The Holy One calls to me this morning. So much to process with the political storm that is brewing. The two parties revving up for a big showdown come Nov, 2012. I was quite politically motivated up until the last presidential election. But when my vote was over ruled and my "party" and it's principles were over ruled, the only thing I could do was mourn. For me, it represented the death of the country I love.
The Lord spoke to my heart then and reminded me that we are in the land of exile, far from our Heavenly home. He encouraged me then with the words from Jeremiah 29:4-9. In this passage of Scripture, He spoke to me, "In the land of exile, I will be with you. I want you to live and prosper there. Pray for the land of exile and it's people."
While I mourned the death of hope, I realized that my hope was ill placed. The death of hope in the system of government was not hope in the One who gave it. The hope in the goodness of men was not hope in the only One who can make men good. During the process the Holy One redirected my thoughts and my hope.
So here we are. Deeper in the cess pool of unholy things, living under Divine indictment we deserve for having betrayed our Godly principles of life and law and justice. Having betrayed our God ordained purpose set forth at our foundation, we are all suffering corporately as if we cast the deciding vote to allow a bramble bush to lead us.
Such is the way of the Republic under which we are governed as a country. As the contest heats up, we all seem to be at a loss of intregity and any semblance of Holiness. How can we begin to discern the character of the candidates when such mud-slinging represents the rules of engagement.
In the watches of the night, the Spirit speaks to my concerns. Ezekiel 14:12-20, The parallels are unmistakable between this ancient prophecy and today's world:
"The Word of the Lord came to me, son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off it's food supply and send famine upon it. and kill it's men and their animals. Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job were in it they could save only themselves by their righteousness declares the Sovereign Lord.
The passage continues to make the point that the days are upon us when each person's right standing before the Lord is the only thing that will protect him and further to the point that we will only be saved individually.
If anyone is counting on someone else's right standing rather than a personal relationship with Christ Jesus,their goose is cooked. No longer will we be able to point to church membership, family relationship, or someone else's good behavior we may try to model. God's indicment will fall upon each one who is not under the protection and covering of the Blood of the Lamb, (Jesus Christ) who He sent to save us.
This scripture declares that we, as a country are ripe for judgement, and to look around, if we are honest, it appears to have already begun. The Holy One is silent and allows His Word to set heavy on my mind, almost as if the warning has been given.
It needs to be passed on to those who are ignorant and blinded by the voice of the deceiver who says, "peace, peace when there is no peace.", the voice that says, "your government will save you", the voice that says, "it's just an ordinary storm and you can ride it out, better days are ahead".
Unless we heed the warnings and seek the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, while He may be found, we will face the coming wrath and judgement alone and accountable. The indictment against a country and the judgement of famine, drought, sword, bloodshed, and "natural disasters" will be seen as mercy throughout eternity, because in each of these strong, hard circumstances of life there is still time to reprent and turn and find the Savior who died for all.
Jesus did not die for a country. He did not die for a system of Government. He died for you and me, as indivuduals created by God to spend eternity with Himself. Death on earth without a personal decision to accept the Creator's gift of life available only through the Son, Jesus Christ is death for all eternity.
The greatest grief in the heart of our Beloved Savior is for the person who remains unsaved after what He did to redeem them. For in that person's eternal existance, Jesus suffered and died in vain.
The clock is ticking, and the question looms large, where will you spend eternity? What we see around us happening in this country should serve as a wake-up call. Do you want to face the wrath of a Holy God alone? We each have a personal life and God sent a personal Savior, Jesus Christ. But do you know Him?
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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