Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Reason for the Season

The Holy Spirit calls to me this morning.  The news is blasting away with "tis the season" and then all the whoopee over the greeting "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" or any variation thereof.

The Christmas season is upon us and for some years the conflict has been escalating between the world and religious people over Dec 25th and who owns the "rights" to that day on the calendar.  Many are saying "This is our day and you have no right to hijack it and make it less than what we say it is".  Others say,  "I'm not even a Christian and yet you force me to acknowledge the preeminence of Christ on that day and by your tradition refuse me an alternative Holiday."

As I ponder the debate realizing how heated it has become, the Holy One reminds me that He has an opinion and I need to hear it.  He starts with a sobering question, "Could it be that the Lord Himself does not want His name attached to the worldly celebration of gross materialism that western Christmas has become?"

We defend that day with all our vigor and even virile indignation (otherwise know as hatred) against all who seek to take the "Christ" out of Christmas.  But, seriously, what has been lost when those who are called by His name are so caught up in the worldly extravaganza that we just blend in with the crowd and put Santa next to the manger in our hearts and minds.

The world does not honor Christ as Savior or as Lord, so why insist that they be forced to yield to our acknowledged reason for our personal celebration of that day.  The roots of traditional Christmas date back to the politics of religion in a different time and place than the actual time and birth of our Savior. 

Tradition has taken the place of faith so why are we so shocked that the same spirit of darkness that began the tradition has taken it back again, and now to the point that even Christians are on board.   Leaching Holiness is the devil's ancient game.  Offering an "appearance" of goodness and mercy hooks us and then the complete distraction from Holiness is easier.

The birth of Christ happened in history.  But it is the personal love relationship between us and Him that matters in the context of life on earth and beyond.  And the reason we need to acknowledge His birth is to be humbled by His death.  Jesus Christ came to die in our place.  He was born to take away the sin of the world. 

Unfortunately, Heaven is not the final destination point for all who will celebrate the birth of the Savior on earth and spend years exchanging gifts and shouting "Merry Christmas to those we meet.  All that outward stuff matters not if our hearts are not Christ's home.  Unless the Birth of the Savior takes you to His death on the Cross,  His Divine Birth and the celebration counts as nothing for you.

I will celebrate the good cheer and the giving that the season inspires, but maybe it is time I stop the huge fight for the "tradition" of the season and think more about how I can offer the world the alternative of my faith in the "Reason" for the season.

Back to the original question: "Could it be that the Lord Christ Himself does not want His Name attached to the worldly celebrations as it stands today?"

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?


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