Sunday, January 26, 2014

Creative Words Spoken Here

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  Life is changing at a very accelerated pace.   Hopes fade as the reports of economic stagnation and violence here at home and around the world highlight the "doom" that most feel in their being. 

I find my personal solace in the relationship I enjoy with my Lord through His Holy Spirit and look forward to meeting Him at first light.  With what I "see' going on and having the call to intercede in prayer and petition, I constantly feel the burden and fight to not become overwhelmed with sorrow.

There is such a temptation to simply "go" with what I see is so wrong, bad, or evil as if nothing can be done, and I sometimes forget that I am an ambassador for the Creator God.  I am a representative of the Sovereign Savior whose earth life modeled "interrupting" the chain of bad things with miraculous fixes of all sorts.

The Holy One speaks to that commission:  To follow in the footsteps of my Jesus and join with Him in speaking Creation's life over those things that seem dead or evil or corrupt in the world today.

The Holy Spirit reminds me that my commission is not unlike the one Jeremiah was given so many generations ago.  Each believer has a similar commission and that is to speak what we hear the Lord speak and do what we see the Lord do.  Jeremiah listened.  "therefore, this is what the Lord says, "If you repent I will restore you.  If you utter worthy not worthless words, you will be my spokesman."  Jeremiah 15:19

The back burner story of my life parallels Jeremiah's which is a temptation to wring my hands rather than fold them.  In my mind and his, were deep questions about the persecution he was getting for speaking God's words of warning to the people.

For me, there has been a deep conviction to warn of the consequences to come for failing to remain true to our Kingdom and our King, yet and while living out the reality of a "shoot the messenger" reaction from those who should know better.

Jeremiah's message to the nation was a hard one and his doubt came in wondering where God was in his persecution and pain.  Like Job who sat waiting for God to speak, Jeremiah did as well.

But God...never fails...and He did speak!

God exhorted Jeremiah to repent for his doubts;  his worthless words questioning his commission and his calling.  God's answer was His reinstatement of Jeremiah's mission and the promise of His faithfulness.

Today, as the Lord speaks to my mission and His faithfulness, I hear Him say, "Speak words of creation not destruction".

The exhortation sends me to my file cabinet of old spoken words.  I realize it is filled with declarations and statements that agree with what I see, not what I desire, but more importantly, not what the Word of God proclaims.  What I "see" and then go on to agree with or make statements confirming such conditions, only serves to empower the one orchestrating the evil. 

My mind recalls the Life of my Savior when He walked among us.  Never did He wring His hands and agree that blindness, lameness, spiritual darkness or even death should remain unchallenged or unchanged.   Jesus never said that the blindness wasn't "reality" at that moment, but He offered to speak restoration of sight to the eyes.   Jesus never looked at the poor pathetic victim and agreed that their condition was to be pitied and not corrected.   Creative power to change lives and circumstances was what He modeled and then delegated to His followers. 

I am humbled to realize when I agree with the travesty of what is so wrong and fail to speak Heaven's Good Will over-ruling that which is evil, I am failing to rightly represent the Sovereign King I serve.

The enemy of our soul delights to hold all of us in bondage to his wickedness and in ignorance as to our authority to change what we see that he has orchestrated on earth.

Today, the Holy One in His gentle and encouraging way is reminding me that the power to change what we see on earth that is contradictory to His will, is in the tongue.  The tongue that is surrendered to the Holy Spirit of resurrection life.

The promises of God are for everyone who is called into Salvation and restored in relationship to our Creator God and Heavenly Father through the life, and death of the resurrected son, Jesus the Christ.

Every promise written in the Holy Scriptures are mine to claim.  With that being said, I know that as I take the challenge to find all those priceless promises of good things in His Word,  I will also get the wisdom and conviction about what Holiness wants to correct in me.

Just like today, the Holy One convicted me that He wants to change some of the language of my heart. He wants only worthy words spoken.  He wants me to grasp the power of Creation's words.  He wants me to participate with Him in changing what is wrong and fixing what is broken.

It is a privilege to join with Him in creating an atmosphere where the best things in life can flow, in spite of what I "see" at any given moment. 

Abraham, the Patriarch of our faith, in his old age, "was enabled to become a father because he considered Him faithful  who had made the promise."  Abraham did not agree with the evidence he saw when he looked at his 100 year old body and his 90 year old wife.  

We need to have the same faith resolve when it comes to the promises of God no matter what we "see" in the earth realm.  Faithless discouragement can cause me to verbally agree with the evidence that wickedness rules life and circumstances.  That is patently untrue but if we yield to that lie, we will be unable to stand against it.  God waits patiently for our participation. 

Today, I choose faith.  Today I choose to utter worthy not worthless words.  Today I choose to declare that the goodness of all God's promises are mine and I choose in purpose that only creative words will be spoken here.

The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?


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