The Holy One calls to me this morning. There is coming the season of shorter days. And as we await the return of our King I see the important symbolism of "winter" here on earth. There is a deadness creeping in. But not for all. The Lord is calling for His people to go deep and protect our roots from the chilling effects of a blanket of evil covering our lives and our land.
His words bring a stark warning: "Dead branches will be removed from the Vine".
Lately a strong word has reached my mind and heart from out of the ancient book of Isaiah 26:20-21,
"Come My people, enter your chambers and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation is past. For behold the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitant of the earth for their iniquity; The earth will also disclose her blood and no more cover her slain".
This is a picture of the Sovereignty of our Creator God, who is patient with all of us, but One Who will ultimately call an end to the evil acts of fallen humanity AND discipline the ungodly acts of His people who are living in surrender to their flesh rebellion of His Holy One within.
We can deny the Truth thinking these words were written for a different time and people but I heed the warning and take it as a command for believers in Christ Jesus . The words call to mind a picture of the Passover when the death angel passed through all of Egypt and struck every household that did not have the Blood of the Lamb on it's doorpost. Or when Noah entered into the ark and survived the Lord's judgment by water. God spoke and there are those who listened.
The Word of God is applicable for every generation and every person regardless of the age or time we have our feet on planet earth. The Creator has communicated with His created since the very beginning, but the created have personally chosen to ignore His voice, His Word and His Son who came to earth as the exact replica of His Being.
Out of the New Testament we have an updated exhortation. John 15:8, speaks of our relationship to Jesus as our being branches in the Vine. It suggests a deep abiding relationship as Jesus IS the Vine and life-giver of the branch. The Vine provides for the life of each branch. A branch that is alive produces fruit that can be enjoyed. The branch gets pruned as part of the care so more luscious fruit will come forth and the things that might destroy it are removed.
The lesson imparts wisdom:
We are to abide (dwell, stay, settle in, sink deep) in the Vine
Without Jesus (the Vine) we can do nothing (of permanent Spiritual value)
Any who do not abide in Jesus, he is cast out as a branch (loss of fellowship) and is withered (loss of vitality) and thrown into the fire (Thus indicating spiritual disaster).
"If you abide in Me and my words abide in you, ask what you desire and it shall be done for you". By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so that you will be My disciples."
Putting it all together, could it be that the Lord is calling His people into a private chamber to speak to His people about personal private things He wants us to know and implement into our lives...with the short time we have left on earth?
The question is, "Will we go?"
Will we make the time and set the place for that vital abiding connection with Jesus? At the end of the day, Jesus is asking us to be His friend, "You are MY FRIENDS if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what His Master is doing. ...."
An amazing promise-filled life awaits the "friends" of Jesus. Not only will we see the Divine hand upon our circumstances but we will also be given to understand the Master's reason for what He is doing....
Time for all of us to give careful thought to our "ways". Are we abiding or neglecting? Are we available to the Lord in relationship or making excuses for our absence? If the horn blows at midnight and life here is over, where will you be in the end?
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
We can deny the Truth thinking these words were written for a different time and people but I heed the warning and take it as a command for believers in Christ Jesus . The words call to mind a picture of the Passover when the death angel passed through all of Egypt and struck every household that did not have the Blood of the Lamb on it's doorpost. Or when Noah entered into the ark and survived the Lord's judgment by water. God spoke and there are those who listened.
The Word of God is applicable for every generation and every person regardless of the age or time we have our feet on planet earth. The Creator has communicated with His created since the very beginning, but the created have personally chosen to ignore His voice, His Word and His Son who came to earth as the exact replica of His Being.
Out of the New Testament we have an updated exhortation. John 15:8, speaks of our relationship to Jesus as our being branches in the Vine. It suggests a deep abiding relationship as Jesus IS the Vine and life-giver of the branch. The Vine provides for the life of each branch. A branch that is alive produces fruit that can be enjoyed. The branch gets pruned as part of the care so more luscious fruit will come forth and the things that might destroy it are removed.
The lesson imparts wisdom:
We are to abide (dwell, stay, settle in, sink deep) in the Vine
Without Jesus (the Vine) we can do nothing (of permanent Spiritual value)
Any who do not abide in Jesus, he is cast out as a branch (loss of fellowship) and is withered (loss of vitality) and thrown into the fire (Thus indicating spiritual disaster).
However:"If you abide in Me and my words abide in you, ask what you desire and it shall be done for you". By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so that you will be My disciples."
Putting it all together, could it be that the Lord is calling His people into a private chamber to speak to His people about personal private things He wants us to know and implement into our lives...with the short time we have left on earth?
The question is, "Will we go?"
Will we make the time and set the place for that vital abiding connection with Jesus? At the end of the day, Jesus is asking us to be His friend, "You are MY FRIENDS if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what His Master is doing. ...."
An amazing promise-filled life awaits the "friends" of Jesus. Not only will we see the Divine hand upon our circumstances but we will also be given to understand the Master's reason for what He is doing....
Time for all of us to give careful thought to our "ways". Are we abiding or neglecting? Are we available to the Lord in relationship or making excuses for our absence? If the horn blows at midnight and life here is over, where will you be in the end?
The Spirit is calling. Can you hear Him?
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