Thursday, June 20, 2019

Passionate Depravity***

The Holy One calls to me this morning.  As things are heating up in this, our "One nation under God", I am shocked as to what is being revealed in our days.  The personal principles of our lives and our Godly character are being challenged at the deepest levels.  The body of believers known as the Church is experiencing attack, both from without and even more sadly, from within.  

We have been told emphatically by one who claims to be a "christian" that if we have a problem with the person, and the lifestyle that person has chosen, then we need to take it up with our Creator God.

This morning as I do just that, and enter into the place of His counsel, the Holy One minces no words, "Don't be confused by their "passionate depravity".  My Word stands." 

The situation that has gained so much media attention is not just a cultural or social disagreement with a given lifestyle, it has been injected into the "Body of Christ", the Church of the Living God as a point of debate and even a place of division. 

As I accept the challenge and bring this issue to our Creator God, who by His Holy Spirit leads me into all truth, He confirms what those who follow Him and know what His word reveals about humanity's "passionate depravity". 

Humanity has been given the unique ability to choose good or evil by our Creator God, and to use our free will to decide our lifestyle here on earth and our ultimate eternal destination point.

As we set about pursuing a lifestyle apart from God and His Word, the confusion sets in and we begin to stray way from the most basic truth about ourselves and the One who created us; Male and Female. 

Romans 1:24-31 gives a clear understanding of the slide into passionate depravity, the scriptures refer to as a "debased mind".

As for the Body of Christ, Jesus warned us in Matt 13:24-30 that an enemy has and will "sow tares" in the wheat field.  Tares look like wheat but are toxic to humans.  Then, remarkably (according to the parable) when asked if these tares should be uprooted when they are recognized, the owner of the wheat field said "No", lest you uproot the wheat with the tares, but leave them together until the final harvest.

The wheat field is said to be the world, but as the body of Christ gets infiltrated by ungodly people who act as agents of the enemy, we must be on guard.  As they come in to challenge the Lord our God and His Word, I see how that warning can apply to the church, and in that warning, the Church must be ready.  We must be ready to refuse the temptation to capitulate to such error and what is a classic attempt to assassinate the Divine character of our Creator God, which will invariably lead to error. 

Apart from the reality of free will in choosing a depraved lifestyle it might be argued that God is cruel in creating us one way then forbidding us to act according to the "way" we were created.  Therein lies the character assassination of our God.  Do not be deceived, it is the created and not the Creator, it is the human and not God who promotes the confusion and chaos in passionate depravity and rebellion of our design.  

The adversary of truth exhorts us to take our questions to the One Who is Truth and there is the exact place where Truth is confirmed.  My only question is have they done the same?

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him?   

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