Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Ark in the Storm

The Holy one calls to me this morning. There is an especially dark foreboding in the atmosphere.  It's starting to rain.  Gentle at first, then come the torrents. 

I have learned that the Mysterious One who calls my name frequently abides in the dark swirling clouds of uncertainty.  Our move to a state where the seasons and weather patterns are forces to reckoned with, has provided me with symbolic references to the Creator.

Weather and seasons are out of my human control and they have given me a deep sense of vulnerability that emphasizes my human need to be in the care and keeping of Someone bigger than myself.

Having come from a state of almost perpetual sunshine, California, my self-serving agendas were never interrupted by rain or snow or tornadoes or the formidible "winds of change".    Earthquakes would shake the earth below us but they were short lived and unless the house was above the epi-center of the "quake" little effect was felt by most of the population. 

Here in the South East, the heavens shake and the power of nature sends visible and audible reminders of our inability to control our environment.  We all experience the power of an electrical storm with  it's dramatic thunder and lightening.  Most weather events pass with little damage to our lives but they still serve as a reality check that a force greater than our frail human bodies is out there.

Today's storm is a fitting back drop for my early morning meeting with the Holy One.

His warnings come with the deepest compassion.  "Just like in the days of Noah, the door of the Ark is about to close".  Genesis 6-7

For any who do not grasp the important events of the Old Testament or understand how each represents to us a picture of God's Son, our Savior, Jesus the Christ, let me explain this one. The ark of Noah was a symbol of Christ to come, and the flood was the real life judgment by God upon the ancient earth and it's inhabitants.

Noah was a man who had found favor with God because he looked for and found a relationship with Him.  While the whole world was indifferent to the outstretched hand of the Sovereign Creator, Noah made his connection.  It is written that Noah walked with God. (Gen 6:9).

Because Noah was in a relationship with God, God talked to Noah.  And Noah listened.  God told Noah what He was about to do, and gave instructions along with a blue print for a vessel that would become his place of deliverance from the wrath to come. 

The Holy One provides me with a visual in one of those "freeze frame" like moments to just study the scene:  The world under the indictment of Holiness.  The flood of God's judgment.  One man, his family and a few animals bobbing around in a box called an "Ark".

Today is a day of deep concern for those of us who are grieved by all we see.  We know the world is ripe for some form of judgement due to all the wickedness of man that just grows worse by the hour.  Something is coming though we know not what.  As I am caught up in the Lord's message to my heart, I feel a peace come over  my being.

In pondering the text, I realize Noah's rescue was IN the flood, DURING the unhinging of the waters of the deep, and AMID all the destruction heaven unleashed against the wicked inhabitants of the earth.  His rescue was in and not out of the danger zone.  The rain and water fulfilled their purpose while Noah, his family and the animals God intended to keep safe, floated in the water-proof vessel.

What a comforting picture of God's faithful provision for His people considering the conditions of the world we live in today.  Evil abounds, and wickedness is flourishing.  God's indictment has been given but there is a place of safety to be found. 

Within the Church is a hope for what we call "Rapture", but there is a great debate as to when it might take place relative to what is understood to be the "Tribulation" period.  The account of Noah provides a sense of comfort for all who are walking with God and listening to His voice in our day.  We will be kept safe regardless of one's interpretation of the sequence of the rapture/removal of the Church of the Living God.  Jesus is the Eternal Ark of our Salvation, no matter what we may have to face in the days to come.

Matt 24:36- Jesus recalls the days of Noah and relates it to the day and hour that is coming but unknown to the mortals of this world. Speaking of the end of the age, Jesus said:

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son but only the Father.  As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.  For in the days of Noah before the flood, people were eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage up to the day Noah entered the Ark.  That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.  Therefore keep watch!  You do not know on what day your Lord will come."

It seems to me that in the days leading up to the flood, Noah's voice could be heard but was ignored. It has been said that Noah faithfully built the Ark over a long period of time, like 100 years or so.  His daily life and work was clearly visible to the world around him.  The sheer size of the project would have made it a tourist attraction or at least a curiosity to any inquiring minds.

God's love is patient and He does give warnings to those who have an ear to hear Him. The fact that earth has survived over 2000 years since He sent His Son into the world to bring the knowledge of the Creator God to us humans is evidence of His long enduring patience.  However, scripture tells us that there is a day on the Calendar...a moment when the history of man's days upon the earth as we know them will be over....fully written.... complete.... and then will come "judgement".

Until that day, the Ark of our Salvation stands open.  The Ark of God's eternal deliverance is holding out His hand of mercy and rescue. Time is short but until the very last moment of God's amazing Grace there remains a way of escape.  Just as there was only one Ark, there is only one Savior and only one way to escape God's ultimate judgement.  His name is Jesus. 

The Ark was pounded by the force of the judgment of our Holy God, yet the occupants within survived the wrath of Holiness.  The "Ark" was a symbol of Christ to come.  Christ, on the Cross was pounded by the force of God's judgement for all the wickedness of men.  Yet for all who come to Him for safety and rescue, He is the "Ark" of our salvation and deliverance.  He died the death for all of us and paid the price for sin but only those who enter into a relationship with Him will be spared on that last day.

The clouds on the horizon are forming, and it may well be starting to rain.  Have you made it to the safety of the Ark? 

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?




Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Storm

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  A huge thunderstorm rocked my world last night leaving me for hours without electical power.  But now in the quiet of the dawn, He beckons me into a brand new day. 

I think about Jesus and what it may have been like to walk and talk with Him like the Disciples did. I can only imagine the awe and wonder of watching the Creator of all move among His Creation.  The concept of Trinity is difficult to grasp, but then so is the principle of gravity to my unscientific mind.

The Holy One enters into my imagination and guides me to the place of the historical account of when Jesus was asleep in the boat while the storm was threatening to end all of their lives at sea.  The picture of Jesus, the Christ, asleep in the boat...the sea raging....and the Disciples falling apart is interesting to process in light of last night's storm.  (Matt 8:23-27)

It is a picture so many of us are living in today.  The storm is raging, the boat is rocking and the One we are called to trust and follow seems to be asleep.  We find ourselves crying out, "Oh God, wake up, wake up, wake up!  Can you not see I am about to perish?" 

How can this be?  The Creator of the storm is asleep in it?  Oh the mystery of our Sovereign God.

Through the miraculous, Jesus established the fact of His Deity in the hearts and minds of His Disciples.  The storm and His authority over it came early in their relationship with God in the flesh.

The Disciples had just heard the words of life Jesus spoke in what we call, the "Sermon on the Mount".  The Disciples had been eye witnesses to His healings, yet, now, when their own lives seemed about to be altered in a dramatic and devastating way, the One they hoped to be "Messiah" was sound asleep.

Isn't it funny how we can trust the Lord in someone else's life, but then fail to trust Him when the trial touches our own.

The strong winds, the thunder, the lightening, the loss of power during the twi-light hours of last night brought all the natural elements of this life's vulnerability to a head.  The storm was symbolic and this morning, the threats hit my mind like waves upon the boat that the Disciples were in that night long ago.  I found my own self wondering, "Jesus, are you asleep?"

The soft voice of the Holy One falls gently upon my ears, "I will never leave you.  You are safe with Me. Just trust Me".  His peace reminds me that storms will come and storms will go.  The Holy One speaks and I must listen.

All the provisions were made for the Disciples to arrive safely at their appointed destination and the same is true for me.  I know that life is not so much about the storms that hit but about the way I choose to go through them. 

The One who oversees each of life's storms, is the very One who captains my boat.  I must trust my temporal life here, to Him, in the same way I trust Him with my eternal life hereafter.

 Maybe someday He will teach me how to "rebuke the winds and the waves".  But until then, I will continue to trust Him to do it.

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Holy Navigator

The Holy One calls me this morning in the dark and quiet beginning of a new spring day. Celebrations of Passover and the Resurrection of the Savior of the world, Jesus the Christ,  have passed and a new year has begun.

The Holy One has arranged for some very interesting new friends and new experiences and a deeper revelation of Himself.  Each detail of life is very carefully, personally and Sovereignly orchestrated by the One who called time itself into existence.

Sometimes the only thing to be done is to bow at the Throne of Sovereignty with the deepest reverence for the Holy One and there surrender any and all personal agendas that the human mind has the audacity to plot and plan. 

The Holy One listens to my heart.  He speaks gently.  He knows my concerns.  He knows me better than I know myself and now, He asks me to listen to Him:

Isaiah 46:3b-5, "Listen to Me, you whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth.  Even to your old age and gray hairs, I AM HE.  I AM HE. I am He who will sustain you and I will rescue you."

The greatness of our God spans eternity.  Yet we are so worried about the temporal.  This new season requires an even deeper dependency on the Lord my God.  My "plan" never included being a temporal widow.  I know a little about becoming an eternal bride with all it's symbolism conveyed in God's Word, but when the one hit, the other became that much more relevant to the world that I wake up in each day.

The Holy One has gently led me these 9 months since my temporal husband crossed the finish line of his life journey on earth.  While there are times when the sense of that loss can take my breath away, my Lord's undeniable Presence sustains me just like He promised in His written Word.

All of us are facing challenges today.  There is no life that is perfect or one with all the answers to those deep questions we find ourselves asking.  But what I do know is that the One who places the stars in the Heavens, the One who calls the sun to rise each and every morning, the One who loves all He created and said, 'It is good", has an eternal plan for each one of us.

What we experience this side of Heaven is, in some way, preparation for what is to come.  Nothing is random in God's economy.  The question for me is, "will I allow the honing of my life (that we call sanctification or being made into His likeness) to go on unimpeded by my will, or my fears or my rejection of opportunities to trust Him at the deepest levels"?

While there is much I do not understand about this life and the events that unfold, I am thankful to know the One who does.  Life is, and can be an exciting adventure when the Holy One is THE Navigator.  He holds the map and the ultimate destination point, and I have chosen to trust Him with the itinerary He Himself has designed for my life journey.  How about you?

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?   

Humanity's Dominion

Lately intercession has called me to remember our role as the immortal image bearers of our Majestic Creator God.  The Holy One calls me to ...