Sunday, March 20, 2016

Do You Trust God’s Ways? ****

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  I confess that I live my life in God’s Word.  Many have tried to convince me over the years that the Word is not to be taken so literally but I do tend to see my life literally or symbolically on every page.   All my struggles, all my hopes, and all my circumstances are somewhere written in God’s Word.

I guess I am a hopeless romantic for the Sacred Romance that I read about in the Holy Scriptures.  From the damsel in distress waiting for her rescue to the kingdom battle between good and evil, I see the Heavenly things as my earthly reality.
The Holy One challenges me periodically to check myself in the trust department.  He questions me on that issue today.
“I know you trust My will BUT do you trust My ways?”
God’s Word is His will.  And I do definitely trust His will.  But there is, in my mind, a difference between trusting His will and trusting His ways of bringing it to pass in my personal life and trial. 
When I cannot see the road ahead, it is harder for me to trust my Navigator.  Many times the Lord has told me to “fly by the instruments” when clouds cover my view of the terrain.  Today He reminds me of His Word:
2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk by faith and not by sight”.  And then, Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”.
I understand by God’s Word that I am being sanctified (made Holy) through the trials of life that come my way.  But when the “bee stings and the dog bites”, as they say, I wonder about His ways.  In the beginning of a hard trial, I find it difficult to see or accept what appears to be His “way” of perfecting me.  Bottom line is that I squeal like a stuck pig and try my best to avoid the cross until I come to terms with what He allows as His “way” within His will.
My Lord brings me to the faith crisis where I must, on shaky legs, stand.
Mary and Martha were brought to a similar place when their brother Lazarus died.  In the culture of the day, the death of their brother was in many ways the death of their life as well.  He was their provider and protector and held the inheritance rights that were needed for their future and lives as women.
Their desire was to have him healed to carry on in life as one they loved and needed. The account of Jesus raising him from the dead in John 11 was a beautiful representation to me that their desire and God’s will was the same.   But for a few agonizing days and in a life and death trial they were forced to accept God’s ways, which were quite different than they imagined in the discovery and execution of His Will.
They suffered in a temporal loss to have revealed to them God’s eternal gain: Jesus their friend, was also the Resurrection and the Life.  God wrapped in flesh and the One who holds power over death as well as sickness.   God’s will was the greater revelation and His way for them required Lazarus to die so Jesus could come and exercise His power over death.  
We have this account as an applicable principle foundation for our faith.  Today I simple confess, “Lord, your will AND Your way, may it be as You say.  Please give me the faith to trust you even when I do not understand Your way”.
When it seems that surrender means my death and I surrender anyway, the Cross has had its perfect result and resurrection/restoration is soon to follow.   I must continue to stand firm believing that my heart desire and His will are one in the same but I also must trust His way of bringing it into my life. 
The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?

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