan, the arch enemy of Heaven was no doubt laughing with glee at the Creator's lunacy in making Himself so weak as to be like His Creation. But that is where evil made his fatal mistake. Satan believed one of his own lies, the one that has stumbled men over all the generations: That God is made in the weak image of man.
The truth is that man is made in the Glorious image of God and the birth of Jesus is the very evidence of that Sovereign fact. Could it be that everything about Jesus; His birth, His sinless life, His death, His Ascension was to prove that God's original design was not flawed until sin entered in?
Jesus came from Heaven to Earth to model for us our original glorious potential in unbroken fellowship with our Creator and with an eternal future that the human mind cannot begin to fathom. But in order to participate in that future, the power of sin unleashed at the fall had to be broken.
The question that comes to mind is "who, under the affects of the fall could break the power sin unleashed at the fall?" The answer is: No one but God Himself and that is, after all, the point.
Man did not create God, God created man. Who then could pull man up out of the death that sin promised but the One who created man in the first place. And we were created in His image. The Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit form the Trinity, and we were designed to be a three part whole: the flesh, the soul and the Spirit.
Born in sin at birth, we lack the Holy Spirit. Not only did Jesus come to model our potential to live a Holy life, He sent the One, whose role and part of us, our humanity was missing: The Holy Spirit. He is now available to all who would come to acknowledge the desire and desperate need to be in relationship with our Creator and willing to accept the Only Way to get there.
The Son left home to bring back many sons and daughters to the Father's love. He left home to gain and insure that eternity would provide the supreme joy for His Father's heart: to be surrounded by those He created , who worship Him for who He is. To provide through His death a huge eternal family from every tribe and every nation on earth .
What must it have been like for the Father to watch the Son leave home? Much like it feels to my own heart today, very bitter sweet. The sorrow of broken fellowship for the moment but filled with the knowledge that when they do return home, they will be bring back many new ones to flood my heart with joy.
I am thankful to the Holy One for putting the temporary separation in perspective and reminding me of the joy of a bigger family. One that will be together for all eternity.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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