The Holy One calls to me this morning. Not too long ago anarchy filled the streets of an otherwise quiet town in the mid-west. A spirit of lawlessness has been unleashed and we can see how prophecies warning us about that spirit in these days called "end times" is very accurate.
It is very easy for people to point fingers and cast blame but the incident that captured nationwide attention is just one of countless examples of the lawlessness we are witnessing all around us every day. Lawlessness causes disorder. Social laws broken result in social chaos. But what happens in the Lord's community when His rules are ignored or broken?
The church is the Lord's community. In essence, the church is a nation within a nation not unlike Israel who was a nation among other nations and when God sent them into exile, other nations tried unsuccessfully to absorb them.
The Israelites maintained their national integrity even when greater nations at the time tried to break their identity as God's "Chosen" and destroy the unity of their "tribes".
We live in the "land of the free" yet religious persecution is happening. Our spiritual nation as the church is under attack, but the weapons being used against us are not just swords and spears. Evil has other more effective weapons to draw from to destroy our unity and take us out of the battle.
Today, the Holy One speaks to the danger of apathy and compromise. "All this lawlessness did not happen in a day. The evidence and consequences of disobedience to social laws happens over time. Once you turn to darkness, the light fades slowly". I know the Holy One is speaking a deeper truth regarding rebellion than the visible anarchy I see in the world.
We tend to think that to walk in rebellion of the Law Giver we serve, would bring an immediate consequence and that we would be catapulted into a dark place quickly. But in reality the sun going down casts long shadows in the evening until there is no more light.
Apathy and compromise create a drift from Holiness. A little slumber, as they say, and poverty will come upon us (Prov. 24:33-34). Spiritual slumber creates spiritual poverty and spiritual anarchy takes over the life. Christians are especially at risk because the "spirit" of anti-christ targets our will and, since our "freedom" is found in the willing surrender not enforcement of our rights, surrender is most often required of us.
Christians are citizens of another kingdom. This land is not our home, but we are still attached to this world by geography if not by heart, and over time we can lose sight of our Kingdom and our King.
I regard the book of Malachi as an important one to ponder since it was the last book of the old Testament before the first coming of Christ. I see similarities in the struggle and the conditions here on earth as back in the days before Jesus came the first time.
Here is an excerpt from this book:
Malachi 3:13-16, “Your words have been harsh against Me says the Lord, yet you say, ‘What have we spoken against you?’ You have said it is useless to serve God (our argument for compromise); what profit is it that we have kept His ordinances. And that we have walked as mourners before the Lord of hosts. So now we call the proud blessed, for those who do wickedness are raised up; they even tempt God and go free
Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another and the Lord LISTENED AND HEARD THEM; so a scroll of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and meditate on His name.”
This book of scripture touches on many things we can see in operation today in the Church and are eerily similar to conditions back in the day of Malachi in the nation of Israel under this indictment:
Polluted offerings, (giving God 2nd best), corrupt priests (false teachers) treachery of infidelity (physical and spiritual adultery) robbery of God (in resources and honor).
In this sad truth the Lord has given a powerful promise for those who keep the faith, Malachi 3:17-18, “They shall be Mine says the Lord of Hosts, on the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him. Then you shall again discern (see the difference) between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not.”
A drift begets discouragement and discouragement begets compromise. We do not know when the Lord will come back in His resurrected Glory so we must take steps to encourage one another in the faith until He arrives. This is a warning for those who will hear. I must be careful in my expressions of what I see before the last chapter in any trial has been revealed. God will always have the last word and for His people that last word is good.
If you feel yourself drifting grab hold of your anchor which is the Word of God. Read and declare His promises. Speak to each other encouraging words and in prayer speak to the Lord who is always ready and willing to speak back.
I tell you the Truth,
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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