I wake this morning in desperate need of wisdom, and guidance and a strategy for a new season. The war is not over and it won't be until Jesus comes for us. The last battle was brutal, our unit took a hit and casualties occurred.
We lost a marriage covenant to divorce. Lust and immorality won the day. A family lies broken and the evil one cackles in my ear. Circumstances have been painful to process and the Holy One registers my grief.
He speaks into my hurt and confusion and the humiliation at watching the principles of Holiness trashed by a worldly system of values upheld at the expense of truth, honor and integrity. He speaks gently to my heart, "I know your humiliation. I know your grief. I know the unfairness of a worldly court of ungodly men (and women)".
Then I remembered His Word to those of us who are suffering shame or indignities for having taken our position against the standards of the world. I Peter 4:12 says, first of all, "don't be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you."
The Holy One asks me, "does it shock you that people hate you for trying to live by Biblical principles? Does it surprise you that in any debate regarding a Holy standard, most will justify or overlook failure in living up to the standard and even more to the point, will condemn you for pointing to it?"
"Don't be surprised!"
Then, in I Peter 4:13, "But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ."
As I thought about my humiliation and the humiliation of my family, I was taken by the hand of my Savior, on a walk back in history to the day He hung naked on a cross. The details of the crucifixion have been well documented but the one thing I didn't realize is that "normal" crucifixion was on a cross that was 12 inches off the ground, at eye level to anyone passing by. I always visualized in my mind that, in the place of crucifixion somehow our Savior was elevated above those who were mocking, not at ground level where all human dignity was destroyed.
The visual made me weep! I know that He understands my humiliation and now I can better understand and embrace His. Knowing that He knows and understands the sorrow of such persecution and the humiliation I feel, brings a deep comfort to my soul.
And then, He directs my eyes heavenward where I catch just a glimpse of His Glory, seated at the right hand of the Father. "Rejoice so that you may be overjoyed when His Glory is revealed.
Knowing that my Savior is on His Throne and He will never again be humiliated by evil men, gives me delight. His Glory is my cause for rejoicing. In living out my life here on earth until Jesus comes again, I know I must fight on for my kingdom and my King; for His honor, to uphold the principles of His Word and obey His commands, no matter what the sacrifice.
I have it on good authority that anyone who desires to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. Persecution is guaranteed. Humiliation is bound to occur as the devil plays out his end times strategy. But throughout God's Word, He encourages me with His promises for victory here that usually begin with "in a very short time", or "in a little while" or "My righteousness draws near speedily." While it is true that the Lord operates on a different timetable than we do, for with Him, a day like a thousand years, still, His Word is alive and applicable to each and every situation and decision and action I take in my world today.
The reality of persecution is not a pleasant thought. We, in American have it easy compared to other believers in this world. As the days grow darker before the great and dreadful day of the Lord's coming, with whatever suffering we are called to experience, may we remember well His ultimate sacrifice and rejoice that we belong to Him.
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
I wake up every morning to the "Call" of the Holy Spirit. It is in these quiet times just before dawn, that the Lord speaks to my heart. This blog is an attempt to share some of what I hear...and to encourage others to listen for His voice because...The Holy Spirit is calling.......
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Humanity's Dominion
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