Saturday, January 18, 2020

2020 New Year New Me

This new year 2020 has begun and I, for one, am thankful for it's arrival.  2019 was a very hard year and many trials seemed to hit all at the same time. 

A year of grief and mourning in the loss of a beloved son is almost over..... and I am changed.

Physical trials similar to PTSD and the ensuing  acute anxiety that goes with the shock (trauma) of sudden loss have offered other forms of pain ......and I am changed.

A Spiritual crisis laced them all together...and I am changed.

So deep has been the anguish that I took refuse under a rock and I'm still trying to make sense of it all. 

One of my all time favorite Christian songs is "The Warrior is a Child".  I relate to that honest expose. For all the images and talk of a strong valiant never back down from a spiritual battle front, that I prefer, the reality is more like the lyrics convey.  I have always seen this life in terms of a battle between good and evil and good must never give up or give in.  But as the song goes and the battle rages:

"They don't know that I go running home when I fall down.
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
Cause deep within this armor
The Warrior is a Child"

Each morning we wake up in a battle against an enemy of our soul. We don't have to don our armor and fight, but if we don't, whether for a day or years, we lose ground in the war.  Difficult days and hard times make us want to throw in that proverbial towel, I know they did for me.  But the Lord keeps encouraging me with the hope and promise that He will come again soon and make all things new.   

In the meantime, I continue my life-long journey with Jesus writing new chapters in our Never-Ending Story.

As for this blog, it has remained quite dormant and sporadic for a long season as I pursued other forms of outreach and networking with fellow believers,  but this year and after all that happened in 2019, I am being encouraged to refresh and revive this cyber connection with old friends and hopefully meet up with some new ones. 

So here's to 2020, a new year and a new me......

The Spirit is calling.  Can you hear Him? 


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