Saturday, February 25, 2017

Where Are the Testimonies? ***

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  His voice speaks into the darkness of the early morning hours just before dawn.  And even more His voice is heard through the darkness of this age and the world events happening now just before the return of our King.
I hear Him ask the question, “Where are all the testimonies of my work in the lives of my people?”     
I ponder this question and understand it has merit. There is a sadness that over takes my heart as I think about how we can be so ungrateful or lacking in appreciation to and for the One who gave so much on the cross of His crucifixion and be so silent in our devotion. 
Despite the emotion I have when I remember and imagine the agony of His suffering, that is not where the Holy Spirit is taking me in our early morning “thought exchange.  I.E conversation.
“I died in the flesh so that you can live in the resurrection”.
As I hear His words spoken to my heart, my focus turns toward the resurrection and what it means in my life today.  Because of the outrageous rescue that His death provided, life for us is (or should be) a miraculous experience of Heavenly favor day after day even as we walk on this fallen turf we call earth. 
Jesus came and in life modelled for us all that we can do, now that He destroyed the power of Satan and the “works” of the devil that injure God’s creation and His beloved humanity. The chasm between us and our Creator that came with the fall of man, has been bridged by Jesus the Son, and that symbolic “ladder” to Heaven has been offered where we can access the storehouse of our Father and the good will of Heaven for our benefit and use in this temporal life we live here on earth. That “ladder” is also our exit from the earth realm into our reserved place in the Presence of the Trinity for eternity to come. 
The Lord’s question today, tells me what He desires from me.  Where are the testimonies of His works in my life and the evidence of His being and our relationship?  How and when am I sharing all that He has done for me? 
When we are in a relational “walk” with another person, there is a unity, there is intimacy in thoughts exchanged as conversation, there is knowing the other person, there is celebration and rejoicing in sharing life’s ups and downs and what we do for each other and there is a deep gratitude for the relationship that brings such pleasure (Blessing) to life.
In Luke 8:39 Jesus told the demoniac that He had delivered from horrific bondage to "return to your house and tell what great things God has done for you". But then in Luke 17:12, we are told about how He healed 10 lepers but only one came back to give Him thanks and to glorify God   Then came the big question, “Where are the other 9?”  Where is their testimony giving glory to God because of what Jesus did?  Our testimonies about Jesus' miraculous acts glorify our Father in Heaven. 
Jesus gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, healing to the demonized, sick and infirmed, and even to these ungrateful lepers. We read about these testimonies of His miracles in times past, but now is no different as He works in our lives today.  In the smallest details of our greatest needs, Jesus is intervening all the time.  His power is always and greater over the effects of the fall and the works of the devil: Blindness, deafness, lameness, sickness even deadness as Lazarus was physically resurrected,  are all conditions subject to His Power and Sovereign Authority
The Holy One has been reminding me that the greatest evangelistic tool we have is not a degree in theology, but a life of testimonies as to what the Lord has done and is doing for us who call upon His Name each and every day.  My Lord has healed me, (supernaturally and naturally) with and without medical intervention.  He has resolved countless difficulties and challenges.  He has walked with me through fearsome events and we have fought the unseen enemy together.  We have passed through days of dark waters and hopeless impossibilities and arrived on the other side of every trial with testimonies of His Sovereign mercies.
Day after day, His Presence provides those testimonies: miraculous events of the exact help at the exact time (His), and with surgical precision of what is needed to bring resolution to the things in life that trip me up and cause me pain.
His commission to His people has not changed since He gave it:  Go make disciples and baptize them in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.  Disciple making is not that hard if we have and then share personal testimonies of what the Lord Jesus has done and is doing in our lives each day.
As we journey with Jesus and walk in a personal relationship with our Lord, testimonies ultimately abound, joy ultimately effervesces and people ultimately get saved.  As a P.S. to those who are still in the “thicket of the Jordan” and your trial is not yet a testimony today, remember and share the one from yesterday since Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow… forever and ever.  He delivered then and He will deliver now.
The Holy Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?   


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